100字范文 > 桑蚕丝织物 Silk fabric英语短句 例句大全

桑蚕丝织物 Silk fabric英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-17 23:41:07


桑蚕丝织物 Silk fabric英语短句 例句大全

桑蚕丝织物,Silk fabric

1)Silk fabric桑蚕丝织物

1.In the part of experiment, we tested the slipping property for four different kinds of silk fabrics by seam method of Chinese National Standards.本文实验部分采用国家标准《机织物纱线抗滑移性测试方法》中的缝合法对四大类桑蚕丝织物进行测试。


1.Antibacterial activity of HBP-HTC and mulberry silk fabric finished by itHBP-HTC及其整理桑蚕丝织物的抗菌性能

2.Research Method of Silk Fabric Slippage Tests桑蚕丝织物纱线抗滑移(纰裂)性能检测研究方法

3.Research on Quantitative Analysis Method of Wool/Silk Blend Fabric羊毛/桑蚕丝混纺织物定量分析方法研究

4.Research on Pigment Extracted from the Byproduct of Silkworm and Applied to Dye Silk Fabrics;蚕桑副产品中色素提取及其用于真丝织物的染色研究

5.Sericin Fixation Effect on the Bulkiness Silk and the Properties of Knitted Bulk Silk Fabric;丝胶固着对桑蚕膨松丝及其针织绸性能的影响

6.Mix woven technique study and product development of raw silk/cuprammonium rayon yarn桑蚕丝/铜氨丝交织技术研究及其产品开发

7.2)The ancient Yue nationality in Panyu region had traditions of spinning and weaving. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, mulberry planting, silkworm raising, and silk reeling and weaving had developed in the region.②番禺地区古越族有纺织传统,秦汉时种桑、养蚕、缫丝,丝织业发达;

8.China was the first country in the world to cultivate silkworms and develop silk weaving. More than 3,000 years ago, sericulture and silk weaving were already significantly developed.中国是世界上最早发明养蚕和丝织的国家; 早在3,000多年以前, 蚕桑、丝织已相当发达。

9.Gene Clone of Thick Filament Gene in B. Mandarina and B. Mori家蚕和野桑蚕粗肌丝结构基因的研究

10.elastic fabric of silk, woven, containing 85% or more by weight of silk waste (excl. noil silk)机织弹力丝织物,含蚕丝或废丝(不包括紬丝)重量达85%或85%以上

patibility of reactive dyes for silk活性染料在蚕丝织物上的拼色相容性

12.Effect of Corona Discharge Treatment on the Surface Modification of Silk Fabric电晕处理对蚕丝织物表面性能的影响

13.Factors affecting union dyeing property of silk/nylon mixture蚕丝/锦纶交织物染色同色性影响因素

14.Silk Degumming with High Temperature and Pressure and Finish of Cotton Fabrics with Sericin;蚕丝的高温高压脱胶及纯棉织物的丝胶整理

15.The silk produced by this worm or a fabric woven from it.柞蚕丝柞蚕吐出的丝或丝织成的布料

16.The Effects of Calcium Salt Treatment on the Structures and Properties of Tussah and Mulberry Silk钙盐处理对柞蚕丝与桑蚕丝结构和性能的影响

17.woven silk fabric, containing 85% or more by weight of silk or of silk waste (incl.noil silk bolting cloth and pile and chenille fabrics)机织丝织物,含蚕丝或废丝重量达85%或85%以上(包括紬丝、筛绢、绒头织物和绳绒织物)

18.woven silk fabric, containing 85% or more by weight of silk or of silk waste (excl. noil silk, bolting cloth and pile and chenille fabrics)机织丝织物,含蚕丝或废丝重量达85%或85%以上(不包括紬丝、筛绢、绒头织物和绳织物)


silk knitted fabrics桑蚕丝针织物

1.Study on the process of calcium nitrate modifying of mulberrysilk knitted fabrics;桑蚕丝针织物盐缩工艺探讨

3)wool/silk blend fabric羊毛/桑蚕丝混纺织物

1.Because of the instability of thewool/silk blend fabric quantitative analysis using 75%H2SO4 which prescribed by National Standards,this paper introducing a method using formic acid and zinc chloride,and analyse it’s different condition in order to find a better quantitative analysis method forwool/silk blend fabric.由于国家标准规定的羊毛/桑蚕丝混纺织物定量分析的75%H2SO4法在实际操作中存在一定的不稳定性,本文在此基础上引入了甲酸/氯化锌的定量分析方法,并对其不同的实验条件进行了比较分析,以寻求羊毛/桑蚕丝混纺织物误差更小更易重现的定量分析方法。

4)silk fabric蚕丝织物

1.Radiation graft copolymerization of acrylamide ontosilk fabrics;蚕丝织物辐射接枝丙烯酰胺的改性

2.Finishing ofsilk fabric with propanetriol-diglycidylether and chitosan;丙三醇缩水甘油醚和壳聚糖对蚕丝织物的复合整理

3.Silk fabric was treated by corona discharge under different time and voltages,then the change ofsilk fabric surface structure was analyzed by SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) and FI-TR(Infrared Spectra analysis).在不同电压和时间处理条件下对蚕丝织物进行电晕处理,然后通过扫描电子显微镜技术和红外光谱分析研究了蚕丝纤维电晕处理前后的表面形态结构的变化情况。


1.Study on union-color of one-bath dyeing of silk/cotton andsilk/flax fabrics with reactive dyes;蚕丝/棉和蚕丝/麻织物活性染料同浴同色染色


1.Crease-resist finishing oftussah with glyoxal etc.;用乙二醛等对柞蚕丝织物防皱整理


