100字范文 > 城乡统一税制 unified urban and rural taxation system英语短句 例句大全

城乡统一税制 unified urban and rural taxation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-17 07:00:04


城乡统一税制 unified urban and rural taxation system英语短句 例句大全

城乡统一税制,unified urban and rural taxation system

1)unified urban and rural taxation system城乡统一税制

1.However, we face different choices about how to construct urban and rural taxation system and how to constructunified urban and rural taxation system.取消农业税制、构建城乡统一税制已成为我国农业税费改革的必然选择。


1.Canceling agricultural tax and construction of unified taxation system between urban and rural areas;取消农业税与构建城乡统一税制的思考

2.Unify the urban and rural taxation: the new way of agriculturetax reformation;统一城乡税制:农业税制改革新思路

3.Study on the Tax Policy of Unifying Urban and Rural Tax System for Transitional Stage;统一城乡税制过渡阶段税收政策研究

4.Reforming the agricultural tax system according to the principle of unifying the tax system in urban and rural areas;按“城乡税制统一”原则改革我国农业税制

5.Since it is a trend to form a unified tax institution program, so, the transition of Tax Law becomes important.取消农业税后必然要实行城乡统一的工商税制。

6.Unify the Taxation Systems: An Analytic Perspective Based on Public Finance;城乡税制统一:基于公共财政的分析视角

7.Discussion on Uniting the Personal Income Tax of City and Town after Abolishing the Agricultural Tax;取消农业税后的城乡统一个人所得税制的构建问题探讨

8.Indirect Taxes Refund : A Necessary Step toward a Unified Public Finance System in Urban and Rural Areas;返还间接税:形成城乡统一的公共财政体制的必要步骤

9.Analysis of the Financial and Taxation Policies that Promote the Coordinated Development of Rural and Urban Area进一步推动城乡统筹发展的财税政策分析

10.Urban and Rural Tax system Linkage After Agricultural Tax Abolition;废止农业税之后 城乡税制如何衔接

11.System Construction: the Most Important Affair for the Development of City and Countryside;制度建设:统筹城乡发展的第一要务

12.Study on Tax Policy of Coordinating Urban-Rural Development in China我国城乡统筹发展中的税收政策研究

13.On the Reform in Financing System of Rural Public Goods: from Difference to Consolidation in Urban and Rural Areas;论农村公共产品筹资制度的改革——从城乡有别到城乡统一

14.Research on the Plan,Harmonious and Integration of the City and Countryside;城乡统筹、城乡和谐与胶东半岛城乡一体化研究

15.Shorting the Difference Lying in Harmonizing the Policy and System of City and Country;统筹城乡政策与制度 缩小城乡差距

16.Overall Planning of Development of Urban-rural Areas:A Policy Mechanism for Urban-rural Coordinated Growth;城乡统筹:城乡协调发展的政策机制

17.On the Urban-Rural and Urbanism System;城乡一体化与乡村城市化双轨制探讨

18.Innovation of Unified Urban & Rural Land Market System and Policy Suggestions;城乡统一土地市场制度创新及政策建议


integrate taxation of cities and countrysides统一城乡税制

1.The paper generalizes and analyzes the major viewpoints on how tointegrate taxation of cities and countrysides.本文对当前我国如何统一城乡税制存在的主要观点进行了概括和评价分析,提出必须结合我国国情,加快构建和实践城乡统一的税收制度的步伐。

3)uniformity of urban and rural tax systems城乡税制统一

4)the integrating of tax system in urban and rural areas城乡税制一体化

5)urban and rural tax system城乡税制

1.Creating conditions for the progressive realization of a unifiedurban and rural tax system is an important part of this strategy."创造条件逐步实现城乡税制统一"是这一战略构想的重要组成部分。

6)Unified urban and rural areas城乡统一


