100字范文 > 长大隧道 long tunnel英语短句 例句大全

长大隧道 long tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 21:56:22


长大隧道 long tunnel英语短句 例句大全

长大隧道,long tunnel

1)long tunnel长大隧道

1.New ventilation and smoke exhaust and dust removal technology inlong tunnel construction;长大隧道施工通风消烟除尘新技术

2.Study on economical efficiency of rail transport scheme inlong tunnel;长大隧道有轨运输方案经济性研究

3.Quality control of pump concrete oflong tunnel lining;长大隧道衬砌泵送混凝土质量控制


1.Research on the Long Tunnel and Tunnel Group s Aerodynamic Algorithm and Its Application;长大隧道、隧道群空气动力效应算法研究及应用

2.Ventilation Technology of 8 km Heading at One End in North Tianshan Tunnel北天山长大隧道8km独头掘进通风技术

3.An Improvement on the Construction Process of Double-tracked–Single Bore Long Tunnel新建铁路长大隧道“单洞双线轨道运输”工序改良

4.Seismic Security Analysis of Big Segment Passenger Dedicated Railway Big Long Tunnels大断面客运专线长大隧道地震安全分析

5.Study on Evacuation of Train Fires in High-speed Railway Long Tunnel;高速铁路长大隧道列车火灾安全疏散研究

6.Risk Acceptance Criteria of Long Large Tunnels in Construction Period;长大隧道工程建设期风险接受准则研究

7.The Economical Evaluation Research and Construction Technique Scheme of Long Tunnel with Large Section;长大隧道快速施工的技术方案及经济评估研究

8.The Physical Model Experiment Research of Long Highway Tunnel Ventilation长大公路隧道通风物理模型试验研究

9.Numerical Simulation of Large-long Road Tunnels Using Longitudinal Ventilation System;长大公路隧道纵向通风系统数值模拟

10.Dynamic Management for Long and Large Hishway Tunnel Construction on Horizontal Terrane水平岩层长大公路隧道建设动态管理

11.Approach of GPS Horizontal Control Surveying in Long Curve Tunnel长大曲线隧道GPS平面控制测量方法

12.Development of Advance Geological Forecast Software for Super-long and Deep Tunnels长大深埋隧道超前地质预报软件开发

13.Study on Long Term Warning Value of Super Large Section Tunnel特大断面隧道长期运营预警值的研究

14.It is most probable that under the platform there is a lava tunnel extending just as long, that is, for tens of miles!数十里长的石龙底下,也许是条长长的大隧道呢!

15.On double-block ballastless track construction technology of Chang-Da railway tunnel长大铁路隧道内双块式无砟轨道施工技术

16.Construction technology of Wuhan Changjiang tunnel―the first tunnel under Changjiang River长江第一隧——武汉长江隧道修建技术

17.Numerical Simulatition Study on Ventilation During Fire in Double Long Highway Tunnel双洞长大公路隧道火灾事故通风数值模拟研究

18.Research on Damage Evaluation and Prevention & Control of Fire Hazard in Long-span and Extra-long Highway Tunnel;大跨度特长公路隧道火灾损伤评估与防治研究


long and large tunnel长大隧道

1.Study on the construction technology of unballasted track oflong and large tunnel长大隧道无砟轨道施工技术研究

2.Research purposes:In modern railway and highway construction,it appears lots oflong and large tunnels.研究目的:在现代铁路、公路工程中,长大隧道工程频频出现,而长大隧道往往是一个项目乃至一条线的重点控制工程,加快长大隧道施工是实现工期目标的关键,很有必要研究成熟的,可供类似工程借鉴的快速施工技术。

3.Taking Baima Extra-long Tunnel as the Example,this paper introduces the construction measurement technology oflong and large tunnel from four aspects.以白马特长隧道为例,从4个方面详细介绍了长大隧道的施工测量技术。

3)large tunnel长大隧道

1.This paper gives a brief introduction to the tunnel situation on Chinese Passenger Dedicated Lines, analyses the features of the tunnel on passenger line, proposes the design and construction principle oflarge tunnel on passenger dedicated line for reference to design and construction of the tunnel.本文介绍了我国客运专线隧道的概况,分析了客运专线隧道的特点,提出了客运专线长大隧道的设计施工原则,可供设计施工管理人员参考。

4)long highway tunnel长大公路隧道

1.Field Test Study of Ventilation Results in Long Highway Tunnel Using Longitudinal Ventilation Technology;长大公路隧道纵向通风技术通风效果现场测试研究

5)long mountain tunnel长大山岭隧道

6)Deeply-buried long tunnel长大深埋隧道

1.Application of CSAMT electromagnetic image system in survey of deeply-buried long tunnels for expressways;CSAMT法在高速公路长大深埋隧道勘察中的应用研究


长大1.体貌高大壮伟。 2.指体貌高大壮伟的人。
