100字范文 > 替代性创伤 vicarious trauma英语短句 例句大全

替代性创伤 vicarious trauma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-22 02:31:31


替代性创伤 vicarious trauma英语短句 例句大全

替代性创伤,vicarious trauma

1)vicarious trauma替代性创伤

1.Therefore, the problem ofvicarious trauma of rescue workers should be concerned about in time to protect their own mental health.替代性创伤是危机干预中的常见现象,它给救援者的身心带来不同程度的伤害,因此,需要及时关注救援者的替代性创伤问题,以维护其自身心理健康。


1.Vicarious Trauma: Self-protection of Rescue Workers in Crisis Intervention替代性创伤:危机干预中救援者的自我保护问题

2.Blood purification in the therapeutic strategy of kidney replacement for multiple injury in children儿童多发性创伤血液净化与肾脏替代治疗策略

3.An Approach to the Effect of Creative Substitution in Human Capital;人力资本与“创造性替代”:假说及检验

4.Technologies (Products) Substitution,Creative Destruction,and Cyclical Economic Growth;技术(产品)替代、创造性破坏与周期性经济增长

5.Preparation of Heterogeneous (Porcine) Skin Substitute and Its Use in Deep Burn Wound;异种(猪)皮肤替代物的研制及其在覆盖深度烧伤创面中的应用

6.Anxiety and Frustrated Experience in The Feminist Writing;当代女性写作中的焦虑和创伤性经验

7.Not only the computer can not go on creativeness work, and can not substitute for man yet.计算机既不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人。

8.Strategic Substitutability,Cannibalization and Incentives of Entrepreneurs;战略替代性、内部竞争与创业企业家激励

9.The Sentimental Features of Poems Written in Chinese by Ancient Korean Females;论古代朝鲜女性汉诗创作的感伤特色

10.Instead of fragrance there will be a stench; instead of a sash, a rope; instead of well-dressed hair, baldness; instead of fine clothing, sackcloth; instead of beauty, branding.必有臭烂代替馨香,绳子代替腰带,光秃代替美发,麻衣系腰代替华服,烙伤代替美容。

11.vicarious conditioning替代性条件作用 替代性制约作用

12.Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism Changes after Traumatic Brain Injury and Correlation with Clinical Prognosis创伤性颅脑外伤脑氧代谢变化的意义及其与预后的相关性

13.Substitution Analysis of Enterprise Knowledge in the Innovation Process;企业技术创新过程中的知识替代性分析与互联网经济

14.The Study of Neuroprotective Effects of Progesterone and Allopregnanolone in Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Potential Mechanisms Background;黄体酮及其代谢产物对创伤性脑损伤后神经保护作用的机制研究

15.It can"t fill in the indivedual study to Wu Mingshi"s opus.然而,这种对无名氏创作的群落性划分,并不能替代对其创作个体独特性的研究。

16.Risk factors of early acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement therapy in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation原位肝移植相关性急性肾损伤的危险因素分析及连续性肾脏替代治疗的干预

17.The attribute-based alternative基于属性的替代方案

18.The Discussion on the Replaceable Character and Irreplaceable Character about Teacher Profession;试论教师专业的“可替代性”和“不可替代性”


Creative substitution创造性替代

3)vicarious innovativeness替代性创新


1.The Dynamic Changes of Plasma TXA_2 and PGI_2 Levels of Rabbits withTraumatic Shock and the Effects of Puerarin on them;创伤性休克家兔血浆TXA_2和PGI_2的动态变化以及葛根素的调控作用

2.Diagnostic value of X-ray and CT for traumatic diaphragmatic hernia;创伤性膈疝的X线与CT诊断分析

5)Acute trauma急性创伤

1.Expression of heat shock protein 72 in leukocytes from patients with acute trauma and its relationship with survival;急性创伤患者早期中性粒细胞热休克蛋白72的表达意义

2.Survey and countermeasures of anxiety induced by acute trauma;急性创伤致焦虑调查及对策


1.The establishment and estimation on the model of traumatic synovitis in rabbit s knee;膝关节创伤性滑膜炎模型的建立及评价

2.Clinical features and surgical treatment of posttraumatic epilepsy;创伤性癫痫的临床特征及外科治疗

3.Objective To probe into the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic testicular dislocation.目的探讨创伤性睾丸脱位的诊断和治疗。


