100字范文 > 地脚螺栓 Anchor bolt英语短句 例句大全

地脚螺栓 Anchor bolt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 23:57:31


地脚螺栓 Anchor bolt英语短句 例句大全

地脚螺栓,Anchor bolt

1)Anchor bolt地脚螺栓

1.Embedded method of anchor bolt of concrete filled steel tubular column;钢管混凝土柱地脚螺栓的预埋方法

2.Construction technology of anchor bolt box of giant facilities;重大设备地脚螺栓预留孔施工工艺

3.Use of traditional method for erecting anchor bolt on equipment cannot secure the engineering quality, and so steel bar embedded process was selected for erection of anchor bolt, and the process procedure was introduced.设备地脚螺栓采用传统方法安装时易产生质量问题,为此选用“植筋法”作为地脚螺栓安装问题的解决方案,介绍了该工艺的工序。


1.B.C.D. of anchor (foundation) bolts地脚螺栓中心圆直径

2.list of anchor bolts for the equipments设备地脚螺栓一览表

3.Anchor Bolt( Anchor), the error should be consistent with the size norms. Thread the anchor bolt should be protected.地脚螺栓(栓)寸的偏差应符合规范的规定.地脚螺栓的螺纹应受到保护.

4."To lower the balance, turn the front leveling feet counterclockwise"电子天平下降,左旋前面地脚螺栓。

5.Design and Application of Foundation Bolt of Conticaster Steel Ladle Revolving Table;连铸钢包回转台地脚螺栓设计与应用

6.Burying and Anti-pulling Test Research on Large Anchor Bolt大型地脚螺栓的埋设和抗拔试验研究

7.After seven days, the grouted mortar will have concreted, then we shall tighten the anchor bolts.灌浆在七天以后凝固,我们就将拧紧地脚螺栓。

8.Steel Bar Embedded Technology for Anchor Bolt Erection on Underwater Equipment植筋技术用于水下设备地脚螺栓的安装

9.Study on the Fracture of the Anchor Bolt and the Vibration of the Ship s Main Engine;某轮柴油主机振动与地脚螺栓断裂研究


11.Test Machine Compressor Platform Used Epoxy Mortar Anchor Bolt Technology压缩机试机平台环氧砂浆锚固地脚螺栓技术

12.Burial and construction methods of anchor bolt burying in substation construction foundation变电站施工基础地脚螺栓埋设施工方法

13."To lift the balance, extend the front leveling feet (turn clockwise)."电子天平升高,右旋前面地脚;电子天平下降,左旋前面地脚螺栓。

14."At the place of installation, level the balance using the leveling feet so that the air bubble is centered within the circle of the level indicator ."在电子天平使用地点调整地脚螺栓的高度,使水平仪内的空气泡正好位于圆环的中央。

15.Should be installed on fixed(mixed) concrete foundation with anchor bolt to ensure ni shaking(viberation) during(when) working.1混合时必须用地脚螺栓安装在混凝土基础上,以保证工作时不致有震动。

16."Bolts,screws & nuts""螺栓,螺丝及螺帽"

pared with conventional coupling bolts, the hydraulic radial-fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation.与传统联轴器螺栓相比,液压螺栓能有效地防止卡涩和咬死。

18.The wall panels were bolted to the concrete foundation.墙壁镶板用螺栓安装在混凝土地基上。


foundation bolt地脚螺栓

1.This text combines industrial equipment installation experience,introduce three kinds of commonly usedfoundation bolt mounting techniques and rectify deviations.本文结合工业设备安装经验,介绍设备安装工程中三种常用的地脚螺栓安装技术及其纠偏措施。

2.The composition, microstructure, inclusion morphology and appearance of thefoundation bolt made from Q235 steel were analysed.通过对Q2 35地脚螺栓的化学成分、金相组织、夹杂物和外观形貌的分析 ,认识到地脚螺栓产生断裂的原因是 :数量多、尺寸大的夹杂物 ,在拉应力作用下产生微裂纹 ,进而发生断裂。

3.Thefoundation bolt of conticaster steel ladle revolving table is the most critical part to the equipment.连铸钢包回转台的地脚螺栓 ,是设备上最为关键的部位。

3)stone bolt地脚螺栓

1.In view of crackedstone bolt in SFSP137×76 type Hammer Mill in production, their reasons are analyzed,and solutions are found, namely, vibration-reduced effects are achieved by changing hammer mill\"s vibration-reduction device so as to keep the production running smoothly.针对生产中使用的SFSP137×76型号锤片式粉碎机的地脚螺栓发生断裂的情况,分析引起地脚螺栓发生断裂的原因,并据此提出解决方法,即通过改变粉碎机的减振装置以达到良好的减振效果,从而保证生产的正常运行。

2.This paper introduces the transformation ofstone bolt from the design to the construction, and expounds two methods forstone bolt construction and its and steps.介绍了地脚螺栓从设计到施工的变革,阐述了地脚螺栓施工的两种方法及其步骤。

4)anchor (bolt) hole地脚螺栓孔

5)anchor bolt锚栓;地脚螺栓;系紧螺栓

6)fang bolt地脚螺栓;棘螺栓,锚栓


地脚1.犹当地。 2.书页下边的空白处。 3.方言。地基。
