100字范文 > 闽江 Minjiang river英语短句 例句大全

闽江 Minjiang river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 22:48:00


闽江 Minjiang river英语短句 例句大全

闽江,Minjiang river

1)Minjiang river闽江

1.Receiving Ability for Pollution into Lower Reaches of Minjiang River;闽江干流下游河段纳污能力的研究

2.Regulation of Branch Channel Shoals in Minjiang River Tide Mouth;闽江潮汐河口汊道浅滩整治

3.Characteristics analysis of Hongtang bridge location reach at south branch of Minjiang River;闽江南港洪塘大桥桥位河段特性分析


1.The Study on Model of Real-time Flood Forecasting System in Minjiang Catchment;闽江流域实时洪水预报系统模型研究

2.The Discussion of Economic Integration between the Northern Territory of the Minjiang River Mouth and Wenzhou;闽江口北翼与温州经济一体化的探讨

3.Study on Evaluation and Prediction on Forest Carrying Capacity of Minjiang River Basin;闽江流域森林承载力评价与预测研究

4.Development of Eco-tourism in the Estuarine Wetland of Minjiang River in Changle;长乐闽江河口湿地生态旅游开发研究

5.Changes of the Main Land Use Types in Minjiang Watershed and their Effects;闽江流域主要地类变化及其若干效应

6.The determining and control of the cost of Minjiang College s project;闽江学院工程造价的确定与控制探讨

7.The Marine Culture of the Lower Reach of Min River from the Perspective of the Sunken Ships in Dinghai Bay从定海湾沉船看闽江下游的海洋文化

8.Minjing Estuary Wetland Ecosystem Service Function Value Evaluation闽江河口湿地生态服务功能价值评价

9.Effect analysis of channel regulation in sand bar of the Minjang River闽江口拦门沙航道整治工程效果分析

10.Development Potential of Bird-watching Tourism in Min River Estuary Wetland of Fujian Province福建闽江河口湿地观鸟旅游发展分析

11.Methane Emission from Scirpus triqueter Wetland in the Min River Estuary闽江河口藨草湿地CH_4排放特征

12.Changes of Climatic Features in the Minjiang River Basin in Recent 45 Years近45年闽江流域气候变化特征分析

13.Mechanism and Practice of Ecological Compensation for Drainage Basins of Min-jiang and Jiu-long-jiang River闽江、九龙江等流域生态补偿机制与实践

14.Landscape Design Analysis of the Entrance in Fuzhou Minjiang Riverside Park Jinjiang Garden福州闽江公园锦江园入口景观设计分析


16.Water Conservation Function of Main Forest Types Along Upper Reaches of Mingjiang River闽江上游主要森林类型水源涵养功能探讨

17.The strategy of developing Min River economic corridor in building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits论海峡西岸经济区的闽江经济走廊开发战略

18.Remote sensing analysis of suspended silt dynamics of bars in Minjiang Estuary闽江口拦门沙悬浮泥沙动态的遥感分析


Min River闽江

1.Discussion on Rational Usage of Aquatic Environmental Capability ofMin River in Fuzhou City;闽江福州段水环境容量合理利用探讨

2.Remote Sensing Analysis of Suspended Sediment Concentration Variation of the LowerMin River (Fuzhou Portion) in Fujian of China;闽江流域福州段悬浮物浓度的遥感分析

3.Cause of Flood InMin River And Protective Measure of Living Things Research;闽江水灾成因与生物防治措施研究

3)the Minjiang River闽江

1.Study on Flood Control and Regulation of Fuzhou River Segment onthe Minjiang River;闽江福州河段防洪整治研究

2.The Establishment of GPS Control Net for the Mainstream ofthe Minjiang River;闽江干流GPS控制网的建立

4)Minjiang River Basin闽江流域

1.On Regional Ecological Benefit Compensation Standard inMinjiang River Basin;闽江流域区际生态受益补偿标准探析

2.The Dynamic Analysis of Forest Resources and Environment inMinjiang River Basin;闽江流域森林资源与环境的动态分析

3.Based on the basic situation of Minjiang river basin in Fujian Province,the existing problems were analyzed such as the serious losing water and land,frequency natural disaster,destruction and abnormal structure of the forestry,serious water pollution,regressive biodiversity.介绍了生态安全与区域生态安全的基本概念,结合闽江流域的基本概况,分析了闽江流域存在的水土流失严重、自然灾害频繁、森林资源破坏与结构不合理、流域水体污染加剧、生物多样性退化等生态安全问题的原因,提出改善闽江流域生态安全的建议,以促进福建省经济的可持续发展,保护其生态经济安全。

5)Minjiang estuary闽江河口

1.Thinking of the construction ofMinjiang estuary wetland park;构建闽江河口湿地公园的若干思考

2.Suspended sediment characteristics and transport in theMinjiang estuary during flood seasons闽江河口洪季悬浮泥沙特征及输运过程

3.Simultaneous observation at four stations atMinjiang estuary was carried out during spring tide in the flood season of .根据闽江河口4个站位洪季大潮的同步观测资料,分析了闽江河口潮周期内悬浮泥沙的分布特征、底质再悬浮特征和悬浮泥沙的输运过程和机制。

6)Minjiang River estuary闽江口

1.Contents of Organochlorine Pesticides in Water, Pore Water and Sediment in Minjiang River Estuary of China;闽江口水、间隙水和沉积物中有机氯农药的含量

2.Characteristics of sunlight,temperature,extreme minimum temperature and precipitation of Minjiang river estuary wetland during years and its impacts on the wetland were analyzed,based on meteorological data from 1971 to of 4 conventional stations in the wetland.利用闽江口湿地分布区4个常规气象观测站1971—的气象资料,分析了闽江口湿地日照、气温、极端最低气温、降水量的年际变化特征及其对闽江口湿地生态环境的影响情况。


