100字范文 > 井径扩大 hole enlargement英语短句 例句大全

井径扩大 hole enlargement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 12:24:06


井径扩大 hole enlargement英语短句 例句大全

井径扩大,hole enlargement

1)hole enlargement井径扩大

1.At the same time ,hole enlargement is a disadvantage of underbalanced drilling, it has a greater adverse impact on Cementing and completion of the well .但是欠平衡钻井也存在井径扩大的缺点,对固井和完井产生较大的不利影响。


1.The correction for the influence of hole diameter enlarging rate on cutting lag time.井径扩大率对岩屑迟到时间的影响校正

2.Analysis of the borehole diameter anomaly expanding in well drilling process of high permeability sandstone formation in Lamadian Oil Field喇嘛甸油田高渗透砂岩层钻井过程中井径异常扩大原因分析

3.Discussion on Revamping of The Large Diameter Piercing Head of 10MN Vertical Piercing Mill10MN立式穿(扩)孔机大直径扩孔头的改造

4.2.17 No allowance for volume of hole enlargement.不包括井眼扩大的泥浆体积。

5.Numerical simulation analysis of H_2S diffusion in a catastrophic gas blowout accident:A case study of Kai County in Chongqing特大井喷H_2S扩散的数值模拟分析

6.Using Bedrock Freezing for Safe and Rapid Construction of Large-Diameter Shaft大直径井筒全井基岩冻结法安全快速施工

7.Summarization on large diameter vertical shaft back well method excavation construction technology关于大直径竖井反井法开挖施工技术概述

8.The Construction Technology of the Frozen Air Shaft with Huge-Thick Soil and Major Diameter巨厚表土层大直径立井井筒冻结法施工技术

9.Exploration on Application of Safe and Quick Construction Technology to Large Diameter Deep Shaft大直径深立井安全快速施工技术探讨

10.The variations of size (diameter) consist of a blowing-up of the images.大小(直径)的变化包括图象的扩大。

11.Contrastive experimental study between expanded diameter piles and equal diameter piles大直径扩径桩与等截面桩对比试验研究

12.Research on Sandstone Borehole Enlargement Mechanisms and Prevention Technology in Lamadian Oil Field喇嘛甸油田砂岩井眼扩大机理和预防技术研究

13.Paths and methods of expanding farmers orderly political participation;扩大农民有序政治参与的路径与方法

14.Place University Journal Expansion Quantity Issued Way Discussion;地方高校学报扩大发行量的路径探讨

15.The Path to Enlarge the Technical Opening to Outside World in Chongqing扩大重庆市科技对外开放的路径选择

16.Research on Calculative Theory and Method of Deep Vertical Shaft Carrying Water Chilled with Large Diameter;深、大直径冷冻水输送井井管计算理论与方法研究

17.Surrounding Rock Stability Study of ZhongNanShan Large Section and Deep Shaft;终南山隧道大直径深竖井围岩稳定性研究

18.The Analysis of Construction Management and Key Links of Thousandmeters Large-diameter Deep Vertical Shaft千米大直径深立井施工管理及重点环节探析


hole enlargement ratio井径扩大率

1.The prediction technology ofhole enlargement ratio in the condition of underbalanced drilling;欠平衡钻井条件下的井径扩大率预测技术

3)borehole diameter enlargement coefficient井径扩大系数

1.But through the use of diameter relative variances(borehole diameter enlargement coefficient) can effectively estimate rock strength grading and coal seam roof and floor stability.在煤田测井中,井径的变化对其它测井参数是一种干扰,但利用井径的相对变化值(井径扩大系数),可有效地评估岩石的强度等级和可采煤层顶底板的稳定性。

4)big hloe大井径井

5)well Aiding-3井眼扩径

6)oversize hole直径过大的井;钻具偏心转动而使井身扩大的井


