100字范文 > 滚波 roll waves英语短句 例句大全

滚波 roll waves英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-04 04:14:08


滚波 roll waves英语短句 例句大全

滚波,roll waves

1)roll waves滚波

1.Instabilities of free surface in open-channel flows and development ofroll waves;明渠水流自由面失稳与滚波发育研究

2.A numerical study on mobile bed hydraulics ofroll waves with sediment transport and morpholog- ical evolution is presented.应用一维水沙耦合数学模型研究了可冲刷坡面上滚波的水动力学特性。


1.These events were referred to as ground roll.那些同相轴称为地滚波。

2.Men and women hurried by in long, shifting lines.她感到这不断的人流,像生活的滚滚波涛,在奋斗在逐利。

3.The surface disturbance is termed ground roll and may include Rayleigh and other vertical and horizontal modes of propagation.地面扰动称为地滚波,它可能包含瑞雷波和其它纵、横形式的波动。

4.Waves rolled in on the beach.波涛滚滚涌上海滩。

5.The waves rolled in to the beach.波浪滚滚涌上海滩。

6.Wave upon wave, antlers vibrating, tails ablaze.波浪滚滚,鹿角振动,尾巴上燃着烈火。

7.2 swelling mass(eg of smoke or fog)like a wave如波涛滚滚之物(如浓烟或浓雾).

8.The smoke billowed over the field.烟波涛般滚滚向前越过原野。

9.billowing smoke from burning houses; the rolling fog; the rolling sea; the tumbling water of the rapids.燃烧的房子冒出滚滚浓烟;滚滚的浓烟;波涛起伏的海面;翻腾的急流。

e from the dying moon, and below,吹过那波涛翻滚的大海,

11.The waves rolled toward shore.波涛翻滚着冲向岸边

12."tumble action, agitator washer"滚筒式,波轮式洗衣机

13.Harold Skimpole"s children have tumbled up somehow or other.哈罗德·斯金波的小孩儿几乎是打滚儿滚大的。

14.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.海鸥飞去,波涛滚滚地流开,我们也分别了。

15.characterized by great swelling waves or surges.以巨大、翻滚的波浪或者汹涌为特点。

16.corrugated rolled glass滚压瓦棱玻璃,波形压延玻璃

17.False signal and its filtering in position measurement on hobbing滚齿机位置测量中的“假”信号与滤波

18.The motor boat churned the water up as it passed.摩托艇驶过时,把水搅得波浪翻滚。


ground roll地滚波

3)roll wave滚动波

4)Wave urge wave.波浪翻滚。

5)beam rolling波束滚转

6)rolling seas波涛滚滚的大海


