100字范文 > 雨水集蓄利用 rainwater harvesting and utilization英语短句 例句大全

雨水集蓄利用 rainwater harvesting and utilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-16 08:33:42


雨水集蓄利用 rainwater harvesting and utilization英语短句 例句大全

雨水集蓄利用,rainwater harvesting and utilization

1)rainwater harvesting and utilization雨水集蓄利用

1.In longba small watershed comprehensive management project of Zunyi County,taking the lead in small watershed comprehensive management project,elaborately performing matching engineering of water system and graspingrainwater harvesting and utilization not only solved the problem of the people and livestock drinking water,but also promoted the.雨水集蓄利用是解决干旱地区人畜饮用水和农业灌溉用水的有效方式。


1.Legal Research on the Place of Collecting Rainwater in the Rainwater Collecting and Utilizing;雨水集蓄利用中集雨场的若干法律问题研究

2.Application of technology of rainwater collection and utilization in Taihang Mountain area雨水集蓄利用技术在太行山区的应用

3.Experimental Research on Rainwater Catchment Utilization Technology in Slope Partition;坡地分段雨水集蓄利用技术试验研究

4.A Study on the Rainwater-gathering Utilization in the Semiarid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区雨水集蓄利用研究

5.Preliminary study on new integrated skill of rainwater collection and utilization in Yichang city宜昌新型雨水集蓄利用技术运用集成初探

6.Talk about Rain Collection Usage and Solving Feeding Men and Animals with Water of Mountainous Area for Lack Water;雨水集蓄利用解决缺水山区人畜饮水的探讨

7.Optimal Planning of the Bio-economic System in Rainfall Collection and Usage Area;雨水集蓄利用区生态经济系统的优化规划

8.Reflections on China"s Development Prospects of Rainwater Harvesting and Utilization关于中国雨水集蓄利用发展前景的几点思考

9.Research on Eco-environmental Water Requirement and Optimal Study of Irrigation on RCSU in Huaibei Hilly Area in Jiangsu Province;江苏省淮北丘陵山区生态环境需水量及雨水集蓄利用优化研究

10.The Discussion of Joint-stock Cooperative System Which Used in Rainwater-harvesting Enterprise Legal Regime;雨水集蓄利用采用股份合作制企业法律制度研究

11.Optimal Study of Irrigation on RCSU in Huaibei Hilly Area in Jiangsu Province;江苏省淮北丘陵山区雨水集蓄利用灌溉最优化研究

12.Determination of re-storage times of rainwater storage facilities in Xinyi hill area新沂山丘区雨水利用蓄水设施复蓄次数的确定

13.Application of Rainwater-saving Engineering Technology in Datong Area;雨水集蓄工程技术在大通地区的应用

14.The Typical Year Method Used to Calculate the Column of the Collecting Water Infrastructure of Rainwater Utilization雨水利用工程蓄水设施容积典型年法计算方法

15.A Legal Study of the Human Rights Problem in Water-Lacking Areas;生存权、水人权:缺水地区人民雨水集蓄权的宪法权利属性

16.Decision-making of Urban Rainwater Comprehensive Utilization and Technology Research on Regulation and Storage and Infiltration.;城市雨水综合利用决策及调蓄、渗透技术研究

17.Research on the Collection Storage and Utilization Patterns of Karst Water Resources in Guizhou贵州喀斯特水资源集蓄利用模式研究

18.The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.他们用像皮艇蓄积雨水。


rainwater harvesting雨水集蓄利用

1.On the theoretical and practical significant ofrainwater harvesting and utilization;论雨水集蓄利用的理论和实用意义

3)water harvesting and utilization雨水集蓄与利用

4)Water collecting and utilization work雨水集蓄利用工程

5)model of the rainwater harvesting and utilization雨水集蓄利用模式

6)Highly effective RWCU高效雨水集蓄利用


东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)默军爵攫戳猛罚胃植和l用2 iyuanl心yong 见农业气候资
