100字范文 > 节约用水 water saving英语短句 例句大全

节约用水 water saving英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 01:34:49


节约用水 water saving英语短句 例句大全

节约用水,water saving

1)water saving节约用水

1.Promoting agricultural water- pricing reform to acceleratewater saving in irrigation district;积极推进农业水价改革 努力促进灌区节约用水

2.Strengthening the management of water resources, carrying outwater planning andwater saving policy;加强水资源管理实行计划用水、节约用水

3.According to the analysis of contaminative source of CWM production,and the vice of sewage purification in building workshop now,we put forward a new train of thoughts of sewage reclaim,so the cleanly production andwater saving were realized.分析水煤浆生产过程中产生的污染源,针对现行厂房建设污水处理的缺陷,提出污水回收的新思路,实现了清洁生产和节约用水。


1.saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc.节约用水、扶贫、戒烟等。

2.Everyone has the accountability to save water and to propagate the concept of treasuring water.每个人都有责任节约用水,并宣传节约用水。

3.Save water and electricity. Turn off light and faucet when it is not needed.节约用水、用电、随手关灯及水龙头。

4.Saving on Water:the Main Way for Solving the Shortage of Water Resources;节约用水:水资源短缺的重要解决途径

5.The Government called on us to economize in water and electricity政府号召我们节约用水用电。

6.We have to economize on water during the dry season.我们在旱季不得不节约用水。

7.The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

8.We must economize on water(electricity, fuel)我们必须节约用水(电、燃料)。

9.We must conserve water during the drought.干旱期间我们必须节约用水。

10.Save water so as to shower with your girlfriend.要节约用水,所以尽量和女友一起洗澡。

11.An Analysis of the Potential and Countermeasuresof Water Saving in China Cities;我国城市节约用水的潜力与对策分析

12.Article7. The state shall carry out planning and require strict economy in the use of water.第七条国家实行计划用水,厉行节约用水。

13.Article 7: The State Shall exercise planned allocation and practice strict water conservation.第七条 国家实行计划用水,厉行节约用水。

14.Research of Management Model of Water Saving and Water Cycle for Thermal Power Plant;火力发电厂节约用水与循环用水管理模式研究

15.The water conservation amount in the cities in the whole country in 2001 is 3.8 billion m3, 800 million m3 over the previous year.2001年全国城市节约用水量38亿立方米,与上年多节约8亿立方米。

16.In areas deficient of water, irrigation methods saving water shall be adopted.在水源不足地区,应当采取节约用水的灌溉方式。

17.Please turn off the tap to save water!滴滴情深自来水,请你拭去我的泪。——请节约用水!

18."value water,economize water" is the tradition virtue which we advocated.“珍惜水源,节约用水”是我们提倡的传统美德.


water conservation节约用水

1.Agriculturalwater conservation is to increase the efficiency of water use,water conservation the key role of the price lever to agriculturalwater conservation limited effectiveness,improve field canal construction to reduce agricultural water losses and waste ofwater conservation is the key.节约农业用水是提高用水效率、节约用水的关键,价格杠杆作用对节约农业用水的有效性有限,完善田间渠系建设、减少农业用水的损失浪费是农业用水节约的关键。

2.By means of investigation and survey of big water consumers in the province,problems withwater conservation work are found and solutions or measures are presented for improving the work ofwater conservation.通过对全省大型取用水户的调查分析,找出了辽宁省节水工作中存在的问题,提出了节约用水工作的对策和建议。

3.The low price for urban water supply, however, has not only been affecting seriously the formation of awater conservation society, but been restraining the sound development of the industry for urban water supply and drainage, making it necessary to adjust the water price.依据相关政策要求,通过调价空间的分析,以节约用水为经济杠杆,探讨在"十一五"期内建立符合常州实情的阶梯式水价体系。

3)saving water节约用水


1.In order to know the water consumption of chemical industry and pectro-chemical engineering in China,and provide basis for the implementation of nationalwater-saving policies,the design data of water consump-tion for more than 200 projects undertaken by design departments of chemical and pectrochemical system science the year 2000 were collected,statisticed and analyzed.因此建议政府委托协会组织负责工程用水量的审查与控制,保证节约用水方针政策的实施。

2.So, the depth knows about the water resource essential features, Adopt the correct use waterwater-saving countermeasure,are Very important to our country economy , society and environment harmonizes sustainable development.本文以张掖市节水型社会建设为例,从法律制度的建立与完善的角度,探讨了节约用水的新途径、新办法。

3.The Research of the Construction and Perfection of the Water-saving System in Our Country;近年来,随着我国水资源短缺与社会经济发展的矛盾日益尖锐,社会各界包括法学界对节约用水重要性的认识逐步提高。

5)model city of water conservation节约用水先进城市

6)Beijing, please save water北京请你节约用水


节约用水节约用水water-savingJIeyue yOngShuI节约用水 (wlater—sa访ng)通过采用先进的用水技术,降低水的消耗,提高水的重复利用率,实现合理的用水方式,这是用水管理的一项基本政策。节约用水是社会经济发展的客观需要和必然产物。淡水资源的匮乏,已经引起一些国家和地区的普遍重视。日益严重的水资源短缺也正在深刻地影响着经济和社会的发展,这就不能不引起人们的强烈关注。面对这一现实,人们不得不在解决社会经济发展与水的供求关系两者之间矛盾的时候,改变过去单一的开源发展的做法,而采取节流、开源、保护并举的综合性措施,来满足社会经济发展对水的需求。因此,节约用水也就成了社会经济发展的客观需要(参见彩图插页第34页)。水 赢”是生.命水——就是生命(邢强供稿)节约用水措施要与取水许可制度和计划用水实施结合起来,建立资源、供水、节水三者之间相互联系,相互配合,以达到水供求关系的协调平衡,促进水资源的良性循环和永续利用。还可以充分保证用水户的合法权益,提高用水户的主动权、使命感和安全感。也可以在调整水源工程投资政策的同时,调动各方的积极因素,多方集资,促进新水源工程的实施。节约用水就是高效率用水,减少水损失和单位产品耗水量。对生活用水要推广节水器具,计量收费;对工业用水,应制定合理用水定额,厉行计划用水,推广节水工艺,降低耗水,提高水的重复利用率;对农业用水应强化管理(参见彩图插页第36页),改进灌溉技术,推广节水措施,降低单位面积用水量,大力提高单方水的生产率。同时,要贯彻有偿用水的原则,用水户应按规定交纳水费和水资源费,利用经济杠杆促进合理用水。还应该通过广播、电影、电视、报刊、画廊、展览、录像、宣传画以及中小学教材等多种形式,大力开展宣传教育活动,使广大群众、干部、青少年都了解水、保护水、节约水。节约用水是全民的义务,全社会都来关心水,建立一个节水型社会是完全可以实现的。(任光照)
