100字范文 > 德性正义 justice of virtue英语短句 例句大全

德性正义 justice of virtue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-21 11:14:05


德性正义 justice of virtue英语短句 例句大全

德性正义,justice of virtue

1)justice of virtue德性正义

1.To protect the modern western society,Rawls has stated his viewof justice as fairness,while Macintyre,on narrating the tradition of justice,criticizes the just views of the contemporary new liberalisms headed by Rawls and thinks that the choice of modern social justice is his so-calledjustice of virtue.罗尔斯以维护现代西方社会为出发点 ,阐述了他的作为公平的正义观 ;麦金太尔通过对正义传统的叙述 ,批评了当代以罗尔斯为首的新自由主义的正义观 ,认为现代社会正义的选择是他的所谓的德性正


1.The Just Theory Based on Moral--on the Just Theory of Communitarianism;“德性正义论”——社群主义正义观解读

2.On Macintyre s Historical Method and Construction of the Theory of Virtue-Justice;麦金太尔历史主义方法与德性正义论的建构

3.Macintyre Talks about the Tradition of the Justice of Virtue and Modern Choice--Concurrently Comparing with Rawls Just View;麦金太尔论德性正义的传统及现代选择——兼与罗尔斯正义观之比较

4.Moral justice is the soul of justice, including moral justness and just morality.道德正义作为正义之魂 ,包括道德的正义性和正义的道德性两个方面。

5.Inherent or Acquired Morality──On the View of David Hume s Justice;“自然之德”抑或“人为之德”——休谟正义论的德性解读

6.Justice and Virtue: A Comparative Study of the Theories of Justice between Hayek and Hume;正义与德性—哈耶克与休谟的正义理论比较研究

7.Turning towards Justice and Virtue---the Final Choice of Strategy of Anti - terrorism;朝向正义与德性——反恐战略的最终选择

8.On the Unity of Justice s Properties of Rule and Character--An Enquiry on Aristotle s Theory of Justice;公正的规则性和品质性的统一——亚里士多德公正学说摄义

9.Reason,Rights and Justice--On Kantian Political Ethics;理性、权利与正义——康德的政治伦理思想研究

10.Reason , Justice , eternal peace--on kant`s political ethics;理性、正义、永久和平——康德政治伦理思想述评

11.Freedom , reason and the power seperation --The study of montesquieu s political justice s view;自由、理性、分权制衡——孟德斯鸠政治正义观探究

12.Moral Quality and System Justice:The Basis and Insurance of Moral Responsibility of Administrators;实现行政道德责任的道德人格性依据及制度正义原则的建构

13.The Moral Justice;作为道德的正义——休谟的正义观述论

14.Environmental Justice:New Area of the Justice Virtue Carried forward by the Government环境正义:政府弘扬正义美德的新领域

15.Justice as a Virtue公正作为德性——亚里士多德公正德性探析

16.On Aristotle s Discrimination Between Universal Justice and Particular Justice;论亚里士多德对普遍正义与特殊正义的区分

17.On the Treatment of the Liberal Concept of Moral Justice:Michael Sandel s Theory of Justice;道义论自由主义正义观的救治——迈克尔·桑德尔的正义理论

18.On the Theoretical Basis for the Construction of Legitimacy of Law--Significance in Philosophy of Right in the Change from Kant"s Practical Reason to Habermas" Communicative Reason重构法律正当性的理性基础——从康德实践理性到哈贝马斯交往理性转向的法哲学意义


theory of virtue-justice德性正义论

3)justice and virtue正义与德性

4)Justice as Virtue正义之为德性

5)virtue of environmental justice环境正义德性

6)moral justice道德正义

1.Because of the lack ofmoral justice,the irregularity of moral regulations and the personal-ization and diversity of moral,people has lost the firm stance on the evaluation standards of moral.近几年由于道德正义的沦丧、道德规范的失范及道德的日益个性化、多元化走向,人们对道德评价标准有所动摇。

2.According to the means of the realization of justice, the paper explores social justice from three aspects: system justice, legal justice andmoral justice.本文根据正义借以实现的途径 ,从体制正义、法律正义和道德正义三个方面对社会正义作了初步的探讨。


德性1.指人的自然至诚之性。 2.品性;品质。 3.方言。指不入眼的模样﹑品行。含有轻蔑意。
