100字范文 > 结构复杂性 structural complexity英语短句 例句大全

结构复杂性 structural complexity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-18 08:11:04


结构复杂性 structural complexity英语短句 例句大全

结构复杂性,structural complexity

1)structural complexity结构复杂性

1.Study on Structural Complexity of Modern Enterprise Group and Its Growth Mechanism;现代企业集团结构复杂性及其成长机理研究

2.Based on the management entropy theory,the paper establishes a new set of vectorial spaces,mathematical models of metric for assessing the production systemsstructural complexity and proposes the theorems of simplification and complexity decreasing for production systems of enterprises.本文介绍了田陈煤矿创新的综采与普机采混合、工作面超长布置、对拉、旋转调采、矩形和梯形不规则形状的薄煤层开采技术;建立了矿井生产系统结构复杂性评价的新尺度;提出了评价方法和系统结构的简约化、复杂性减少原理;并应用此理论与方法对田陈煤矿生产系统结构复杂性评价进行了实证研究。

3.Aim To present a quantitative method forstructural complexity analysis and evaluation of information systems.目的研究信息系统结构复杂性的定量分析方法。


1.Study on the Complexity of Discipline Structure Based on the NK Model基于NK模型的学科结构复杂性研究

2.Industrial Structural Complexities and Industrial Structural Safeties in Open Economics;开放经济下的产业结构复杂性及产业结构安全

3.Study on Structural Complexity of Modern Enterprise Group and Its Growth Mechanism;现代企业集团结构复杂性及其成长机理研究

4.Study on the Function Group of Plant and the Structure Complexity of Different Foresrt Communities;不同森林群落结构复杂性与植物功能群的研究

plexity of structure or content.(结构或内容的)复杂性

6.Porter revealed the true complexity of cell structure.波特如实地揭示了细胞结构的复杂性。

7.Evaluation on the Reliability of the Underground Structure under Complicated Load;复杂荷载条件地下结构的可靠性评价

8.Analysis of Characteristics of Complex Structured Radome and Its Optimization with Genetic Algorithm;复杂结构天线罩电性能分析与GA优化

9."Possibility"Predicate-Compliment Structure in "SanYan";《三言》中能性述补结构的复杂形式

10.“Complexity” and New Changes in the Structure of Sino-US Relations;“复杂性”与中美关系结构的新变化

11.Analysis on the structure of technological system on the basis of complex theory;基于复杂性理论的技术系统结构分析

12.Design and Analysis for Seismic Behavior of Complex Connected Structure复杂连体结构的抗震性能分析和设计

13.Hydrogen Bonding Structure and Property of 5,6-azabenzene-H_2O Complexes(五、六)氮杂苯-水复合物氢键结构与性质

14.The explosion of chemical information, the complexity of the information structure,化学信息的爆炸性增加,化学信息结构的复杂性,

15.Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Single Layer Lattice Shells with Complex Surface;复杂曲面单层网壳结构的非线性稳定性分析

16.Modified Elastic Compensation Method for Limit Analysis of Complex Structures复杂结构塑性极限分析的修正弹性补偿法

17.Simulation and Analysis of Reactive Muffler Based on ANSYS Software基于ANSYS的复杂结构抗性消声器性能分析

18.It is much complicated in structure .它的结构非常复杂。


Structure Complexity结构复杂性

1.This paper firstly discusses the concept,characteristics,and mind-set of complexity,then formulates structure complexity,movable complexity,and compositional complexity about knowledge.知识的复杂性表现有三:知识的结构复杂性,知识是一个复杂的网络系统;知识的运动复杂性,知识是一个复杂的进化体;知识的组分复杂性,知识性质的文化性、境域性与价值性。

3)the complexity of community structure群落结构复杂性

4)complex structure复杂结构

1.Mode selection method ofcomplex structure and application in connected structure;复杂结构的模态选取方法及在连体结构中的应用

2.Assembled-dissecting technology ofcomplex structure for 3-D finite element analysis;复杂结构有限元网格组合剖分技术

5)comp licated structure结构复杂

6)complicated structure复杂结构

1.Principle and effect of critical angle ofcomplicated structure in dynamic analysis;复杂结构地震动输入方向的基本原理及其影响

2.Study on Analysis and Design of Earthquake-resistant and Wind-resistant for the Large Span Complicated Structure XiaMen International Meeting Center;大跨度复杂结构厦门国际会展中心抗震抗风设计研究

3.A example proves that this new method solves the safety problem ofcomplicated structure effectively.实例证明,该法避免了有限元分析的复杂加载和长时间运算,有效地简化了复杂结构的安全性分析问题。


复杂部分性发作复杂部分性发作〖HT5”SS〗complex partial seizures癫痫发作的一个临床类型。以往又称为精神运动性癫痫。发作时有精神意识改变、意识丧失或处于朦胧状态。伴有自动症,为一系列无目的、不恰当而离奇的重复刻板运动,有些运动形式很简单,也有些病儿表现为复杂形式的自动症。有的病儿尚伴有感觉异常。脑电图90%异常,以棘波为主,也可为高幅Q或θ节律,可呈颞叶局灶性异常、双侧弥漫性异常或弥漫性阵发性电活动合并局灶异常。药物治疗痛可定口服有效,无效者可行手术治疗。预后较差,长期多次发作往往影响智力。
