100字范文 > 生态税收体系 ecological taxation system英语短句 例句大全

生态税收体系 ecological taxation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-09 19:02:38


生态税收体系 ecological taxation system英语短句 例句大全

生态税收体系,ecological taxation system

1)ecological taxation system生态税收体系


1.The Study of Eco-tax System"s Construction and Consummation in China构建和完善我国生态税收体系的研究

2.Constituting Zoology Taxation System to Boost the Development of the Recycling Economy;构建促进我国循环经济发展的生态税收体系

3.On the Establishment of Eco-revenue System and the Development of Circular Economy in Xiangxi Region;建立生态税收体系发展湘西地区循环经济

4.Thoughts on Establishing the Ecological Taxation System Which Accords with Chinese Conditions;对构建符合中国国情的生态税收体系的思考

5.In Our Country Eco-tourism System of Construction Ecology Tax Revenue;我国生态旅游中生态税收之体系建构

6.Theory of Ecological Taxation and the Construction of Ecological Tax System in China;生态税收论与我国生态税制体系的构建

7.Establish & Improve the Research of China Ecosystem Environment Tax System;建立和完善我国生态环境税收体系的研究

8.On Constructing Ecological Taxation Law System Based on Circulation Economy;基于循环经济的生态税收法律体系之构建

9.Foreign Ecological Taxation Practice and Conception of China"S Ecological Taxation Policy国外的生态税收实践与我国生态税收政策选择

10.Foreign Ecological Taxation Policy and Thinking for Construction of Ecological Taxation System in Our Country;国外的生态税收政策与我国生态税制建设构想

11.Legal Research of the Tax on Eco-tourism生态旅游视角下生态税收的法律思考

12.Use Eco-Tax to Protect Environment:Basic Theory and Case Study利用生态税收保护环境:生态税收基本理论和若干国家的生态税收实践

13.Construct China s Eco-Taxation System with the Guidance of Scientific Concept of Development;以科学发展观为指导 构建我国的生态税费体系

14.Study on Tax Compliance and How to Construct a New Tax Service System;税收遵从分析—试论构建新型税收服务体系

15.Discussion on the Perfect System of our Country of Distribution of Personal Incomes of Tax Revenue;完善我国个人收入分配税收体系探讨

16.Perfect the tax system and reduce the difference in personal income;完善税收体系缩小个人收入分配差距

17.On the Theoretical Basis and Practical Experience of Eco-taxation System;生态税收制度的理论基础与实践经验

18.Effect of Environment Pollution on Taxes and Countermeasures;生态环境对税收的影响及其对策研究


ecological taxation law system生态税收法律体系

3)ecological tax生态税收

1.Swedish Ecological Tax and its Experience for Reference for China;瑞典的生态税收及对我国的借鉴

2.The Research on Ecological Tax Policy Based on Compartive Dematerialization;面向相对减物质化的生态税收政策研究

3.It introduces the status ofecological tax in developed countries and illstrates the neccesity and possibility to take economic measures to set upecological tax system and to protect ecological environment in our country.环境污染、生态破坏严重影响着我国经济的可持续发展 ,借鉴世界上发达国家的生态税收现状 ,论述了在我国应采用经济手段 ,建立生态税收 ,保护生态环境的必要性及可能性 ,提出了我国生态税收的初步构想 ,以期有利于我国实现可持续发展的目标。

4)ecological tax revenue生态税收

1.Practice of the foreignecological tax revenue and the enlightenment to China;国外生态税收实践及对中国的启示

5)ecological taxation生态税收

1.The global trend ofecological taxation has emerged.生态税收是政府通过对破坏生态环境的行为(生产行为和消费行为)征收相应数量的税收,用于环境保护的投资或对保护环境的行为的税收支出,以保持生态平衡的一种税收体系。

2.But its real result depends greatly on the construction and design of theecological taxation .但其实际效果如何,很大程度上取决于生态税收的建设和设计。

6)taxation system税收体系

1.After entry into WTO, China s localtaxation system should be constructed and perfected without any delay, so as to adapt to the new economic situation.其主要原因是没有真正建立起相对独立的地方税收体系。


