100字范文 > 新业态 new industrial英语短句 例句大全

新业态 new industrial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 06:55:45


新业态 new industrial英语短句 例句大全

新业态,new industrial

1)new industrial新业态

2)format innovation业态创新

1.Route diagram of the retailformat innovation;零售业态创新的路线图研究

2.Theformat innovation is the dynamic power of the development.业态创新活动是推动其发展的源动力,随着理论界对零售业态创新的关注度越来越高,涌现了大量关于零售业态创新的优秀文献。


petitive Advantage Evolution and Innovation of the Type of Operation in Chinese Catering Industry;我国餐饮业竞争优势变迁与业态创新

2.The Study on Retail Enterprise Innovation System Pattern and Evolution Route;基于业态创新的零售企业创新系统及其模式研究

3.Innovation Networks,Innovation Ecology and Independent Innovation of Enterprises;创新网络、创新生态与企业自主创新

4.Research on Knowledge Innovation Based on Enterprise s Information Ecological System;企业信息生态系统下知识创新的研究

5.Formulate coal chemical eco industrial chain by reliance on technical innovation;依靠科技创新,构建煤化工生态产业链

6.Study on the Internal Ecological Factors Affecting Enterprises Innovation;影响企业创新力的内部生态因子分析

7.Research on Ambidextrous Innovation Based on Enterprise Dynamic Capabilities;基于企业动态能力的二元性创新研究

8.The Application of FCM in the Dynamic Analysis of Technical Innovation System of China Information Industry;信息产业科技创新体系的FCM动态分析

9.Development and Innovation of Eco-torism Agriculture in Shanxi Provnice;山西省生态旅游农业的发展及其创新

10.Study on firm s technology and institution innovation synergy and their dynamic evolvement;企业技术与制度创新协同的动态分析

11.Appraisal of the Technological Innovation Ability of Enterprise under the Competition Situation;竞争态势下的企业技术创新能力评价

12.New ideas of enterprise organizational formation in the open economic environment;开放经济环境下的企业组织形态创新

13.Analysis of the Industrial Structure and Technological Innovation State of Hebei Province;河北省产业结构及技术创新态势分析

14.The financial management innovation of the enterprisein the economic form change;经济形态变革中的企业财务管理创新

15.Enterprise Dynamic Technological Innovation System"s Robustness Analysis企业动态技术创新系统的鲁棒性分析

16.Present leisure agriculture development trade and its innovation countermeasures当前休闲农业发展态势及其创新对策

17.Empirical Study on the Influence of Environmental Techonology Innovation to Eco-industrial Management环境技术创新对产业生态管理的影响

18.Study on the Framing & Evaluation of the Innovation Eco-system and the Second-round Development of the EDZs;开发区创新生态系统建构、评价与二次创业研究


format innovation业态创新

1.Route diagram of the retailformat innovation;零售业态创新的路线图研究

2.Theformat innovation is the dynamic power of the development.业态创新活动是推动其发展的源动力,随着理论界对零售业态创新的关注度越来越高,涌现了大量关于零售业态创新的优秀文献。

3)new business pattern新兴业态

4)new business style新型业态

1.As the same time,“new business style”of chains, originated from the West and represented by big sales show, surpermarkets, chaim stores, is emerging in many big and middle cities in China.同时,起源于西方,以“大卖场”、超市、便利店等为代表形式的商业连锁新型业态,也在中国的大中城市中迅速崛起。

5)the new retail model of commercial merchandise零售新业态

6)new operational types of tourism旅游新业态

1.This paper,based on the concept of operational types of tourism,discusses the definition of operational types of tourism andnew operational types of tourism,presents how to improve the traditional operational types of tourism and how to create the new operational types,and classifies thenew operational types of tourism from market,products and operation.本文通过对"业态"概念的研究,初步探讨了旅游业态、旅游新业态等概念的含义,并根据"旅游新业态"的界定,对如何对传统产业的改造和传统业态的提升,进而开创新领域,形成新的业态进行了分析。


