100字范文 > 核心价值取向 core value orientation英语短句 例句大全

核心价值取向 core value orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-02 02:35:14


核心价值取向 core value orientation英语短句 例句大全

核心价值取向,core value orientation

1)core value orientation核心价值取向

1.For a hundred years,thecore value orientation of Western governments has undergone a change from "order and efficiency" to "equity and justice" and to "service and competition".百余年来,西方国家管理在由传统行政向新公共行政、新公共管理模式演进的过程中,政府责任的核心价值取向经历了侧重"秩序与效率"———追求"公平与正义"———倡导"服务与竞争"的嬗变。


1.People-Centred is the Core Values of Market-Oriented Labor Relations;以人为本是市场化劳动关系的核心价值取向

2.Economical Modernization & Central Value of Ethnic Education;经济现代化与民族教育的核心价值取向

3.The Change and Enlightenment of the Core Value Orientation of Government Responsibility政府责任核心价值取向的嬗变及其启示

4.Core Value Orientation of Speed Skating Teaching in Chinese School Sports in Various Periods我国学校体育不同历史阶段滑冰课的核心价值取向及未来发展方向

5.Value Orientation and Construction of the Core System of Value in Contemporary China;当代中国价值观取向与核心价值体系建设

6.Core Self-Evaluations:A New Approach of Dispositional Research;核心自我评价:人格倾向研究的新取向

7.Value Orientation:the Key for the University Students to Accept the Core Values of the Society;价值导向:大学生认同社会核心价值的关键

8.A Study on Tendency of Value Assessment of Local Governments Achievement and Perfect of Evaluation Criterions;地方政府绩效考核价值取向及评价标准的完善

9.A Research into the Teaching Value of Caring“学会关心”取向的教学价值观研究

10.The Psychological Foundation of the Value Orientation on Sports Courses in Universities高校体育课程价值取向的心理学基础

11.The Psychological Foundation of the Value Orientation on Sports Coursesin Our Country我国体育课程价值取向的心理学基础

12.On Discussion on the Kernel, Value Orientation and Intensive Method of Traditional Folk Custom;论传统民俗的内核、价值取向及其强化手段

13.The Nuclear Values:the important orientation of social harmony--A cultural reflection upon the benefit relation of a harmonious society;坚持核心价值观是社会和谐的重要取向——基于和谐社会利益关系问题的文化学视角

14.Training Positive Mentalities as Emphasis of Mental Health Education;积极心理品质培养:心理教育的重要价值取向

15.Vertical Value Chain Analysis of Core Enterprise on the Basis of Promoted Advantage in Competition;基于提升核心企业竞争力的纵向价值链分析

16.The Political Dimension of Codification of Civil Law and the Realization of Core Value of Civil Code;民法法典化的政治向度与核心价值之实现

17.Enterprise’s Core Competency-oriented Knowledge Value Chain;面向企业核心竞争力的知识价值链研究

18.Research on Travel Agencies Core Competency: Stakeholder Oriented;利益相关者价值导向的旅行社核心能力构建


value orientation价值取向

1.A philosophical reflection on the currentvalue orientation of tobacco industry;当前烟草行业价值取向的哲学思考

2.On thevalue orientation of China tobacco industry;中国烟草产业的价值取向初论

3.Probe into preclinical medical education based on educationalvalue orientation;基于教育价值取向的基础医学教育思考与探索


1.The Route Analysis on the Parent Rearing Pattern andValues to University Students Mental Health.;父母教养方式、价值取向影响大学生心理健康的路径分析

2.Sincere Emotion,Stern Examination——A brief talk on the values of Nan Yujian s novels in 1990;真诚的情感 冷峻的审视——浅谈南豫见20世纪90年代中长篇小说的价值取向

3.On the values of domestication and foreignization from the perspective of the nature of literary translation;从文学翻译的性质看异化和归化的价值取向——文学翻译性质研究之二

4)Value tropism价值取向

1.The value tropism of campus culture construction;大学校园文化建设的价值取向

2.Philosophy reflections on the undergraduates innovation quality value tropism;大学生创新素质价值取向研究

3.The Value Tropism of the PRC s Traffic Security Law;论我国道路交通安全法的价值取向

5)orientation of value价值取向

1.Theorientation of value inevitably advances the development of e-trade.因此,安全就理所当然得成为电子签名法的价值取向,电子签名立法模式的选择、对电子签名效力的预决性的立法认可都是这种价值取向的体现,这种价值取向必将极大地促进电子商务活动的发展。

2.This paper discusses the campus psychological conditions within colleges and universities and the influence on the teachers from these four factors:social role expectancy,the developing goal of the school collective, the attitude andorientation of value within the majority of the school teachers and atmosphere of human relations within the school.从社会角色期望、学校集体发展目标、多数教师的态度和价值取向、学校人际关系等四个方面论述了校园心理环境对高校教师造成的影响。

3.Only under the general conditions of that theorientation of value approaches,the relation of benefits tends the same and the cognitive deg.只有在价值取向相近、利益关系趋同、认知程度可达等一般条件下,技术才呈现出可控的状态,也才能对技术进行有效的控制。

6)value tendency价值取向

1.Between Traditional realism and Modernism ——On thevalue tendency of D.H.Lawrences fictions;介于传统和现代之间——论劳伦斯小说创作的价值取向

2.The reasons why the college students moral knowledge is separated from their moral behavior lie in the benefitial barrier of the studentsvalue tendency .大学生道德认知与道德行为分离的原因在于价值取向中存在的“利益障碍”。

3.Thevalue tendency of rural policy in our country has four aspects: allowing farmers to possess a piece of farm land for their own allocation, allowing farmers to get rich, maintaining the stability and development of the rural area.我国农村政策的价值取向有四个方面 :即让农民拥有一块由自己支配的土地、让农民富裕起来、使农村稳定和发展 ,而农村政策在实施过程中却出现了土地承包责任制与土地所有权、小农户经营与农业产业化、城乡“二元经济”与发展小城镇、农村人口的增多与剩余劳动力的转移等矛盾 ,这决定了我国农村政策必须进行调整才能实现党提出的农业现代化目


