100字范文 > 员工培训 staff training英语短句 例句大全

员工培训 staff training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-17 02:19:25


员工培训 staff training英语短句 例句大全

员工培训,staff training

1)staff training员工培训

1.On the design of outsourcing scheme aboutstaff training of a chemical engineering company;化学工程公司员工培训外包方案设计

2.The status and strategy research aboutstaff training in private enterprises of coastal areas of Fujian province;福建省沿海地区民营企业员工培训现状及对策

3.Briefly on thestaff training based on the characteristics of adult learning;基于成人学习特点的员工培训之浅谈


1.Management to enhance staff training to establish the staff training system加强员工培训管理 建立员工培训体系

2.Staff Training and Development Division [Labour Department]员工培训科〔劳工处〕

3.Construction of Enterprise Employee Training System Based on Training Outsourcing;基于培训外包的企业员工培训体系的构建

4.Discussion of the Quality Control and Trainability Methods about Personnel s Trainability in Grogshop;酒店员工培训的质量控制及其培训方式的探索

5.Applying Staff Training Model and Constructing Enterprise Training System;合理运用员工培训系统模型构建企业培训体系

6.Consideration on the Staff Training of Xian Power Supply Burean;关于西安供电局员工培训工作的思考

7.On the design of outsourcing scheme about staff training of a chemical engineering company;化学工程公司员工培训外包方案设计

8.Research on the Relationship of New Employee Turnover and New Employee Training;新员工离职与新员工培训之间的相关关系研究

9.On the Management of Employee"s Assimilation--On the Case of Employee"s Training in the Transfar Group企业员工的同化管理——浅谈传化集团的员工培训

10.On-the-job training, ie training given to workers at their place of work岗位培训(在工作人员的工作处进行培训)

11.Staff Resource Centre [Civil Service Training and Development Institute]员工资源中心〔公务员培训处〕

12.Trained staff members and service technicians.培训本部员工和售后服务人员。

13.Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB)工程建筑工业培训委员会

14.Talking about How to Raise the Work Efficiency of Enterprise Staff by Using Training;如何利用培训提升企业员工工作效率

15.Views on how to enhance education and training for employee of gas station.;浅议加强加油站员工的教育培训工作

16.How to do well safety education and training of employees浅谈如何抓好员工安全教育培训工作

17.The shop is closed for staff training .该商店停业对工作人员进行培训。

18.Department Managers are responsible for the training of the members within their own department.部门主管负责本部门员工的培训。


employee training员工培训

1.Research on difficulty and countermeasure of China s enterprisesemployee training;我国企业员工培训难点与对策研究

2.Study on theemployee training of the high-tech enterprises in western China;西部高新技术企业员工培训工作的探讨

3)personnel training员工培训

1.Personnel Training&Formulation of Enterprise s Core Competitive Power;员工培训与企业核心竞争力的形成

2.The purpose of this thesis is to draft and determine a new systematicpersonnel training plan which will enhance the abilities of the em.本文以某国有大型石油化工企业为研究对象,通过信息的收集和问卷调查等手段,分析和找出该企业员工培训中存在的问题,并从企业的现实情况出发,运用员工培训设计的相关理论,探索为该企业设计和构建科学合理、与本企业发展阶段相匹配的员工培训方案体系。

4)employees training员工培训

1.Research on Employees Training Management System Optimization in Liaohe Oil Company;辽河油田公司员工培训管理体系优化研究

2.Through analyzing the current situation ofemployees training in our country, this paper illustrates the existing problems.文章通过分析我国企业员工培训的现状,阐明了其存在的问题,并从不同角度提出我国企业有效开展员工培训的创新策略。


1.Taking 122 manufacture firms from Shanghai,Jiangsu and Guangdong as a sample,the relation of innovation strategy andtraining with firm performance was studied using hierarchical regression method.以上海、江苏和广东三地的122家制造企业为样本,采用层级回归方法对创新战略、员工培训与企业绩效的关系进行了实证研究。

2.The existing methods of evaluation intraining are misleading in telling companies to evaluate the return oftraining investment and the value oftraining in terms business profits.以往的评估方法误导企业通过经营业绩来衡量培训投资的回报和培训的价值,实际上却难以在培训与经营成果之间建立起直接的联系,严重影响企业培训投资的信心、热情和员工培训的健康发展。

3.As an important content of Human Resource Management,training is important to promote the employee s knowledge and skill, and to build up enterprise core competition ability.本文首先探讨了员工培训的概念界定、理论回顾及员工培训的现实意义。

6)employee training management培训员工


