100字范文 > 练习技巧 practicing skills英语短句 例句大全

练习技巧 practicing skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-05 20:41:52


练习技巧 practicing skills英语短句 例句大全

练习技巧,practicing skills

1)practicing skills练习技巧


1.Cyclists were manoeuvring on the practice track.自行车运动员在练习用的车道上练习技巧.

2.Features of English News and It"s Listening Strategies浅析英语新闻特点及其听力练习技巧

3.The Problems and Practicing Skills on the Writing of CET Band Four;大学英语四级写作存在的问题及练习技巧

4.trained in a skill by repetitious practice.通过反复的练习以训练一种技巧。

5.A piece composed for the development of a specific point of technique.练习曲为练习某种特殊演奏技巧的乐曲

6.The skill so learned or perfected.熟练的技巧反复练习而掌握或完善的技能

7.He instructed himself as he practiced smoothing out his down-swing and the follow-through on his shot.练习各种推杆与挥杆的技巧。

8.Almost every day, I do some technique first.几乎每天,我都首先进行技巧练习。

9.Technique of Excel: Making Quiz Papers;Excel使用技巧:制作测试练习卷

10.The Analysis for the Identification of Practice Signatures and its Testing Techniques浅析练习摹仿签名的识别及检验技巧

11.The Significance of Basic Piano Techniques and the Strengthening of the Musical Scale,Arpeggio and Chord Practice重视钢琴基本技巧练习 加强音阶琶音和弦训练

12.If you practice this regularly, it will come naturally to you during matches.如果你定期练习这个技巧,在你比赛时你会自然地使出这一技巧的。

13.A composition featuring a point of technique but performed because of its artistic merit.练习曲亦指为了练习某一技巧但又有演奏艺术价值的乐曲

14.It was this painstaking apprenticeship that g*** e Van Gogh mastery of painting.这种辛勤的练习,使梵高精通了绘画技巧。

15.He gigged his students into practice in the arts of thinking and analysis他激励他的学生练习思考和分析的技巧。

16.To master the skill of playing basketball he is making a great business of it.为掌握好打篮球的技巧, 他在进行艰苦的练习。

17.Study on the Developing and Application of Supplementary Apparatus in Acrobatics Front Handspring;技巧前手翻辅助练习器的研制和应用研究

18.A Perfect Combination of Skills and Music--A brief analysis of Chopin"s etudes技巧与音乐的完美结合——肖邦钢琴练习曲浅析


study skills training学习技巧训练

3)practice of piano钢琴技巧练习

4)School of Violin Technic op.1《小提琴左手技巧练习》

1.Especially,School of Violin Technic op.尤其是他的《小提琴左手技巧练习》普及面广,应用范围宽,影响了一代又一代的小提琴演奏家及小提琴学习者。

5)training skills训练技巧

6)skill training技巧训练

1.The necessity of AutoCADskill training and its drawing principle should be followed while teaching are presented,making students able to grasp AutoCAD drawing skill,thus to improve drawing efficiency.介绍了教学中注重AutoCAD技巧训练的必要性、绘图应遵循的原则,使学生能够掌握AutoCAD绘图技巧,从而提高绘图效率。


保持练习保持练习retention rehearsal保持练习(ret。ntion rehearsal)通过复述与编码,将短时储存中的信息存放于长时记忆之中的过程。保持是记忆的阶段之一,记忆过的材料为了防止遗忘,必须经过此过程,使痕迹不断得到强化和巩固。保持的效果与复述的形式和时间有关。(刘志华撰成立夫审)
