100字范文 > 养殖环境 culture environment英语短句 例句大全

养殖环境 culture environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 12:54:14


养殖环境 culture environment英语短句 例句大全

养殖环境,culture environment

1)culture environment养殖环境

1.Review on theculture environment of the marine intertidal shellfish;海洋滩涂贝类养殖环境的研究现状

2.The bacteria distribution on theculture environment of interdial shellfish;滩涂贝类养殖环境的细菌分布

3.In the experiment,the effects of differentculture environments and feeds on the survival rate,increase weight,feed coefficient,economic benefit,and appearance characters of adult Chinese soft-shelled were studied.研究不同的池塘养殖环境及饲料条件对中华鳖的养殖成活率、增重量、饲料系数、经济效益和成品鳖外观性状的影响。


1.Effect on the Growth of Largemouth Bass (Mcropterus Salmoides) and the Cultural Environment Factors by Eco-culture Technology生态养殖技术对加州鲈生长及养殖环境的影响

2.Analysis of Environmental Impact on High-Elevation Breeding Pond and Its Economic Profits and Losses;高位池养殖环境影响和经济损益分析

3.Environmental cost assessment on livestock and poultry culture in Dongting Lake district in Hunan province湖南洞庭湖区畜禽养殖环境成本评估

4.Design and Implementation of Intelligent Terminal for Livestock Breeding Environment畜禽养殖环境智能终端的设计与实现

5.The Study for Metabolism Physiology and Effects on Environment of Main Breeding Shellfish in Yueqing Bay;乐清湾主要养殖贝类代谢生理研究及对养殖环境的影响

6.Carrying Capacity of Livestock and Poultry Breeding Environment System--A Case Study in Chongqing畜禽养殖环境系统承载力及其应用——以重庆市畜禽养殖环境系统承载力分析为例

7.Detection and Identification of Fungal Aerosol and Related Mycotoxins in Animal Raising Environment;养殖环境真菌气溶胶及相关真菌毒素的检测

8.Studies on Degradation Behaviors of Deltamethrin on Cultured Area in Rushan Bay;溴氰菊酯农药在乳山湾养殖环境中的降解行为

9.Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)环境、渔业和水产养殖科学中心

10.Survey on the Water Environment of Intensive Eel Culturing水泥池高密度养殖鳗鲡水环境的调查

11.Ecosystem Succession Mechanism in Mariculture Environment;海水养殖生态环境系统演化机制研究

12.Environmental Cost Accounting of Pen Fish Farming in East Tai Lake;东太湖网围养殖的生态环境成本测算

13.Initial economic analysis on environmental negative externality of mariculture;海水养殖业环境负外部性经济学初析

14.Sustainable development of the fisheries resources and the environment in mariculture;海水养殖业资源与环境的可持续发展

15.Detection of Water Quality in the Inshore Fishery Area of Maoming;茂名市近海养殖区水环境质量的检测

16.Pearl Bearing in Wannian Country and Analysis on External;万年县珍珠养殖与环境代价经济分析

17.Discussion on Planning Environmental Impact Assessment for Livestock"s Scale Breeding Industry畜禽养殖业规划环境影响评价的探讨

18.Analysis on Environmental Impact Assessment in livestock and Poultry Breeding Programs浅析畜禽养殖业项目的环境影响评价


Aquaculture environment养殖环境

1.The design and application of aquaculture environmental assessment system of Dalian bay based on GIS;基于GIS的大连湾海区养殖环境评价系统的设计与应用

3)feeding environment养殖环境

1.Anderscn-6 as air sampler and RBC as medium were taken to collect aerosol fungi in thefeeding environment.用Andersen-6级采样器、虎红氯霉素琼脂(RBC)在养殖环境采样,培养后分级计数,按形态学鉴定,并进行空气动力学分析。

2.Based on the present situation of small tail cold sheeps distribution Inner Mongolia,and its biological character and its economical value,thefeeding environment of farming area,farmalpastoral area,pastoral area,forest zone in Inner Mongolia are analysised,the mainly developping area and the different feeding form are discussed.在内蒙古小尾寒羊分布现状的基础上,根据小尾寒羊的生物学特性和经济价值,分析和评价了内蒙古农区、农牧交错区、牧区以及林区的养殖环境,并提出了重点发展区域及不同区域的养殖形

4)cultivation environment养殖环境

1.Analysis on food-borne pathogenic microorganism of tilapia andcultivation environment in Guangdong Province广东省罗非鱼及其养殖环境中食源性致病菌菌相分析

5)cultivated water circumstance养殖水环境

6)aquaculture systems水产养殖环境


海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)marine aquaculture_一一’‘~’‘以,’日y以.1日乙川髦增养殖(~ne aquacultu祀’见海水养殖·海水
