100字范文 > 医药工程 pharmaceutical engineering英语短句 例句大全

医药工程 pharmaceutical engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-07 03:22:47


医药工程 pharmaceutical engineering英语短句 例句大全

医药工程,pharmaceutical engineering

1)pharmaceutical engineering医药工程

1.Thepharmaceutical engineering projects shall be appraised, planned and designed, constructed and managed in accordance strictly with national standards.医药工程项目需严格按照国家标准进行评估、规划设计、施工建设、工程管理等,从而建立专业的医药工程咨询服务行业已经成为促进我国医药工业发展和完善的关键点。


1.Necessity of Regular Administration of Pharmaceutical Engineering Project in China;我国医药工程项目建设亟需规范管理

2.Challenge and Chance of development of Engineering Consulting Enterprise in Pharmaceutical Engineering Projects探究医药工程项目中工程咨询服务性企业的发展机遇与挑战

3.Probe into the Course Arrangement of Pharmaceutical Engineering among Chinese Medicine Universities中医药院校制药工程专业课程设置探讨

4.CSI:New Factor for Marketing Competition of Pharmaceutical Enterprises;CSI工程:医药企业营销竞争的新要素

5.Process Analysis and Engineeralizing Design of a Medine Chemical Synthesis Waste Water;医药化工废水处理工艺分析与工程化设计

6.processing workshop [Chinese medicine]炮制工场〔中医药〕

7.Two Phase Anaerobic Aerobic Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater两相厌氧-好氧法处理医药原料废水工程实践

8.Interested in a career in: Law, Medicine, Engineering, Physiotherapy or Dentistry?未来想投身于:法律、医药、工程、理疗或牙科等领域?

9.Construction of Food Sciences and Engineering Specialty中医药背景下的食品科学与工程专业建设

10.(d) Medical apparatus and instruments and pharmaceutical industries;4.医疗器械、制药工业;

11.The vaporized form of a substance for use in industrial, military, or medical processes.烟雾,蒸汽用于工业、军事或医药进程的物质的蒸汽化形式

12.An Empirical Demonstration of Hospital Pharmacy Information System Engineering Based on Objective Management;基于目标管理的医院药学信息系统工程构建实证研究

13.Study on the Classification and Coding System for Data Set in National Medical Scientific Data Sharing;国家医药卫生科学数据共享工程数据集分类与编码研究

14.Design Expressiong of Architechture Elevation:Take Extended Project of Lab building in Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine建筑立面的设计表达——以广州中医药大学实验楼扩建工程为例

15.The exploration of science and engineering experimental teaching reform in the universities and colleges of TCM高等中医药院校理工类课程实验教学改革的探索

16.On the curriculum setup of non-medicine category in medical schools;论高等医药院校非医药类专业的课程设置

17.The Design-Source of GMP Implementation-Briefing on New State Standard Design Code of Cleaning Workshop Used in Pharmaceutical Industry工程设计:实施GMP的源头——新编国家标准《医药工业洁净厂房设计规范》简介

18.International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering国际医学和生物工程联合会(医生工联)


Technology of Chinese Medical Engineering中医药工程

1.The concept and the development ofTechnology of Chinese Medical Engineering are summarized first in the paper, and then it presented the concept and study status of human body and expounded the function in theTechnology of Chinese Medical Engineering from four aspects :the object, method, theory and technique.本文首先概述了中医药工程学的概念和发展;然后介绍了数字人体的概念和研究现状;从目标、方法、理论和技术方面阐述了在中医药工程学中的作用;从数字人体微观研究——量子人体,量子人体核心内容——量子态阐述了数字人体与中医药工程学的研究意义和内容。


1.Technology of Chinese Medical Engineering (TCME) and the Natural Medicine;浅谈中医药工程学与自然医学

4)drugs and bio engineeing医药生物工程

5)plants medicine gene project植物医药基因工程

6)Biomedical clean room engineering生物医药净化工程


