100字范文 > 山区下切河流 incised mountain stream英语短句 例句大全

山区下切河流 incised mountain stream英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-01 19:47:31


山区下切河流 incised mountain stream英语短句 例句大全

山区下切河流,incised mountain stream

1)incised mountain stream山区下切河流

2)incised river下切河流

1.Effect of artificial step-pools on improving aquatic habitats and stream ecological inincised river channel;人工阶梯-深潭改善下切河流水生栖息地及生态的作用


1.Experimental Study on Streambed Structures and Bed Load Transport in an Incised Stream河床结构对推移质运动及下切河流影响的试验研究

2.The term "fluvial incision" refers to vertical incision of stream channel into bedrock.流水下切是指河流河道在基岩中的垂直切割。

3.Channels are incised by streams into the underlying red siltstones.古河道由水流切割而侵入下伏的红色粉砂岩中。

4.Chao-an Han-jiang river flow measurement station under section riverbed cut analysis;韩江潮安水文站测流断面河床下切分析

5.As the river comes down, it erodes the earth so that what was once the riverbed becomes a high terrace."河流冲刷着向下切割,后来原先的河床就变成了高高的台地。

6.Study on Degradation of River-bed and its Mathematical Modelling Downstream Larger Dam大坝下游河床下切及其数学模型研究

7.The current swept the logs down the river.水流冲着原木沿河而下.

8.The ship dropped down the river early in the morning.船在清晨沿河顺流而下。

9.They went down the river.他们在河上顺流而下。

10.a subterranean passage, river, tunnel地下通道、 河流、 隧道

11.We drifted down the stream.我们顺河漂流而下。

12.After the rain, the river became a torrent.大雨过后,河水奔流而下。

13.meander the lower reaches of the river沿着河流下游迂回前进

14.He rowed down the river.他划向河流的下游。

15.incision and drainage of subhepatic abscess肝下脓肿切开引流术

16.The wanton spilling of blood, the shattering of lives and homes, the flight of refugees: it has all happened in much the same way and just the same places before.血流成河、屋被毁、民被杀戮,难民四下逃窜:这一切都曾以同一种方式在同一片土地上发生过。

17.Divert water from the neighboring Kaidu-Kenqi watershed into the Tarim lower reaches.由开都-孔雀河流送水往塔里木河下游。

18.The Strategies of the Distributary, Sediment Ejection and Regulation of the river--Take the downstream of the yellow River as an example;分流放淤治河之策——以黄河下游为例


incised river下切河流

1.Effect of artificial step-pools on improving aquatic habitats and stream ecological inincised river channel;人工阶梯-深潭改善下切河流水生栖息地及生态的作用

3)stream trenching河流下切

4)mountain river山区河流

1.Analysis of channel dimension aboutmountain river with low discharge;浅析小流量山区河流航道尺度的论证方法

2.Analysis of washing-away dumped rockfill dam inmountain river;山区河流散抛石坝冲毁原因浅析

3.2-D horizontal numerical modeling of flow in themountain river;山区河流平面二维流场的数值模拟

5)mountain rivers山区河流

1.Study on two-dimension resistance ofmountain rivers;山区河流二维阻力特性研究

2.The main problems in waterway regulation on branching rapids ofmountain rivers are choosing navigation paths and improving flow condition.山区河流石质汊流急滩航道整治主要解决选择通航汊道和改善航道水流条件的问题。

6)mountainous river山区河流

1.Method of determining designed lowest navigable stage of the power plant downstream in amountainous river;山区河流电站下游河段设计低水位确定方法

2.Utilization of shoal and rapid resources to channel improvement ofmountainous river;山区河流滩险航道整治的有效资源利用

3.Navigation condition and navigation safety at bridge district ofmountainous rivers山区河流桥区通航条件和通航安全问题研究


