100字范文 > 法律意识形态主导权 The Supremacy of the Legal Ideology英语短句 例句大全

法律意识形态主导权 The Supremacy of the Legal Ideology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-09 01:23:54


法律意识形态主导权 The Supremacy of the Legal Ideology英语短句 例句大全

法律意识形态主导权,The Supremacy of the Legal Ideology

1)The Supremacy of the Legal Ideology法律意识形态主导权

2)dominant ideology主导意识形态

1.In Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut, through describing Billy Pilgrim as an anti-hero, questions the grand narrative of war by the government, satirizes the falseness and cruelty of religion, and discloses the real nature ofdominant ideology as a means of controlling people.冯内古特通过将主人公毕利塑造成一个颠覆式的反英雄,质疑官方对战争的宏大叙事,讽刺宗教的虚伪和残忍,揭露主导意识形态控制人们行为的真实面目。


1.On the Leading and Non-leading Social Ideologies in Current China;当前我国社会主导意识形态和非主导意识形态问题刍议

2.New Profound Consideration of Western Marxism (Seminar);主导意识形态命题与西方马克思主义

3.On Chinese Society Leading Factor Ideological form History Examination and History Enlightenment中国社会主导意识形态的历史考察及其启示

4.On Ensuring the Leading Position of the Marxist Ideology in Colleges and Universities;论确保马克思主义意识形态在高校的主导地位

5.The ideological tenor of the administration is changing rapidly.主导政府部门的意识形态的基调变得非常快。

6.On Upholding Marxism as Our Guidelines in the Realm of Ideology;论坚持马克思主义在意识形态的指导地位

7.Ideology: Guide for Lu Xun s Translation Activities;论意识形态在鲁迅翻译活动中的主导作用

8.On the Guiding Status of Marxism in the Field of Ideology;试论马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位

9.On Maintaining the Guiding Position of Marxism in the Ideological Sphere;坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位

10.The Heroic Narrative of the Seventeen-Year Literature Under the Control of the Mainstream Ideology;在主流意识形态制导下的十七年文学英雄叙事

11.On the ideological value of the dominating role of ideological and political education论思想政治教育主导性的意识形态价值

12.hardcore ideologists坚定的意识形态主义者

13.Insisting the Marxism in the Ideology Domain Guiding Position--the Feeling of Reading 《Germany Ideology》;坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域中的指导地位——读《德意志意识形态》有感

14.A Few Strategic Issues in Strengthening the Dominating Position of Marxism in the Socialist Ideology;强化马克思主义在社会主义意识形态中主导地位的几个策略问题

15.The Theory of Marist Ideology and the Building of China Ideology;马克思主义意识形态理论与中国意识形态建设

16.Research on the Leading Role of Colleges’ Marxist Ideology in Multi-cultural Convergence;多元文化交汇中高校马克思主义意识形态主导性探究

17.The Significant Form,the Research on Logo Guidance System有意味的形式——标识导向系统形态诌议

18.The guiding status of Marxism in socialist ideology in China must be strengthened.马克思主义在中国意识形态中的领导地位必须加强。


dominant ideology主导意识形态

1.In Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut, through describing Billy Pilgrim as an anti-hero, questions the grand narrative of war by the government, satirizes the falseness and cruelty of religion, and discloses the real nature ofdominant ideology as a means of controlling people.冯内古特通过将主人公毕利塑造成一个颠覆式的反英雄,质疑官方对战争的宏大叙事,讽刺宗教的虚伪和残忍,揭露主导意识形态控制人们行为的真实面目。

3)non-leading ideology非主导意识形态

4)legal ideology法律意识形态

1.As an important academic concept, thelegal ideology is very realistic, forward-looking, analytical and interpretative in the field of jurisprudence and sociology of law, and so it should not be ignored though often be overlooked.作为一个不容忽视又常被忽视的学术概念,法律意识形态在法理学与法社会学研究中极具有现实性、前瞻性、分析力与解释力。

2.Seeing about mediation in civil procedure law of China,the direction can be found that from 1980 s,the mainstreamlegal ideology in China is always requesting independence of political ideology.考察中国民事诉讼中的"调解",可以发现,自上世纪80年代以来,中国主流法律意识形态一直试图脱离政治意识形态话语而独立存在,这个过程可以分成"走出特定政治意识形态的法律意识形态"和"走出总体政治意识形态的法律意识形态"两个阶段,主流法律意识形态的这种变迁导致了政治意识形态对法律意识形态的影响幕后化,政治意识形态和法律意识形态之间的关系因而显得模糊不清,但在可以预见的将来,法律意识形态并没有可能因此而成为独立于政治意识形态的"法律观念体系"。

5)Research on Legal Ideology法律意识形态论

6)ideological dominance意识形态主导地位


