100字范文 > 驯化温度 Acclimation temperature英语短句 例句大全

驯化温度 Acclimation temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-20 17:18:36


驯化温度 Acclimation temperature英语短句 例句大全

驯化温度,Acclimation temperature

1)Acclimation temperature驯化温度

1.To understand the effects of different acclimation temperature on the thermal tolerance of juvenile Silurus meridionalis Chen, the juveniles with a mass of 16.为了研究不同驯化温度对南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis Chen)幼鱼热耐受性特征的影响,在水温为10℃、20℃和30℃的条件下,对南方鲇幼鱼((16。

2.3 g),which belonged to different species and lived in sympatric water of the Three Gorges reservoir, was evaluated in terms of critical thermal maximum (CTmax), critical thermal minimum (CTmin), lethal thermal maximum (LTmax) and lethal thermal minimum (LTmin), after acclimated at different acclimation temperatures.h-1的变温速率连续观测实验鱼在不同驯化温度下的最大临界温度(Critical temperature maximum,CTmax)、最小临界温度(Critical temperature minimum,CTmin)、最大致死温度(Lethal temperature maximum,LTmax)和最小致死温度(Lethal temperature minimum,LTmin),考察它们在不同驯化温度下的临界温度(CTmax和CTmin)和致死温度(LTmax和LTmin)的变化趋势;通过计算得到各驯化温度下的温度耐受幅、驯化反应率及热耐受区域面积,旨在探讨不同驯化温度对其热耐受性特征的影响;并通过对三者热耐受特征的比较,揭示它们在热耐受特性方面的异同,以期为三峡库区鱼类热力学的相关研究及其对库区水温度变动的适应性研究提供基础资料。

2)temperature acclimation温度驯化

3)preference and acclimation temperature适宜驯化温度

4)high-temperature treatment高温驯化

1.The initial strain Brevibacterium Tianjins T 6-13 is mutagenized by multi factors such as 60 Coγ- ray,ultraviolet(UV),diethyl sulfate(DES)andhigh-temperature treatment.以天津短杆菌T6-13为出发菌株,经Co60—γ射线、紫外线UV)和硫酸二乙酯(DE)复合诱变并经高温驯化,获得一株琥珀酸和生物素双营养缺陷型突变株。

5)cold acclimation低温驯化

parison of physiological metabolism of different cold resistance cultivars duringcold acclimation period低温驯化阶段不同抗寒性冬小麦品种生理代谢的比较

2.Many plants can acquire increased frost tolerance after a period of exposure to low, non-freezing temperature through a complex adaptive process calledcold acclimation.许多植物在经过一段时间的非冻低温作用后其抗寒性获得增强 ,这种现象被称为植物的低温驯化。



parison of physiological metabolism of different cold resistance cultivars during cold acclimation period低温驯化阶段不同抗寒性冬小麦品种生理代谢的比较

3.Acting Pathways of Phospholipase Dα in the Process of Cold Acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana磷脂酶Dα在拟南芥低温驯化过程中的作用途径分析

4.Changes in Membrane Lipid Fatty Acids of Some Sympodial Bamboos in Response to Low Temperature Exposure低温驯化对部分丛生竹种叶片膜脂脂肪酸的影响

parison of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters between two Winter Wheat Cultivars during Cold Acclimation and Frozen Period低温驯化及封冻阶段不同冬小麦品种叶绿素荧光参数的比较

6.Morphogenesis and Physiological Basis in Wheat Cultivars with Different Levels of Cold-Resistance during Cold Acclimation and Freezing Period低温驯化及封冻后不同抗寒性小麦品种的形态建成及生理基础分析

7.High-performance Low-temperature Oil-degrading Bacteria Isolated in Domesticated低温高效油脂降解菌的分离筛选驯化

8.Impact on Reindeer Ewenki Culture from Russian Culture俄罗斯文化对驯鹿鄂温克文化的影响

9.Thermogenesis in Cricetulus barabensis During Cold Acclimation and Re-warming冷驯化和复温过程中黑线仓鼠产热的变化

10.Interpreting"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"from the Perspective of Foregrounding;《不要温驯地走人那个良宵》的前景化解读

11.He was untamed, wild, and in secret ways her vanity was touched by the fact that he came so mildly to her hand.这个满身野气未经驯化的人能这么温驯地偎依在她手下,这使她暗自得意。

12.It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.驱策温驯的马是愚蠢的。

13.It is beautiful and tame.它美丽动人、温驯可亲,

14.A female falcon, especially a peregrine falcon.温驯隼尤指游隼的雌鸟

15.Effects of thermal acclimation and performance temperature on locomotive performance of Polyrhachis vicina热驯化和实验温度对鼎突多刺蚁运动能力的影响

16.lurgi low temperature carbonization oven鲁奇的低温焦化烘炉

17.Lead fuses at a low temperature.铅在低温下就熔化。

18.cryogenic storage vessel深低温液化气体贮槽


temperature acclimation温度驯化

3)preference and acclimation temperature适宜驯化温度

4)high-temperature treatment高温驯化

1.The initial strain Brevibacterium Tianjins T 6-13 is mutagenized by multi factors such as 60 Coγ- ray,ultraviolet(UV),diethyl sulfate(DES)andhigh-temperature treatment.以天津短杆菌T6-13为出发菌株,经Co60—γ射线、紫外线UV)和硫酸二乙酯(DE)复合诱变并经高温驯化,获得一株琥珀酸和生物素双营养缺陷型突变株。

5)cold acclimation低温驯化

parison of physiological metabolism of different cold resistance cultivars duringcold acclimation period低温驯化阶段不同抗寒性冬小麦品种生理代谢的比较

2.Many plants can acquire increased frost tolerance after a period of exposure to low, non-freezing temperature through a complex adaptive process calledcold acclimation.许多植物在经过一段时间的非冻低温作用后其抗寒性获得增强 ,这种现象被称为植物的低温驯化。

6)Low temperature acclimation低温驯化

1.Antioxidant effects and ATPase activity changes in hepatopancreas of mud crab Scylla serrata under low temperature acclimation;低温驯化下锯缘青蟹肝胰腺的抗氧化效应及ATPase活性变化


铂电阻温度表(见电阻温度表)铂电阻温度表(见电阻温度表)表。bod旧nZu wendubiao铂电阻温度表见电阻温
