100字范文 > 火灾场景 fire scenario英语短句 例句大全

火灾场景 fire scenario英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-21 05:53:58


火灾场景 fire scenario英语短句 例句大全

火灾场景,fire scenario

1)fire scenario火灾场景

1.The verification principle and method offire scenario;火灾场景的确定原则和方法

2.Research on hypothesis system offire scenario;火灾场景的假说体系研究

3.Preliminary study onfire scenario s design of subway fires;地铁火灾场景设计的初步研究


1.Reconstruction of a Storage Fire Scene Based on Numerical Simulation某仓库特大火灾场景的数值模拟重构

2.Setting of fire scenarios in performance-based fire safety design for ancient buildings古建筑性能化防火设计中火灾场景的设置

3.Application of Design Fire And Fire Hazard Degree Analysis in Hazard Identification of Performance-Based Fire Protection Design火灾场景设计与火灾危险度分析在火灾性能化设计危险源辨识中的应用

4.Research on Fire Scenario and Safe Evacuation of Chongming Crossing-river Tunnel;崇明越江隧道火灾场景和安全疏散的研究

5.Study on Fire Scenario Computation and Simulation Based on Virtual Reality Platform基于虚拟现实平台的火灾场景计算与仿真研究

6.A research on the Smog Spreading Control in a Typical Subway Fire典型地铁火灾场景中烟气蔓延与控制研究

7.Numerical reconstruction of a building fire and smoke hazard evaluation某建筑火灾场景数值重建及烟气危害性评价

8.Research for Real-time Realization Arithmetic for Fire Scene Simulation Based on OpenGL Technique基于OpenGL技术的火灾场景实时生成算法研究

9.after the fire, everything was in a pitiable state.火灾过后的现场, 看上去景象悲凄。

10.Scene Simulation of Virtual Firefighting and Rescuing Scene Based on Virtual Reality;基于虚拟现实技术的石化火灾灭火救援场景的视景仿真

11.a Roman writer called Pliny wrote about a devastating volcanic eruption,一位名叫普利尼的罗马作家描述了一场灾难性火山喷发的情景。

12.The forest fire was a catastrophe.那场森林火灾是场大灾难。

13.an inexplicable fire一场原因不明的火灾

14.On the features of thunderbolt fires based on Jihe Market fire conflagration in Wohu;从芜湖吉和市场火灾原因调查谈雷击火灾特征

15.This fire was no doubt caused by arson.这场火灾无疑是由纵火引起的。

16.A cigarette spark started the fire.香烟的火星引起这场火灾。

17.Research on the fire extinguishing experiment in big clear space高大净空场所火灾实体灭火试验研究

18.(IV) Those who deliberately obstruct fire truck and fire boasts from rushing to fire site or who disturb the order of fire site;(四)故意阻碍消防车、消防艇赶赴火灾现场或者扰乱火灾现场秩序的;


fire scene火灾场景

1.Simulates thefire scene and adopts the concept of quasi-outdoor space.模拟了火灾场景,并引入准室外空间概念。

2.By setting differentfire scenes including the most disadvantageous condition and numerically simulating the movement of fire smoke and personnel evacuation,the curves of available safe egress time(ASET) and the required safe egress time(REST) are obtained for eachfire scene in th.设定包含最不利情况的火灾场景,然后对各种火灾场景下的烟气蔓延及人员疏散进行模拟,得到了各种火灾场景下隧道内的可用安全疏散时间ASET曲线和必需安全疏散时间RSET曲线;比较分析这两条曲线,得到了疏散救援通道的设置参数,给隧道消防设计提供了依据。

3.Analysis the characteristic of the tunnel fires, introduces a common method to the safe evacuation design of tunnel, enactmentsfire scene.以长江南京段上游过江隧道为研究对象,分析了隧道火灾的特点,介绍了隧道安全疏散救援的思路和方法,设定了火灾场景,通过火灾时人员所需安全疏散时间与可用安全疏散时间的比较分析,探讨了隧道疏散口间距和逃生滑梯通行能力的初步设计方案。

3)typical fire scenario典型火灾场景

1.The approach oftypical fire scenario can be used for the large space building, in which there are large numbers of combustibles which are distributed unevenly and changed frequently.针对可燃物众多、分布不均匀且摆放形式常有变动的大空间建筑,可以使用典型火灾场景的设计方法。

4)disaster scenes灾难场景

1.Full attention has been paid todisaster scenes in literature on earthquake.地震文学为何特别关注灾难场景,从传媒学的角度看是为了借助真实性、亲历性和传奇性的新闻手法追求视角效果,凸现灾难情形;从人类学的角度看,它曲折而隐晦传地达出人类远古的苦难记忆,间接而依稀地表现了文明前进的痛苦历程,深刻而残忍地揭示出美好人性的阴暗底层;从社会学的角度看,在战胜灾难上它显示美好人性的光辉,体现万众一心的气势,表现自强不息的精神。

5)fired field火灾场

1.Analysis of bending capability of a reinforced concrete beam supported at both ends infired field;火灾场钢筋混凝土简支梁抗弯性能分析

6)market fire市场火灾


场景1.指戏剧﹑电影等艺术作品中的场面。 2.泛指情景。
