100字范文 > 计算机会计信息系统 computer accounting information system英语短句 例句大全

计算机会计信息系统 computer accounting information system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-05 19:50:12


计算机会计信息系统 computer accounting information system英语短句 例句大全

计算机会计信息系统,computer accounting information system

1)computer accounting information system计算机会计信息系统

1.It introduces something about the beginning, characteristics and effects ofcomputer accounting information system and prospects its development.简要概述计算机会计信息系统的产生、特点及作用 ,并展望其未来发展前景。


1.Designing the Man-Computer Interface of Computer Aided Accounting Information System计算机会计信息系统的人-机接口设计

2.An analysis on computer internal control of accountng information system;计算机会计信息系统的内部控制管理

3.Discussion on the Internal Control of Computer-based Accounting Information System;浅论计算机会计信息系统的内部控制

4.The Application of the Accounting Information System of Computer;计算机会计信息系统应用:风险、成因与对策

puter Audit of Information System of Accounting Computerisation;刍议会计电算化信息系统的电子计算机审计

puter-based management information system管理信息计算机系统

7.ICS (Information Computer System Ltd)信息计算机系统公司

puterized message switching system计算机化信息转接系统

puterized Management Information System计算机化管理信息系统

puterized registry information systems计算机化登记信息系统

11.Probing into Internal Control System of Computerized Accounting;计算机引入后会计信息系统的内部控制

puterized System of Fish Marketing Informatio计算机化鱼产销售信息系统(鱼销信息)

puterization accounting information system application procedure audit;电算化会计信息系统应用程序的审计

14.System of Computerized Information for the Implementation of the Special Pla执行特别计划计算机化信息系统

15.Study on Railway Internal Auditing Computer Information System铁路内部审计计算机信息系统的研究

16.The Design of Computer Laboratory Integrated MIS;计算机实验室综合信息管理系统设计

17.Harmonized System-based Trade Analysis and Information System统一制度计算机贸易分析和信息系统

18.Design of a Computer-Aided System for Risk Assessment on Information Systems;信息系统风险评估的计算机辅助系统设计


computer information system计算机信息系统

puter information system integration certification;计算机信息系统集成资质认证

2.The summary of main point and skill operated is made on the base of practice experience ofcomputer information system and its lightning protection apparatus, so as to probe into new technology of lightning protection by combining the experience in the work.通过对计算机信息系统的检测及其避雷装置的安装实践,总结了一些操作要领和技巧,并结合工作中的体会对新的防雷技术进行了探讨。

3.Taking the application of fire supervision service as an example, the paper describes the content, objective, principle and carrying out procedure of the establishment ofcomputer information system.本文作者以消防监督业务应用为例 ,简述了计算机信息系统建设的内容、目标、原则及组织实施程序 ,提出了未来消防业务计算机应用建设的重点为消防电子政务的观

3)informational system of business accounting audit会计核算信息系统审计

4)Computerized Accounting Information System电算化会计信息系统

1.Computerized Accounting Information System and Internal Accounting Control;电算化会计信息系统下的内部会计控制

2.Aimed at averting hardware risks occurring in the construction and operation of the current computerized accounting information system, the paper presents a detailed introduction of some essential technical measures for protecting against natural disasters, accidents and artificial damages.针对当前电算化会计信息系统建立及运行过程中存在的硬件风险问题,从自然灾害、人为破坏、事故等方面介绍了必要的技术防范措施。

5)information system of the accounting EDP会计电算化信息系统

6)Computer information management system计算机信息管理系统


计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)computer input/output control systemiisuanii shuru/shuehu kongzhi xitong计算机输入/输出控制系统(com-puter inPut/ou中ut eontrol system)见计算机输入/输出系统。
