100字范文 > 可编程逻辑 programmable logic英语短句 例句大全

可编程逻辑 programmable logic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 20:50:39


可编程逻辑 programmable logic英语短句 例句大全

可编程逻辑,programmable logic

1)programmable logic可编程逻辑

1.Relay protection platform based on elemental andprogrammable logic;基于元件化和可编程逻辑构建的继电保护平台

2.Research ofprogrammable logic microprocessor-based protection based on Matlab基于Matlab的可编程逻辑微机保护的研究

3.To improve the applicability of the logic functions,programmable logic concepts are presented.为了提高逻辑功能的适用性,提出了可编程逻辑的概念。


plex programmable logic devices复杂可编程逻辑器件

2.A New Designed Method For the Logical Function Test of PLD可编程逻辑器件逻辑功能的测试新方法

3.The Application of PLD in the Design of Logic Systems;可编程逻辑器件(PLD)在逻辑系统设计中的应用

4.Application of PLD in Teaching Practice可编程逻辑器件在教学实践中的应用

5.Study on Application of Programmable Scheme Logic in Microprocessor-Based Protection;可编程逻辑在微机保护中的应用研究

6.plem entation ofCPU zero addressw ith program m able logicarrays;用可编程逻辑器件实现CPU零地址仿真

7.Programmable Logic Controller of MCU单片机的可编程逻辑控制器硬件设计

8.Design of Digital Circuit Based on Programmable Logic Devices基于可编程逻辑器件的数字电路设计

9.Research of programmable logic microprocessor-based protection based on Matlab基于Matlab的可编程逻辑微机保护的研究

10.Based on Programmable Logical Device Logical Analyzer Essential Technology Research;基于可编程逻辑器件的逻辑分析仪关键技术的研究

11.Research on the Practical Teaching of the Course PLD Theory and Application《可编程逻辑器件原理及应用》课程实践教学研究

12.Drag onto the page to add a programmable logic control.拖到绘图页后,可以添加可编程逻辑控制器。

13.Automotive Reconfigurable Platforms Based on PLD可编程逻辑器件构建可重配置汽车平台

14.The electronic control system of assembly station applies PLC( Programmable Logic Controller).胶装机电气控制系统采用可编程逻辑控制器。


16.High speed system to measure flow velocity based on CPLD基于复杂可编程逻辑器件的流速快速测量系统

17.PLM (Programmable Logic Matrice)可编程序的逻辑矩阵

18.programmable logic controller (PLC)可编程序逻辑控制器


Programmable logic device可编程逻辑

1.This paper discussed the arithmetic of phase adder and the frequency analysis of D/A converter in detail,and introduced the implement of direct digital frequency syntheses using programmable logic device.详细地讨论相位累加器的算法和D/A转换的频谱分析 ,介绍了运用可编程逻辑电路实现直接数字频率合成的方

2.The system uses FPGA as the master control chip,is an utility system based on embedded equipment,so the performance is more stable,in the meantime for the large capacity and flexibility of the programmable logic device,it can raise system s running rate greatly,may realize SOPC,and using the NIOSⅡ,a processor that had custom-made a.系统采用FPGA为系统主控芯片,是一种基于嵌入式设备的实用系统,在性能上更加稳定,同时由于可编程逻辑的大容量、灵活性,可以大大提高系统的运行速度,可以实现SOPC,利用NIOSⅡ这一可定制的,精简指令处理器,可以加快系统开发。

3)logic programmable逻辑可编程

1.Brings forward a design oflogic programmable MC and MP,and details every aspect that is involved in the design and the strongpoints of this design compared with the other common designs of MC and MP.提出了一种多媒体通信中的处理逻辑可编程的MC和MP设计方案 ,详细介绍了该方案所涉及的各个方面 ,并给出了与普通MC和MP设计方案对比下的优

4)programmable logic device可编程逻辑器件

1.Signal source for electrical impedance tomography system based on complexprogrammable logic device;基于复杂可编程逻辑器件的电阻抗断层成像信号源

2.The application ofprogrammable logic devicein logic control system oflocomotives;可编程逻辑器件在机车逻辑控制系统中的应用

3.Application and research ofprogrammable logic device in digital protection;可编程逻辑器件在数字式保护中的应用与探讨


6)programmable logic control可编程逻辑控制

1.This paper presents a method forprogrammable logic control in economical numerical control system.介绍了一种在经济型数控系统中实现可编程逻辑控制的方法 ,通过采用主 -从式结构的双单片机控制系统 ,在实现对逻辑变量扫描控制的同时 ,保证了对机床坐标精确的数字控制。

2.This paper puts forward a method, with which a single chip computer can realize both numerical control andprogrammable logic control.提出了一种采用一个单片机同时实现数控和可编程逻辑控制功能的方法,充分发挥了单片机的能力,简化了硬件结构。

3.The hardware design of theprogrammable logic controller based on single-chip computer is introduced.介绍了应用于单片机的可编程逻辑控制器硬件设计,整个硬件系统包括单片机的串口通信,系统的存储单元和时钟芯片、人机界面、输入输出接口电路等部分,叙述了各部分电路的功能特点以及设计方案及原理。


