100字范文 > 明清女性文学 Women Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

明清女性文学 Women Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-21 04:06:46


明清女性文学 Women Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

明清女性文学,Women Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties

1)Women Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties明清女性文学


1.A Study on the American Scholar Kang-i Sun Chang"s Study of Women Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties论美国学者孙康宜之明清女性文学研究

2.Famous Literature Families and Female Literature--Centering on the Shen and the Ye Families in Wujiang in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties;文学世家与女性文学——以明清吴江沈、叶两大文学世家为中心

3.Analyzing the Qing-Ming Festival Complex of Tang and Sung Dynasty s Women from Classic Literature;从古典文学看唐宋女子的清明节情结

4.On the Cultural Ecology of the Women s Literary Education in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期女子文学教育的文化生态述论

5.The Creation of the Female Group with Emotion and Beauty--Comparative Analysis about the Creation of Women in Inner Chambers from Jiangnan of Ming and Qing Dynasty and the On-Line Creation of Contemporary Women情美并擅的女性群体创作景观——比较分析明清江南闺秀文学与当代女性网络创作

6.Literary and Cultural Interpretations of Sexual-love Novels Written in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清性爱小说的文学观照及文化阐释

7.On Feminine Consciousness Contained in Works of Liu-Rushi and Wu-Zao;女中双秀胜须眉 才情辞采惊天人——从柳如是、吴藻文学创作看明清女性意识

8.Sinicization of the Female"s Religious Culture:Comparative Study on the Huis" School for Females and the Christian Church--During the Late Qing and the Early Democratic Republic Years女性宗教文化的中国化——清真女学与清末民初基督教会女校之比较

9.Feminist interpretation to the reasons for literature success of LI Qing-zhao;李清照文学成就原因的女性主义阐释

10.Research of Canadian Grace Fong on Educated Women of Ming and Qing Dynasty加拿大汉学家方秀洁对明清知识女性的研究

11.On the Expansion of the Open Culture and Literature in Fujian in Ming and Qing Dynasty;论明清时期闽文化与文学的外向性拓展

12.The Erotic Fictions of Ming and Qing Dynasties:The Symbol of Chinese Erotic Literature s Mature;明清性爱小说:中国性爱文学成熟的标志

13.Research on Li Qingzhao s Surpassing in Traditional Spirit of Female and Female Literature;李清照对传统的女性主体精神与文学的超越

14.Brief Analysis of the value of Young Females in Novels about Tradition and Human Relationships in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.;明清世情小说中女性在两种文化下的审美意蕴和生存价值

15.Between "Feminism" and "Patriotism":the Image of "New Females" in the Literature of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China;在“女权”与“爱国”之间——清末民初文学中的“新女性”想象

16.Research on the Establishment of Narrative Tradition in Chinese Woman Literature;中国女性文学叙事传统的建立——清代女作家弹词小说创作回眸

17.The Sweetheart in Scholar Ideal and the Scholar Drawing of Beautiful Woman in the Mingqing Dynasty;从明清文人仕女画看“才子”的“佳人”梦

18.BinXin is a woman writer who has conspicuous female consciousness in the history of contemporary Chinese literature.冰心是中国现代文学史上女性意识鲜明的作家。


Women civilization女性文明

3)Ming and Qing Literature明清文学

4)feminist literature女性文学

1.Recovery Sex-the Developing Track of Feminist Awareness in Feminist Literature;复苏的性别──浅谈新时期女性文学女性意识的发展轨迹

2.Thinking on the loss and gains of thefeminist literature after the New Era;关于新时期以后女性文学得与失的思考

3.The Defects of “Body Narrative” in Feminist Literature;论女性文学中“身体叙事”的缺失

5)feminine literature女性文学

1.From harmony to alienation to revolt——reflections on the mother-daughter relations in Chinese modern and contemporaryfeminine literature从和谐到疏离与反叛——对中国现当代女性文学中母女关系书写的观照

2.Critics often interpreted Sun Huifen s creation in the "local culture",but this article thinks there is a brand-new feminism in Sun Huifen s novels and attempts to prove the value and contribution of Sun Huifen s creation to thefeminine literature since new period.东北女作家孙惠芬近年来显示出越来越强的创作势头,评论界对她的小说常从“乡土文化”的角度进行阐释,文章认为:其小说更多地体现了全新的女性主义色彩,对新时期以来的女性文学发展具有重要意义。

6)female literature女性文学

1.Description of female life in a different aspect——A newly-interpret of Shanghaifemale literature theme in the enemy-occupied period;女性生存的另类书写——对上海沦陷期女性文学主题的再阐释

2.Realistic trends offemale literature since the 1990s;20世纪90年代以来女性文学的写实走向


