100字范文 > 工控组态软件 industrial control configuration software英语短句 例句大全

工控组态软件 industrial control configuration software英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-26 00:54:44


工控组态软件 industrial control configuration software英语短句 例句大全

工控组态软件,industrial control configuration software

1)industrial control configuration software工控组态软件

1.Finally, it issuggested thatindustrial control configuration software be used on a general- purpose computer to develop a new roller kilntemperature m.指出分布式温度监控系统是当前发展的主流,基于现场总线的辊道窑温度监控系统是未来的发展方向,提出了利用工控组态软件和通用计算机开发辊道窑温度监控系统的新思路。

2.The structural character,the system configuration of hardware and software ofindustrial control configuration software MCGS,and the corresponding design of software were introduced in this paper.主要介绍工控组态软件MCGS的结构特点、系统软硬件配置以及相应软件设计,说明工控组态软件可以适应一大类被控过程要求及在客运索道控制系统中的应用,可以节省大量开发过程中的低水平重复劳动。

3.The paper introduces the communication protocol of Siemens S7—200,and the way of composing basic course of MPI,at last,introduces the mothod of the communication between the S7—200 and theindustrial control configuration software WinCC.简单介绍了西门子S7—200的通信协议,然后论述了利用西门子S7—200可编程控制器组建多点接口网络(M P I)的基本过程,并讨论通过M P I网络实现S7—200与工控组态软件W inCC之间通信的方法。


1.The Application of GENESIS for Windows in Brewery工控组态软件GFW在啤酒厂的应用

2.The Designment and Application of Industry Control Configuration Software;基于Web的工控组态软件设计及其应用

3.Research and Implementation of Running Platform for Industry Configuration Software;工控组态软件运行平台的研究与实现

4.The Application Technology of the Industrial Control Software CITECT;工控组态软件CITECT的运用技术

5.Empoldering Monitoring System of Mulch Trickle Irrigation for Cotton Based on Industrially Controlled Configuration Software基于工控组态软件开发棉花膜下滴灌监控系统

6.Application of configuration software in chemical experiment teaching工控组态软件在化工实训教学中的应用

7.Research and Application of OPC in Configuration Software;OPC技术在工控组态软件中的研究及应用

8.The Research on Web Publishing System of Configuration Software Based on Internet/Intranet;基于Internet/Intranet的工控组态软件Web发布系统的研究

9.An Approach to Creating Dynamic Demonstrations of Teaching Plans of the Electrical Controlled Circuit by Taking Advantage of Industrial Control Configuration;利用工控组态软件创建电气控制线路动态演示教案的方法

10.R&D of Configuration Software and its Application in Visual Programming of CNC;工控组态软件的研发及其在数控机床可视化加工中的应用

11.Application of the Industrially-controlled Configuration Software in the Practice Teaching of Electro-mechanical Drive工控组态软件在机电传动控制实践教学中的应用

12.Design for model reference adaptive liquid level Control System Based on Configuration Software基于工控组态软件的模型参考自适应液位控制系统的设计

13.Development of Software-Configurable Industry Controller Module;可软件组态的工业控制器模块的开发

14.Research and Development of Industrial Process Monitoring Configuration Software;工业过程监控组态软件的研究与开发

15.The Application of COM Technique in Industrial Controlling Configuration Software;COM技术在工业控制组态软件中的应用

16.Study on Industrial Computerized Tomography Configuration Control Software Based on Component Technology;基于组件技术的工业CT组态控制软件研究

17.Study on Industrial Computerized Tomography Configuration Control Software Based on Component;基于组件化的工业CT组态控制软件研究

18.The Design of Configuration Software for Engineer Station Based on Mini-median DCS中小型集散控制系统工程师站组态软件设计



1.MCGS is adopted to develop the HMI.针对包钢带钢厂加热炉实际情况,以计算机与可编程序控制器(PLC)为控制核心,由数据采集与处理、燃烧控制、钢坯优化加热、压力调节、事故报警与自动保护、驱动执行机构、人机对话等控制模块子系统构成 ,采用工控组态软件 (MCGS)开发人机接口可视化界面 ,系统具有界面友好、易于操作、运行可靠、便于升级扩充等特

2.This paper explains the technical concept in precision agriculture, and consequently a technical designing system for intelligent decision, stressing on the computer controlling center with PLC, which can solve the technical difficulty in combining intelligent decision supporting system with executive body byMCGS.阐述了精确农业的技术思想,提出了精确农业智能决策的技术设计体系,并重点分析了以计算机与PLC为系统的控制核心,并利用工控组态软件(MCGS)解决智能决策支持系统与执行机构的技术集成问题。

3.Use the extensive OLE function of the industry control softwareMCGS to embed the controllers intoMCGS to realize the automatic control.分析锅炉液位和温度系统的控制特点,采用VB设计锅炉液位和温度控制器,利用工控组态软件MCGS的OLE扩展功能,将液位和温度控制器嵌入到MCGS组态软件中,实现液位和温度的自动控制。

3)configuration software工控组态软件

1.Research and Application of OPC in Configuration Software;OPC技术在工控组态软件中的研究及应用

2.Application ofconfiguration software in chemical experiment teaching工控组态软件在化工实训教学中的应用

4)Industrial configuration software工控组态软件

1.This paper discusses how to make a couple of industrial configuration software from English interfaces to Chinese.文章讨论一些西文工控组态软件界面的汉化问题。

5)Industrial configuration software MCGS工控组态软件MCGS

6)industrial control configuration software WinCC工控组态软件WinCC

1.The paper gives a introduction to the procedure of using S7-400 programmable logic controller to build PROFIBUS,and discusses the methods for realizing communication between S7-400 andindustrial control configuration software WinCC through PROFIBUS.本文叙述了利用S7-400可编程控制器组建PROFIBUS现场总线的基本过程,并讨论通过PROFIBUS实现S7-400与工控组态软件WinCC之间通讯的方法。

2.The paper gives an introduction to the procedure of using S7-300 programmable controller to build multiple point interface network and PROFIBUS, and discusses the methods for realizing communication between S7-300 andindustrial control configuration software WinCC through multiple point interface network and PROFIBUS.本文叙述了利用S7- 30 0可编程控制器组建多点接口网络 (MPI)及PROFIBUS的基本过程 ,并讨论通过MPI网络及PROFIBUS实现S7- 30 0与工控组态软件WinCC之间通讯的方


