100字范文 > 实测资料 measured data英语短句 例句大全

实测资料 measured data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-25 10:50:54


实测资料 measured data英语短句 例句大全

实测资料,measured data

1)measured data实测资料

1.The comparisons and summarizations of themeasured data are also carried out.并对实测资料进行了对比和概述。

2.On the foundation of collecting a great dealmeasured data of winds and waves, and with the result of numerical simulation of large-scale wave, the second chapter does statistical analysis systematically b.在大量收集风、波浪实测资料的基础上,应用大范围波浪数值模拟的计算结果,采用波侯综合模式对我国沿海区域和西北太平洋区域风、波浪数据进行了系统地统计分析。

3.The long series ofmeasured data of silt in the key stations in the Pearl River have been analyzed primarily in the aspects of the main silt sources,silt yearly variation,and silt annual variation as well as the sediment evolutions in major river courses.选取珠江主要控制站的长系列泥沙实测资料,对珠江泥沙的主要来源、年内变化、年际变化等时空演变以及重要河段的冲淤变化进行初步分析,为珠江流域内的规划设计及防汛抗旱等工作提供参考。


1.Finally, the computational results are compared with the field data of the subway in Beijing.最后与北京地铁的实测资料进行对比。

2.Analysis of Embankment Dam Seepage Problem and Prototype Observation;土石坝渗流计算分析及实测资料分析


4.Trimming and Analysis of Field Measured Data of Non-uniform Gravel非均匀卵石野外实测资料的整理与分析

5.The storm surge characteristics on Qingdao Harbor were analysed in this paper, based on the data over a long period of time.本文利用青岛港多年实测资料,分析了该港风暴潮概况。

pared with observational data, the results of simulation have good agreement with the observed one.模拟结果与实测资料进行对比,表明模拟结果有较高的精度。

7.The tally of computation and observation is in a good agreement.将计算值与实测资料比较,结果表明符合程度良好。

8.Study and application of sorting and analysis method of measured concrete temperature data of Laxiwa arch dam拉西瓦拱坝混凝土温度实测资料整编分析方法研究与应用

9.Analysis of the Concrete Faceslab Deformation and Stress for Gongboxia Dam based on Measured Data Information基于实测资料的公伯峡大坝面板变形及应力分析

10.The Design and Implementation of the Logging Data Web Drawing System;测井资料Web绘图系统设计与实现

11.Back Analysis of Actual Safety Degree of Concrete Dams with Prototype Observation Data用原型观测资料反馈混凝土坝的实际安全度

12.The Design and Implementation of IDS for Foreign Aid Database Management System;援外资料库入侵检测系统的设计与实现

13.The Entitative Archives MIS of Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation Based on B/S Structure of ASP基于ASP的B/S模式下勘测实体资料管理系统

14.Analyzing logging data from a well shows that the method is practical.通过对一口井实际测井资料的研究和分析,说明方法的实用性。

15.They collect data, analyze them and predict the weather of the coming day.他们收集资料,分析资料,预测来日天气。

prehensive Well and Geological Constrained Seismic Inversion;地震资料与测井资料的综合约束反演

17.atellite ozone data卫星测得的臭氧资料

18.hydrographic data acquisition system水道测量资料收集系统


observed data实测资料

1.Based on the basic principles of BP artificial neural network model and the fundamental law of water and sediment yield in a river basin,a BP artificial neural network model is developed by usingobserved data,with rainfall conditions serving as affecting factors.运用BP人工神经网络模型的基本原理 ,根据流域产流产沙的基本规律 ,以流域降雨条件为基本影响因子 ,由流域实测资料建立了BP神经网络模型。

2.In order to study the performance of CFRD, regression analysis and inverse analysis are adopted to investigate theobserved data of displacement of the rockfill dam under and after construction.研究结果表明,堆石坝的实测位移数据可以按自变量因子进行分离;施工期堆石体的蠕变不能忽略,其占相当比例;堆石材料本构关系中的参数的试验值与实测反演值有一定差别;对蓄水后的实测资料进行分析,建立预报方程,可实现大坝安全运行的监控和反

3.Based on the diurnal consecutivelyobserved data in the offshore area of Jiaonan in , the paper tries to make a preliminary analysis of the specificity of ocean currents, tidal current property and residual current property in the area in observing dates.基于胶南近岸海域海流的周日连续观测资料,对该海域观测日期内的海流特征、潮流性质及余流特点进行了初步分析;进而在实测资料分析的基础上,利用分步杂交法对潮流场进行了数值模拟计算,展现了M2分潮的潮波系统、潮流椭圆分布、最大流速分布及逐时潮流场。

3)actually measured data实测资料

1.Aiming at the problem that theactually measured data for radio wave tunnels perspective method are not full and the inverse equation groups are undetermined, the image of geologic abnormal body was reconstructed by using tomography method.层析成像算法根据数据量大小、品质来选择矩阵反演法与迭代重建法,然后对物理模型、实测资料进行层析成像处理,结果获得满意的重建异常体图像。

4)observation data实测资料

1.In previous studies, few oceanographers focus on the induction of long-termobservation data, while most meteorologists focus on SST, based on reanalysis data of lower resolution.本文从东海黑潮区现有长期的、高密度的实测资料出发,对近几十年东海黑潮实测水文资料进行系统归纳和质量控制,给出了东海黑潮区各典型层面上温度、盐度和流速的分布,以及平均状态下流-涡系统的分布特征。

5)no first-hand datum无实测资料

6)Kayabe data setKayabe实测资料


