100字范文 > 科研院所 scientific research institution英语短句 例句大全

科研院所 scientific research institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 03:40:27


科研院所 scientific research institution英语短句 例句大全

科研院所,scientific research institution

1)scientific research institution科研院所

1.A discussion on the system conversion ofscientific research institution of agriculture;论农业科研院所企业化转制

2.In order to meet the requirement of office automation(OA), the authors analyzed the character of OA technology ofscientific research institution, and introduced its function, structure and web information environment in detail.分析了科研院所办公自动化技术的特点 ,详细介绍了科研院所办公自动化系统的功能结构、网络信息环境 ,重点介绍了基于工作流的办公自动化方案以及与关系数据库管理系统的信息集

3.This paper analysed the deficiency of agriculturalscientific research institution on external management in China and gave some suggestions on how to strengthen the financial menagement systerm for the challenge of WTO.简要分析了我国农业科研院所应对“入世”在管理上存在的主要问题 ,就如何加强科研单位内部管理、改革完善财务制度提出了几点建议。


1.Financing Pattern Research for Technology Transformation in Research Institute;科研院所科技成果转化融资模式研究

2.Talking about the Effective Evaluation on the Scientific Researchers in Scientific Research Institutions;浅谈对科研院所科研人员的有效评价

3.Postgraduate Cultivation and Science & Technology Innovation of Scientific Research Institutions in China我国科研院所研究生培养与科技创新

4.Development of Technological Enterprises in Agricultural Institutes;农业科研院所科技型企业发展的思考

5.Research on "One institute, Two systems "at Public Service Institute in China;社会公益类科研院所的“一所两制”问题

6.The Study on the Reformation of State-owned Institution of Defense Technology Research;国有军工科研院所产权制度改革研究

7.Research on Motivation in Typical Transformed Academy;科研院所转制后人员激励的个案研究

8.Study on Technology Transfer Pricing Strategies for Defence Institutes;军工科研院所技术转让定价策略研究

9.Research on comprehensive competence evaluation of large-scale research institutes;大型科研院所的综合竞争力评价研究

10.Research on the Patterns of Scientific Research Institutes Transforming into Enterprises;开发类科研院所企业化转制模式研究

11.Study on Mode of System Transformation for Research Institutes toward Enterprises;科研院所企业化转制的过程模型研究

12.Study on Establishing the Modern Enterprise Institution in Scientific Research Organizations in China;我国科研院所建立现代企业制度研究

13.On Academic Institutes Conversion to Enterprises in Beijing City;北京市科研院所企业化转制问题研究

14.Reach on Public Welfare Scientific Institutions Orientation and Operating Mechanism公益类科研院所定位与运行机制研究

15.The Application Research of Comprehensive Budget Management in Research Institutes全面预算管理在科研院所的应用研究

16.The Research on the Incentive Mechanism of the Research Institutes Directly Administered by Ministries;中央部属科研院所的科技人才激励机制研究

17.A Study on Fund Raising Problem of Science and Technique Industrialization of Science Research Institutes in Henan Province;河南省科研院所科技产业化融资问题研究

18.Researches on the transformation of Beijing Academic Institutes;北京市属自然科学类科研院所企业化转制研究


research institute科研院所

1.Methods to improve core competition abilities of system-changed scientificresearch institutes;转制科研院所如何提高核心竞争力

2.Research on comprehensive competence evaluation of large-scaleresearch institutes;大型科研院所的综合竞争力评价研究

3.Analysis of impediments forresearch institute in the process of technology transfer;科研院所科技成果转化工作中的障碍因子分析

3)scientific research institutes科研院所

1.Finance consideration about the special reformation ofscientific research institutes;科研院所转企改革的财务思考

2.This paper analyzes conscientiously some research -worthy issues in the practice of MBO of domesticscientific research institutes in recent years.本文认真分析了近年来国内科研院所在目标管理实践中值得研究的若干问题,根据国际上最新的第四代管理理论,紧密结合科研院所目标管理工作实际,为适应新时期国家赋予科研院所的新任务、新要求,进行了较深入地研究,积极探索新思路、新办法,提出了解决有关难点问题,进一步深化目标管理,提高科研院所整体绩效的措施和办法。

4)scientific research institutions科研院所

1.Then, how to carry out QC group activities inscientific research institutions is expounded by means of examples.根据油气田科研院所产品的特点,从活动范围、活动程序、各自的特点、目的、关注点等方面论述了科研项目研究活动与QC小组活动的异同。

2.How to take full advantage of HR(human resources) is the first and foremost problem forscientific research institutions.如何充分发挥人力资源的优势,成为科研院所管理工作的首要问题。

3.With the constant in-depth of system reform of scientific research,thescientific research institutions of our country face the severe challenge of the market competition.随着科研体制改革的不断深化,我国科研院所面临着市场竞争的严峻挑战。


1.Research on selection model and demonstration of transformation patterns for development typeinstitutes;开发类科研院所转制模式选择及其实证研究

2.Investigation of Institutes in Jiangxi Province;江西省科研院所情况调查

3.Universities andinstitutes are the largest producers and owners of intellectual properties in china,but they also have various difficulties in dealing with the intellectual properties.高等学校和科研院所是我国知识产权的最大创造者和拥有者,但是高校和科研院所在知识产权的管理中却存在诸多问题。

6)academies and institutes科学院与研究所


