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空间权 Space right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-28 15:33:16


空间权 Space right英语短句 例句大全

空间权,Space right

1)Space right空间权

1.As the new right,the space right is concerned more and more with the development and use of the land.空间权作为一种新型的权利,随着对土地立体开发的繁荣而越来越受到关注。

2.The separation of the land ownership and the land-use right for building does not mean that the space right is fully attributed to the content of land-use right for building, the land owner still enjoys the right of space-use within a certain scope.空间权是一种新型的财产权利,空间权可以与建设用地使用权相分离,成为一项独立的物权。


1.Air Rights and Development Rights台湾关于空间权与发展权的立法研究

2.On the Questions about the Space Right in the Law of Property;关于物权法中空间权若干问题的探讨

3.Several Key Subjects of Space Rights and Its Embodiment in Legislation of Property Law;空间权若干问题在物权立法中的体现

4.The Connotation of Space Right and the Legislation Choice of "Real Right Acts";论空间权的基本内涵及我国《物权法》的立法选择

5.α-Bloch Spaces and Weighted Lipschitz Spaces;α-Bloch空间和加权Lipschitz空间

6.Weighted Composition Operators between Different Weighted Bergman Space;不同加权Bergman空间之间的加权复合算子

7.The Use of Land Space and Land Space Rights Appraisal;土地空间利用与土地空间使用权评估

8.Weighted Composition Operator From Hardy Space Into Bers-type Space;从Hardy空间到Bers-型空间的加权复合算子

9.Reducing Subspace of the Weighted Bergman Space加权Bergman空间上的约化子空间

10.Generalized Composition Operators from the Weighted Bergman Spaces to Zygmund Spaces加权Bergman空间到Zygmund空间的广义复合算子

11.Property of Invariant Subspaces in the Weighted Hardy Space加权Hardy空间上的不变子空间的性质

12.Loss of "Right of Domain Name" and the Protection of Trademark Right on Internet“域名权”缺失与网络空间商标权保护

13.Weighted Composition Operators on the Weighted Bergman Space加权Bergman空间上的加权复合算子

14.The Study of Spatial Weighted Network Model and Strength-degree Correlation空间加权网络模型及权度相关性研究

15.Spatial Effect Scope of the Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights论知识产权权利穷竭的空间效力范围

16.Weighted Composition Operator between Different Weighted B_(log) Space and Q_k (p, q) Space;不同权的B_(log)空间与Q_k(p,q)空间之间的加权复合算子

17.Reducing Subspace of Analytic Toeplitz Operator on Weighted Bergman Space加权Bergman空间上的解析Toeplitz算子的约化子空间

18.The Victim of the Power Space--The Interpretation of Space to Xiangling"s Wife in Blessing权力空间的“牺牲人”——《祝福》祥林嫂的“空间”解读


air rights空间权

1.According to the advantages ideal in dealing with space utilizing due to the syetem ofair rights,more comprehensive system ofair rights have been established in some districts such as the United States,Japan,Swiss,German,British and Taiwan,ruled by the different characteristic systems which can be made wse of in establishing theair rights system in china.由于空间权制度在解决空间利用方面具有的积极意义,美国、日本、瑞士、德国、英国和我国台湾地区均建立了比较完整的空间权制度,并通过各具特色的制度安排加以规定,这些都对我国的空间权制度的建立有积极的借鉴意义。

2.In modern society, with population expanding and urbanization process speeding up, the limitation of the earth’s surface makes mankind get in urgent need of developing and utilizing space, the system ofair rights has been established successively in some countries and districts, and the theory ofair rights is also authorized by legislation and judicial precedent in most countries.现代社会,人口膨胀,城市化进程加剧,地表资源的有限性使得人类迫切需要对空间进行开发利用,空间权法律制度随之在一些国家和地区相继建立,空间权理论也为大多数国家立法和判例所确认。

3.After analyzing the background ofair rights systems to come into being and research progress in western countries and China, the author points out we need to research four aspects to build up the layered utilization system of urban public land for construction based onair rights.在分析国内外空间权制度产生的背景以及基于空间权的城市公共用地分层利用规划管制研究进展的基础上,指出构建适合我国国情的基于空间权的城市公共建设用地分层利用规划管制体系需解决的问题。

3)tradeoff space权衡空间

4)power space权力空间

1.This article tries to make a primary analysis of Foucault s theory ofpower space based on architecture.从建筑学视角对福柯的权力空间理论做了一些初步探讨:介绍了福柯权力空间的概念,分析了建筑设计创作中的权力空间的影响以及如何在权力空间影响下寻求创新。

5)weighted space权空间

1.Long time behavior of complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in theweighted space;复Ginzburg-Landau方程在权空间上的长时间行为

2.By considering the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with high order and nonlinear term in three dimensions,by introducing theweighted space and interpolating inequality and prior estimate,the existence of the global solution of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation is obtained.在三维空间中考虑带高阶非线性项的复Ginzburg-Landau方程,通过引入权空间,应用内插不等式和先验估计,获得复Ginzburg-Landau方程整体解的存在性,更进一步,使用在权空间算子分解的方法,通过构造紧的正向不变吸收集,建立了整体强吸引子的存在性。

3.The approximation of modified Bernstein-Durrmeyer operator with Jacobi weight inweighted space L~ω_p(a+1<p<∞) was discussed,the equivalence between it and the corresponding K-functional,moduli of smoothness was established.讨论了带Jacobi权修正的Bernstein-Durrmeyer算子在权空间Lpω(a+1



