100字范文 > 进出料 in and out of materials英语短句 例句大全

进出料 in and out of materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-05 14:17:13


进出料 in and out of materials英语短句 例句大全

进出料,in and out of materials

1)in and out of materials进出料

1.They ensuredin and out of materials under the conditions of pressure difference and maintained vacuum with allowable airleak.它在有压力差的情况下保证进出料的同时,还要保证小于要求的漏气量以维持真空。


1.Equipped with an automatic material charge and dis charge device, raw materials can be fed dis charged out of the drum antomatically.配有自动进出料装置,可自动将片芯加入滚筒内或自动出料。

2.Abrasives Export Corporation磨料磨具进出口公司

3.Production and import/export situations of China s dyestuff and organic pigment in 2000;2000年全国染料、有机颜料生产与进出口分析

4.access shaft [aviation fuel receiving facility]进出竖井〔飞机燃料接收设施〕

5.access channel [aviation fuel receiving facility]船舶进出航道〔飞机燃料接收设施〕

6.The underdog team scored two surprise goals.处于劣势的一队出人意料地进两球。

7.Determination of Ash in Feedstuffs Imported and Exported by Microwave Ashing Method微波灰化法测定进出口饲料中的灰分

8.Export & Import Analysis of China s Three Principal Synthetic Materials in ;中国三大合成材料进出口分析

9.Analysis on Import & Export Situation of China Coatings Products in 中国涂料产品进出口情况简析

10.Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path.在我们工作的进程中,出乎意料的事层出不穷。

11.(RAW Material IQC)原(物)料进料检验

12.It is essential to separate the coarse material before the gas and material are introduced into Rotor.在气流和物料进入转子之前,最基本的要求是分离出粗料。

13.The hull fraction is sometimes toasted separately and sold as mill feed or as mill run.粉碎的种皮有时单独进行烘干,作麸皮饲料或下脚饲料出卖。

14.The exfactory price of industrial products declined by 3.4 percent, while the purchasing price of raw materials, fuel and power dropped by 3.9 percent.工业品出厂价格下降3.4%。原材料、燃料和动力购进价格下降3.9%。

15.Production and Importation and Exportation Analysis of China’s Dyestuff and Organic Pigment Industry in the First Half of ;上半年染料、有机颜料生产及进出口形势分析

16.Production and Importation and Exportation Analysis of China’s Dyestuff and Organic Pigment Industry in the First Half of ;上半年染料、有机颜料生产及进出口情况浅析

17.Liquid Feeding Technique of The Double Screw Extruder in The Application of Modified Polypropylene双螺杆挤出机液体进料工艺在改性塑料中的应用

18.We will inspect all material in case successive electroplating raw matieral is received or electroplated products are delivered.后续电镀来料或出货时,我司进行全数检查。


Inlet and outlet valves进出料阀

3)closed charging/discharging密闭进出料

1.The design of aclosed charging/discharging device for 30 m~3 polymerizer and summary on its running;30m~3聚合釜密闭进出料装置的设计及其运行总结

4)material lock材料进出闸

5)input-output balance进料-出料衡算

6)feed/effluent exchanger进料/出料换热器


