100字范文 > 生成源地 formation source region英语短句 例句大全

生成源地 formation source region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-14 06:50:40


生成源地 formation source region英语短句 例句大全

生成源地,formation source region

1)formation source region生成源地

1.Under the background of global warming,the landfalling TCs,averagely,show a trend of northward movement in theformation source region and weak decrease in intensity in recent several decades.在全球气候变暖背景下,登陆TC的生成源地有向北移的趋势,然而近年来南落明显。

2)source composition生源构成

3)the generating resource生成来源

1.The article reckons that in order to set up a curriculum goal, the first thing should be to discussthe generating resource of the curriculum goal.确立高职语文课程目标首先要探讨的问题是课程目标的生成来源问题,指出高职语文课程目标主要会受到四个方面的制约:学生成长需要的直接驱动、语文课程范式的内在促成、高职教育目标的本质牵制、社会发展需要的外围制约。


1.The scientific study of soils, including their origins, characteristics, and uses.土壤学对土壤的生成来源、特点和用途进行的科学研究

2.Derived from or composed of bone-forming tissue.骨原的,骨性的来源于骨生成组织的,由骨生成组织构成的

3.Future complexity has its unique source and t h e path of becoming.未来的复杂性有着独特的根源和生成途径。

4.On Origin and formation of Mr. Cai Yuanpei"s Ideas about Ethnology略论蔡元培先生民族学思想的来源及其形成

5.Only There Is Water Source,Does Flowing Water Come--to discuss producing and regulation of writing ability;唯有源头活水来——论写作能力的生成与调控

6.Hepatocytes differentiation and maturation of embryoid bodies derived cells in bioreactor生物反应器内EBs来源细胞的肝细胞分化与成熟

7.Carbon Isotopes in China Natural Diamonds中国原生金刚石的碳同位素组成及其来源

8.The sources of glucose supply are the glucose from endogenous production and one from intestinal absorption in lactating cows.泌乳牛代谢葡萄糖的来源包括内源生成和小肠吸收。

9.The Biological Characteristics of Osteoblasts Derived from Myelodysplastic Syndrome;骨髓增生异常综合征患者来源的成骨细胞生物学特性的研究

10.Biosynthesis gene cluster of immunodepressants derived from microorganisms微生物来源的免疫抑制剂生物合成基因簇的研究

11.Ore-forming metals maybe mostly derived from the granites.花岗岩浆是成矿物质来源和成矿热源。

12.oil [ petroleum ] genesis石油成因[生成, 起源]

13.derive:To issue from a source; originate."起源于,来自:从某一源泉产生;起源."

14.There are three sources from which the costs come.成本有三个方面的来源。

15.The Living Situation of the Farmer Laborers from Other Places andHuman Resource Production;外来民工生存状态与人力资源生产——成都市城乡结合部外来人口生存状态调查及思考

16.Primary phloem PHLOEM derived from the procambium in the young plant.初生韧皮部:指幼嫩植物中来源于原形成层的韧皮部。

17.a white solid mineral that occurs naturally as periclase; a source of magnesium.一种白色固体矿物,天然生成的方镁石,是镁的来源。

18.Nearly60 per cent of community health centres do raise money.经费来源除了卫生署的补助款外,接近六成有办募款活动。


source composition生源构成

3)the generating resource生成来源

1.The article reckons that in order to set up a curriculum goal, the first thing should be to discussthe generating resource of the curriculum goal.确立高职语文课程目标首先要探讨的问题是课程目标的生成来源问题,指出高职语文课程目标主要会受到四个方面的制约:学生成长需要的直接驱动、语文课程范式的内在促成、高职教育目标的本质牵制、社会发展需要的外围制约。


5)local institution生源地

1.In this paper we analysed the outstangding advantage of GSSL implement bylocal institution, such as low default risk, flexibility of application and convenience of dun.该文系统分析了生源地信用助学贷款信用约束方面优势突出和贷款方式灵活便于跟踪等诸多优势,提出推广生源地信用助学贷款的必要性,对于补充、完善高校国家助学贷款,加大资助家庭经济困难学生的力度,具有重要的意义。

6)enrollment base生源基地

1.Through analyzing the current condition of running local newly-build four-year universities,we try to discuss advantages and disadvantages of the construction ofenrollment base.通过对地方新建本科院校办学现状的剖析,探讨建立生源基地的利弊,分析了地方新建本科院校和中学共建生源基地将会促进两者之间的合作交流,对人才的选拔和培养具有积极的推动作用。


生成1.养育。 2.长成。 3.指生物。亦泛指物品。 4.指人民。 5.自然形成;生就。 6.保全性命。 7.必定。
