100字范文 > 凡人魅力 Mortal charm英语短句 例句大全

凡人魅力 Mortal charm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 13:33:32


凡人魅力 Mortal charm英语短句 例句大全

凡人魅力,Mortal charm

1)Mortal charm凡人魅力

2)the outstanding glamour超凡魅力


1.Weak spot: Not a fiery, charismatic leader.缺点:不是一个易躁的、有超凡魅力的领导者。

2.We are in hopeless bondage to his charisma.我们被无望的“奴役”在他的超凡魅力之中.

3.He was chosen as President because he was a fully qualified,charismatic statesman.他被选为总统是因为他是一个完全合格、具有超凡魅力的政治家。

4.Her grace, and her charisma, all she holds in her young frame are hard to overlook.她的优雅举止、她的超凡魅力以及她的年轻的躯体中蕴藏的一切都是那么令人过目不忘。

5.Polls suggest that if the charismatic Ms Royal were Socialist candidate, she and Mr Sarkozy would breeze into the run-off.民调显示如果拥有超凡魅力的罗亚尔女士是社会党的候选人,她将与萨科奇先生携手轻松进入决赛。

6.a vital and charismatic leader; this whole vital world.充满活力、魅力超凡的领导;整个充满生机的世界。

7.Despite the difficulties, solar thermal plants have an other-worldly beauty as they run.尽管困难重重,太阳能热电厂还是有其超凡脱俗的魅力。

8.In Pursuit of Surpassing--A Trial Probe into the Artistic Charms of Da Yu Nv;追寻与超越——《大浴女》艺术魅力探析

9.Having extraordinary strength, powers, or capabilities;superhuman.超人的具有非凡的力量、威力或能力的;超人

10.He is a man of great might.他是具有超凡力气的大力士。

11.You know you"ve got more charm than the law allows.你知道你的魅力已超过法律的许可范围了。

12."An amazing feat of imagination."一个令人惊异的超凡想象力的壮举.

13.Both men were strong, charismatic and influential.其实我的两个爸爸都是那种生性刚强、富有魅力、对他人有着非凡影响力的人。

14.Vincent Van Gogh was a man in a hurry,an artist of tremendous energy and prodigious output.文森特·凡高是个闲不住的人,是位精力超凡而又多产的艺术家。

15.An extraordinary power, such as the ability to perform miracles, granted to a Christian by the Holy Spirit.神授的超凡能力圣灵授予基督教徒的一种超凡能力,如创造奇迹的能力

16.Appollo stood for[5] youth and manly beauty. His golden hair and magnific manner made him very attractive.阿波罗象征着青春和阳刚之美。他金色的头发和庄重的神态使他非常具有非凡的魅力。

17.He mooned over their charms but he was of opinion that all of them(save the women of his own family)were "different" and "mysterious".他呆想看她们的魅力,但他又认为凡是女人(除了他自己家的几个)都“不一样”,都“看不透”。

18.LED stars light has five cape star polygon, bullet form, snowflake form, strawberry a form, diamond form, pine tree form etc.LED 星星灯配装功能控制器,可以感觉到无比非凡的魅力,让其体现真星闪烁的生动效果。


the outstanding glamour超凡魅力


1.Taking into account the author s years of teaching experience,the article explains the building of modern teacherspersonality from the senses of self-cultivation;equality,professional dedication and innovation.文章结合多年的教学体会,从修身意识、平等意识、敬业意识和创新意识四方面阐述了现代教师人格魅力的塑造。

2.To study hispersonality charm has a practical significance for the construction of the Party.他的崇高威望不仅仅来自于他的丰功伟绩,还来自于他独特的党性人格魅力。

4)personality charm人格魅力

1.A Teacher s Personality Charm and the Teaching of“Two Subjects”;教师的人格魅力与“两课”教学

2.Fully developpersonality charm of teachers of "two-course;充分发挥“两课”教师的人格魅力

3.On thepersonality charm of college leaders;论高校领导者的人格魅力

5)personal charm人格魅力

1.Thepersonal charm of academic journal editors comes from their willingness to sacrifice,determination to advance with the times, readiness to cooperate,and enthusiasm in their work.编辑的人格魅力主要表现为甘为人梯的精神和创新进取的时代精神、团结协作的精神和肩负着出书育人的基本职责等。

2.Working as a counselor of the main contingent of college students,theirpersonal charm in the shape of the character is a very prominent position.大学生的人格塑造是高校学生工作的重要内容,辅导员作为高校学生工作队伍的主体部分,其人格魅力在大学生人格塑造中的地位是很突出的,它是一种综合影响力,具有非强制性、广泛性和持久性等特点。

3.It s an important way to achieve self-realization and withpersonal charm to achieve the effective leadership that establishing a correct attitude,strengthening the will to i.确立正确的态度、磨练坚定的意志、完善心智模式、培育健康的情绪情感,是领导干部充善个性达到自我实现,并以优秀的人格魅力赢得下属的拥戴而实现有效领导、获得成功的重要途径。

6)charm of personality人格魅力

1.He not only drew magnificant blueprint about reform and opening-up and socialist modernization construction of China,but also earned esteem from the Chinese people for his extraordinarycharm of personality.本文从邓小平坚忍不拔的个性、不计前嫌的气度、直率放言的风格、荐贤让位的风范、人民公朴的形象这一颇具特色的人格魅力的角度出发,再展伟人的风采。


凡人①平常的人:~琐事。②指尘世的人(区别于‘神仙 ’)。
