100字范文 > 铜基粉末 copper-based powder英语短句 例句大全

铜基粉末 copper-based powder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-27 04:07:35


铜基粉末 copper-based powder英语短句 例句大全

铜基粉末,copper-based powder

1)copper-based powder铜基粉末

1.Based on statistics of PM Association of China Steel Construction Society,the recent production of iron-andcopper-based powders in China is reviewed and some suggestions for further development are put forward.依据协会的统计数据,评述了我国当前铁基、铜基粉末的生产状况。


1.The Role of Fe in Copper-based P/M Friction Materials铁在铜基粉末冶金摩擦材料中的作用

2.Study of Compacting Processes for Powder Metallurgic Aluminium Bronze Matrix Frictional Materials铝青铜基粉末冶金摩擦材料压制工艺研究

3.Analysis on Electrical Sliding Wear Morphology of Cu-base Powder Metallurgy铜基粉末冶金载流摩擦磨损微观形貌分析

4.Laser Surface Modification of Copper-Based Powder Metallurgy Friction Materials铜基粉末冶金摩擦材料激光表面改性处理

5.Research on Densification of Cu-based Powder in Different Pressing Condition不同压制条件下铜基粉末的致密化研究

6.Research on Arc Erosion Characteristics of Cu-base Powder Metallurgy/QCr0.5 Couples under Electric Current铜基粉末冶金/铬青铜摩擦副载流摩擦磨损的电弧侵蚀特性研究

7.Study of Copper-matrix Friction Materials by Powder Metallurgy and Its High Temperature Fatique Wear Properties and Dynamic Behaviors;铜基粉末冶金摩擦材料研制及其高温疲劳磨损和冲击性能研究

8.Tribology Performance of Copper Matrix with Graphite Self-lubricating Powder Metallurgy Materials with and without Current有无电流条件下石墨自润滑铜基粉末冶金材料的摩擦磨损行为研究

9.Influencing Factors of Iron-based Powder Metallurgy Thrust Plate Infiltrating Copper Quality铁基粉末冶金配流盘渗铜质量影响因素

10.Effect of nano-copper on the interface in the process of sintering Fe-base powder metallurgy parts铁基粉末冶金制件烧结时纳米铜在界面的作用

11.3 bronze powder, tin powder, nickel powder etc.3青铜粉、锡粉、镍粉等各种客户要求合金粉末。

12.Preparation of Combustion Catalyst β-Cu Ultrafine Powders in Impinging Steam-Rotating Packed Bed;IS-RPB反应器制备燃速催化剂2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铜超细粉末的研究

13.Manufacture and Properties of Nanodiamond/Cu Composites by Powder Metallurgy;粉末冶金法制备纳米金刚石/铜基复合材料及其性能研究

14.The Microstructure and Properties of Fe-based Powder Alloy by Liquid-phase Sintering and Copper-infiltration Sintering;液相烧结和渗铜烧结铁基粉末合金的组织和性能

15.Analysis on the Microstructure and Properties of New Copper-based Electrical Contact Material Produced by Powder Metallurgy Method粉末冶金法制备新型铜基电接触材料的组织与性能分析

16.Study on Process & Mechanics of Surface Transpositional Coating of Copper on Iron Powder;铜置换包覆铁粉末的工艺及机理研究

17.Sintering behavior of Mo/Cu composite powders prepared by electroless copper plating on molybdenum powders钼粉表面化学镀铜复合粉末烧结致密化

paring of Testing Study for Laser Cladding of Ni Powder and Co Powder;激光熔覆Ni基粉末和Co基粉末对比试验研究


copper/copper based powder material铜铜基粉末材料

3)copper-based metal powder铜基金属粉末

1.Mechanism of P element in selective laser sintering ofcopper-based metal powder;磷元素对铜基金属粉末选区激光烧结作用机理

2.Direct laser sintering of a multi-componentcopper-based metal powder,which consisted of a mixture of Cu,Cu-10Sn,and Cu-8.对多组分铜基金属粉末(组分包括Cu、Cu-10Sn、Cu-8。

4)Cu-based metal powder铜基金属粉末

1.Densification mechanism of multi-componentCu-based metal powderin selective laser sintering process;多组分铜基金属粉末选区激光烧结致密化机理

2.Selective laser sintering of a multi-componentCu-based metal powder, which consists of high-purity Cu, pre-alloyed CuSn and CuP, has been successfully processed basing on liquid phase sintering mechanism.对多组分铜基金属粉末(组分包括纯Cu,预合金CuSn和CuP)进行了选择性激光烧结试验,其成形机制为粉末部分熔化状态下的液相烧结机制。

3.Experimental investigations on selective laser sintering(SLS) of multi-componentCu-based metal powder,which consists of pure Cu,pre-alloyed CuSn,and pre-alloyed CuP,were performed.30 mm),对多组份铜基金属粉末(组份包括纯Cu,预合金CuSn和预合金CuP)进行了选区激光烧结(SLS)实验,其成形机制为粉末部分熔化状态下的液相烧结机制。


1.Emulating computational of braking shoes with copper matrix powder metallurgy (Cu-PM);铜基粉末冶金闸瓦刹车仿真计算

2.Study of High Temperature Fatigue Wear of Copper Powder Metallurgy (Cu-PM)Friction Material;铜基粉末冶金摩擦材料高温疲劳磨损规律

3.Study temperature distribution of braking shoes with copper-matrix powder metallurgy(Cu-PM);铜基粉末冶金闸瓦温度场分布

6)copper-base powder铜基合金粉末<冶>


