100字范文 > 现代汉语课程 the course of Contemporary Chinese英语短句 例句大全

现代汉语课程 the course of Contemporary Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-17 17:39:28


现代汉语课程 the course of Contemporary Chinese英语短句 例句大全

现代汉语课程,the course of Contemporary Chinese

1)the course of Contemporary Chinese现代汉语课程

1.It is the requirement of the principle that teaching students in accordance with their aptitude that makesthe course of Contemporary Chinese taught on different levels for the college students majoring secretary.普通高校文秘方向现代汉语课程实施"分层"教学,是因材施教教学原则的要求,人才培养目标、专业发展前景的需要使"分层"教学具有必要性。


1.New View of the Modern Chinese Language Course from“General Modern Chinese Language”;从《现代汉语通论》看现代汉语课程新思路

2.Practice of and Thinking on Teaching Reform of Modern Chinese Language;现代汉语课程教学改革的实践与思考

3.On the Reform of the Course of Modern Chinese for Teachers College;高等师范院校现代汉语课程改革刍议

4.Trying of the Modern Chinese Teaching Reform;实施现代汉语课程教学改革的几点尝试

5.Modern Chinese Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges;高等职业教育中现代汉语课程教学探讨

6.On the Teaching Reform of Modern Chinese in Normal Colleges;高等师范院校现代汉语课程教学改革探微

7.On Fostering and Inspiring an Interest in the Study of Modern Chinese Course;论现代汉语课程学习兴趣的培养与激发

8.Research and Practice of High Normal University s Modern Chinese Curriculum Teaching Reform;高师现代汉语课程教学改革的研究与实践

9.On Chinese Course Textbooks and Class Teaching in Teachers College;高师专科现代汉语课程教材与教学初探

10.The Refrm of the Course of Modern Chinese for Normal Colleges Lying on Elementary Education;师范院校现代汉语课程改革的着眼点在基础教育

11.The Reform of Chinese Characters Teaching in Modern Chinese Course in Guangxi Teachers Education University广西师范学院现代汉语课程文字部分教学改革刍议

12.This course is an introduction to modern standard Chinese, colloquially called Mandarin.此课程介绍现代汉语,一般称之为“华语”。

13.Teaching Methods Reformation and Research of theCurriculum of Contemporary Chinese;《现代汉语》课程的教学方法改革与研究

14.On Teaching “Le” (了) : A Comparative Study of Primary Chinese and Reading and Writing Textbook of Modem Chinese;关于“了”的教学——《初级汉语课本》与《现代汉语教程读写课本》之比较


16.The Curriculum Construction of Contemporary Chinese in Normal Colleges and Universities and the Curriculum Reform of Chinese in Secondary Schools;高等师范院校“现代汉语”课程建设与中学语文课程改革

17.Consideration on the Teaching Reform in the Course of Modern Chinese;对新闻专业《现代汉语》课程教学改革的思考

18.The Summary of Construction of Modern Chinese as one of "the Classic Courses" and Consideration for Continued Construction;现代汉语“精品课程”建设总结与续建思考


Ancient Chinese Course古代汉语课程

3)the modernization of the Chinese language汉语现代化进程

1.This paper presents a detailed analysis of the impact onthe modernization of the Chinese language of the historic text of English-Chinese dictionary as special translated texts and texts of authority, by means of a case study.本文从英汉词典历史文本(即 1911-1937年间出版的英汉词典 )的特殊翻译文本和权威文本等属性视阈,结合个案分析,详细阐述了英汉词典历史文本对汉语现代化进程的影响。

4)modern Chinese现代汉语

1.Semantic description of sentence with serial verbs ofmodern Chinese and English expression;现代汉语连动句的语义描写及常见英语表达方式

2.Reforming Modern Chinese Teaching According to the Characteristic of the Secretary Major;针对文秘专业特点 改革现代汉语教学

ing into Being and the Introduction of the Japanese Loanwords in Modern Chinese;现代汉语中日语借词的产生及其传入

5)modem Chinese现代汉语

1.Research on the Rhetoric Derivative in Modem Chinese;现代汉语修辞派生词管见

2.In the recent years, as a consequence of interaction between Chinese and English, changes have taken place to some extent inmodem Chinese.近年来随着英汉语言的相互接触,现代汉语发生了某种程度的变化。

3.General linguistics andmodem Chinese benefit our college students to imporve language theoretical knowledge and the ability of usingmodem Chinese."语言学概论"和"现代汉语"对于提高大学生语言理论素养和现代汉语使用能力功不可没。

6)contemporary Chinese现代汉语

1.Teaching Methods Reformation and Research of theCurriculum of Contemporary Chinese;《现代汉语》课程的教学方法改革与研究

2.On gradation division and rules involvingcontemporary Chinese multi-attributes;现代汉语多层定语层次划分及其规律性

3.The Study on the Semantic Structure of Compound Words in Contemporary Chinese;现代汉语复合词语义结构研究


