100字范文 > 根尖倒充填 Root-end filling materials英语短句 例句大全

根尖倒充填 Root-end filling materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 12:37:05


根尖倒充填 Root-end filling materials英语短句 例句大全

根尖倒充填,Root-end filling materials

1)Root-end filling materials根尖倒充填


1.The clinical applicatine observation of galliun alloy in apectomy镓合金在根尖切除术中根尖倒充填的临床应用

2.The Study of Cytotoxicity and Root-Ending Sealing Ability of Retrograde Filling Materials in Vitro;根尖倒充填材料细胞毒性及根尖封闭性能的体外实验研究

3.A retrospective clinical study of amalgam and mineral trioxide aggregate as root-end filling materials银汞材料与MTA材料作为根尖倒充填材料的临床效果评价

4.The effect of radiation of Nd:YAC laser on sealing ability in retrograde fillingNd:YAG激光照射对根尖倒充填术窝洞封闭性影响的初步研究

5.A Comparison of Sealing Ability of Endodontic Treated and Post Restored Teeth Obturated with Different Obturation System不同充填体系根管充填后纤维桩修复的根尖封闭能力比较

6.Clinical study of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) for retrograde root fillingMTA用于根管倒充填临床疗效观察

parison on the effects of apical sealing by two kinds of root canal filling materials比较2种根管充填糊剂对根尖封闭性的作用

8.Microleakage of continuous wave of condensation with different tapered gutta-percha in vitro连续波充填技术配合不同锥度牙胶尖充填根管的微渗漏研究

9.An in vitro comparison study on sealing ability of continuous-wave condensation method and cold lateral condensation method连续波热塑充填和冷牙胶侧压充填根尖封闭效果的比较研究

10.Study on the effects of apical sealing with two kinds of root canal filling material at different post-space-preparation/filling time二种根充糊剂不同充填时间对根尖封闭性影响的研究

11.Results N-octyl-a-cya noacrylate is well qualified in root canal,and had an exact degree in filling ro ot tip foramen and root canal wall.结果医用胶根管充填材料在根管中质地均匀,根尖孔及根管壁充填密合。

12.The acute inflammation was related to the root preparation,root filling and periapical leision.急性炎症与根管预备、根管充填、根尖周区骨质破坏程度有关。

13.Evaluation on the quality of root canal obturation and on accuracy of electronic apex locator for determining root canal working length电子根尖定位仪测量根管工作长度准确性及根管充填质量的评价

14.Clinical observation of mineral trioxide aggregate when used as root-end filling material无机三氧化聚合物用于根管倒充填的临床研究

15.Investigation of Influence on Apical Sealability Generated by Root Canal Sealer Placement and Distribution;根管充填糊剂的输送方式及分布模式对根尖封闭性影响的研究

16.Study on the obturation effect of two tapered gutta-percha cone on canals with different shape两种锥度牙胶尖侧方加压充填不同形态根管的效果

17.surface gravel pack地面倾倒式砾石充填

18.The effect of different gutta-percha master cones on first penetration depth of spreader and apical microleakage根充主牙胶尖对侧压深度和根尖微渗漏的影响


retrograde filling根尖倒充填术

1.The apical leakage is one of the most frequently come across reasons that lead to the endodontic surgery failure afterretrograde filling.根尖倒充填术后根尖发生微渗漏是导致根尖手术失败常见的原因之一。

2.Methods: Case records of 41 teeth of 41 patients who performed by endodontic surgery with chronic perioapical periodontitis were divided to 4 groups in which there were 12 cases of periapical curettage,10 cases of apicetomy,5 cases ofretrograde filling and 14 cases of apicetomy +retrograde filling,respectively.方法:选择有记载的有随访的根管外科治疗的病例41例共41颗牙齿,分别根据所采取的手术方式分4组,分别是根尖刮治术组12例,根尖切除术组10例,根尖倒充填术组5例和根尖切除+根尖倒充填术组14例。

3.AIM:To discuss the effect of apical seal achieved after root resection with Er,Cr :YSGG laser inretrograde filling, and to provide the important theoretical and experimental basis for the clinical application of Er,Cr :YSGG laser.结论 :Er,Cr:YSGG激光进行根尖切除、预备与常规手机预备具有同样的根尖封闭效果 ,因此有望在根尖倒充填术中取代手机 ,应用于口腔临床。

3)retrograde filling materials根尖倒充填材料

1.A review ofretrograde filling materials;根尖倒充填材料的研究进展

4)Root-end filling根管倒充填

1.Clinical observation of mineral trioxide aggregate when used as root-end filling material无机三氧化聚合物用于根管倒充填的临床研究

5)rettograde filling根管倒充填术

6)elastic and overflowing root canal filling apex弹溢式根管充填尖

1.Root canal filling effects ofelastic and overflowing root canal filling apex;弹溢式根管充填尖的研制及根管充填效果


