100字范文 > 消防指挥学校 Command school of fire fighting army英语短句 例句大全

消防指挥学校 Command school of fire fighting army英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-25 16:18:57


消防指挥学校 Command school of fire fighting army英语短句 例句大全

消防指挥学校,Command school of fire fighting army

1)Command school of fire fighting army消防指挥学校

1.Command school of fire fighting army is the only fire field college of public security serviceman, its all education movement is the special kind higher occupation education, compared with common college, it has the character of occupation and practice.消防指挥学校是全国唯一的一所公安现役部队消防专业的大专院校,所进行的教育活动是一种特殊类型的高等职业教育,与普通高校相比,在办学类型、人才培养模式、培养目标、学员来源、学员的心理特征、学员的就业情况等方面都有所不同,具有较强职业性、实践性的特点。

2)fire command消防指挥

1.In order to meet the need of the development of city fire-fighting command, the paper puts forward an intelligentfire command and decision idea and the system structure based on virtual reality and computer simulation.针对城市火灾的消防扑救指挥的发展需要 ,本文指出了建立在虚拟现实和计算机仿真技术之上的智能化消防指挥决策思想及其系统框架 ,并就其实现方法的基本内容等关键技术作了探

2.The teaching mode of students designing,organizing and practicing is introduced into teaching practice byfire command major.消防指挥专业"学员自己设计、自己组织、自己参加"的灭火救援综合演练作为一项崭新的教学内容和教学模式被引进消防指挥专业教学。


1.The reflection and suggestion on bilingual teaching for fire command discipline;消防指挥专业双语教学的思考与建议

2.Design of GIS-based Fire Emergency Information System基于GIS的“119”消防指挥调度系统的设计

3.The Design and Practice of City Fire Control Command Geographic Information System城市消防指挥地理信息系统的设计与实现

4.Application of Intelligently Integrated Technology in Command and Dispatch System of Urban Fire Fighting智能集成技术在消防指挥调度系统中的应用

5.Design and Implementation of GIS-based Fire Information Support System;基于GIS的消防指挥信息支持系统设计与实现

6.The Research of Urban Fire Protection Commanding Assistant Decision-making System on the Basis of GIS;基于GIS的城市消防指挥辅助决策系统研究

7.LAN Project and Information Application Research of YuLin Fire Command Certer Building;榆林消防指挥中心信息网络设计及应用研究

8.The Study on Some Aspects of the Fire Command Construction;消防指挥学学科建设中应把握的几个问题

9.Research on the Idea & Actualizing Method of Intelligent Fire Command and Decision;论智能化消防指挥决策思想及实现方法

10.The Training and Practice of Fire Fighting Maneuvering by Fire Commanding Major消防指挥专业灭火救援综合演练教学实践与探索

11.The fire marshal directed the hook-and-ladder units.消防队长指挥云梯消防队。

12.jurisdictional coverage network管区覆盖网指挥中心与通信指挥消防车

13.mobile terminal移动终端通信指挥消防车上

14.Code for design of fire communication and command system消防通信指挥系统设计规范

15.Traffic commander shall guarantee the fast and smooth passing of fire trucks and fire boats.交通管理指挥人员应当保证消防车、消防艇迅速通行。

16.Firefighters supervised the orderly evacuation of the Building.消防队员指挥(人们)有秩序地从建筑物中疏散。

17.A Plan Design and Implementing of Municipal Fire Communication and Command System for Mian Yang;绵阳城市消防通信指挥系统的设计与实现

18.The Focuses of the Provisional Communication System;省级消防通信指挥系统建设应注意的环节


fire command消防指挥

1.In order to meet the need of the development of city fire-fighting command, the paper puts forward an intelligentfire command and decision idea and the system structure based on virtual reality and computer simulation.针对城市火灾的消防扑救指挥的发展需要 ,本文指出了建立在虚拟现实和计算机仿真技术之上的智能化消防指挥决策思想及其系统框架 ,并就其实现方法的基本内容等关键技术作了探

2.The teaching mode of students designing,organizing and practicing is introduced into teaching practice byfire command major.消防指挥专业"学员自己设计、自己组织、自己参加"的灭火救援综合演练作为一项崭新的教学内容和教学模式被引进消防指挥专业教学。

3)fire commander消防指挥员

1.The stable and mutual psychology is one of key elements to complete the firefighting and rescue tasks forfire commanders.消防指挥员的心理素质在灭火救援活动中起着重要的作用。

4)command vehicle指挥消防车

5)fire service commanding car消防指挥车

6)fire services command post消防指挥站


