100字范文 > 东山魁夷画意 The deep meaning of the picture by Dong shan kuiyi英语短句 例句大全

东山魁夷画意 The deep meaning of the picture by Dong shan kuiyi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 14:49:14


东山魁夷画意 The deep meaning of the picture by Dong shan kuiyi英语短句 例句大全

东山魁夷画意,The deep meaning of the picture by Dong shan kuiyi

1)The deep meaning of the picture by Dong shan kuiyi东山魁夷画意

1.we study from the cultureal background of "The deep meaning of the picture by Dong shan kuiyi " to analyze the piano suite in development,and then conducts the multianalysis research to its four music\"s creation technique and the creation style.汪立三先生的音乐创作就是文化的象征和凝结,本文将从文化层面来对汪立三先生其中一部在中国钢琴音乐发展中具有重要意义的、被誉为中国钢琴音乐在新时期的一个里程碑的钢琴组曲《东山魁夷画意》进行研究,从而探索其音乐创作中的文化取向。


1.A Study on Cultural Orientation Through Wang Lisan"s论汪立三《东山魁夷画意》的文化取向

2.Symmetry: Important Esthetic Language of Kaii Higashiyama as a Painter;对称——东山魁夷绘画生涯中重要的美学语言

3.A Singer of Scenery--A discussion on the landscapes of Higashiyama Kall风景的歌者——浅谈东山魁夷的风景艺术

4.Longing for Foreign Countries and Being Attached to Hometown-- On DongShanKuiYi s Intelligent Interpretation of Nature;异国的憧憬故乡的依恋——论东山魁夷对自然的心灵阐释

5.Poetic Ecological Scroll of Paintings;充满诗意的生态画卷——论武夷文学中的自然山水之美

6.Mount Wuyi Scenic Spot is situated in the north of Fujian Province and along the southeast slope of the northern section of Wuyi Mountain Range.武夷山风景区位于福建北部、武夷山脉北段东南麓。

parison the Space Awareness in the Poetry and the Painting of East Jin and South Dynasty;东晋南朝时期山水诗、画空间意识的比较

8.The latter meaning may refer to Hawaii"s volcanoes.后一则意思也许是指夏威夷的火山。


10.Caledonian granite in the western Wuyi area and inversion of the orogenic process西武夷地区加里东期花岗岩与造山过程

11.To see 《Jiuge·Shangui》 frorm the conlept on the soul end-result of the Dongyi′s culture;从东夷文化的鬼魂归宿观念看《九歌·山鬼》

12.Allocation Structure and Significance of the Portrayal Stone of the East Han Dynasty;东汉画像石的配置结构与意义——以宋山小祠堂和武梁祠为例

13.Imagery Perspective of the Architectural Culture of the Ancient Villages at Xiamei, Mount Wuyi;武夷山下梅古村落建筑文化的意象透视

parative Studies on Customer Satisfaction of World Heritages世界遗产地游客满意度比较研究——以黄山、庐山、武夷山为例

15.Shangqiou、 Zhenguan in the East and Zhenxun were capitals where emperors went into exile, they are now located in Shangqiu Area of Henan Province.商丘、东夷斟灌、斟選是帝相流亡都,在今河南商丘、山东寿光、潍坊;

16.A city of central Italy northeast of Rome. It is a trade and industrial center. Population,63, 465.拉魁拉意大利中部一城市,位于罗马东北。是贸易和工业中心。人口63,465

17.On the Formation of the Idea of Adoring Abstraction in the Landscape Paintings and the Poems for Them in Song Dynasty;论宋代山水画及题山水画诗中尚意观的形成

18.That reminds me of Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, an American city where cultures of East and West converge.我想起美国夏威夷的檀香山,那也是个东西方文化交融的城市。


Higashiyama Kall东山魁夷

1.A Singer of Scenery——A discussion on the landscapes ofHigashiyama Kall;风景的歌者——浅谈东山魁夷的风景艺术

3)eastern Yi东夷

1.Eastern Yi s Moral Life in Qin and Han Dynasties;秦汉时代东夷之道德生活

2.Houyi doesn t belong to western Yi,buteastern Yi.后羿属于东夷,而非西夷。

4)Dong Yi东夷

1.Viewed from linguistics,ethnology and historical legends,combined Han People s documents with the academic research achievement,the paper tries to explain the three things:Chi You is the ancestor of Wenshan Miao People;he is believed to be the leader ofDong Yi group;Wenshan Miao People originated from Meng People ofDong Yi tribe.文章从语言学、民族学、历史传说的角度,结合汉文献记载和学术界的研究成果,阐明了蚩尤是文山苗族的祖先,他是东夷集团的首领,文山苗族源于东夷部落之蒙人的观点。


1.ON Amalgamation of Huaxia andDongyi and Miaoman clan in Yan and Huang Emperor s Age;论炎黄时代华夏族与东夷、苗蛮之融合

2.A Research on the Origin of Xia and Its Relationship withDongyi;试论夏的起源及其与东夷的关系

6)Myrica rubra Dongkui东魁杨梅

1.Study on Relationship between Fruit Quality ofMyrica rubra Dongkui and Soil Factors;磷素对东魁杨梅果实品质的影响

2.In order to explore the content of biochemical components and the antibacterial activity ofMyrica rubra Dongkui,the contents of biochemical components and the antibacterial activity in the different organs ofMyrica rubra Dongkui were analyzed.为了探讨东魁杨梅的生化成分含量以及抑菌活性,本研究对东魁杨梅成树不同器官(部位)的生化成分含量和抑菌活性的大小进行测定,对不同光照强度和不同土壤含水量对东魁杨梅幼苗叶片生化成分含量的影响进行分析。


