100字范文 > 发动机构造与原理 structure and principle of engine英语短句 例句大全

发动机构造与原理 structure and principle of engine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-30 20:08:54


发动机构造与原理 structure and principle of engine英语短句 例句大全

发动机构造与原理,structure and principle of engine

1)structure and principle of engine发动机构造与原理

1.Experimental teaching class hours of thestructure and principle of engine was reduced to a certain extent to meet the demands of the mode of "wide requirements,thick foundation" of undergraduates\" cultivation.为适应农业机械及自动化专业本科教学厚基础、宽口径的人才培养要求,"发动机构造与原理"课程的实验课时作了一定程度的压缩。


1.Development about MCAI Courseware for Structure & Principle of Engine;《发动机构造与原理》多媒体课件的研制

2.Reforming the Experimental Teaching of Structure and Principle of Engine“发动机构造与原理”课程实验教学改革

3.The Teaching Innovation Practice and Analysis of the Course: Construction and Principle of Autocar Engine;汽车发动机构造与原理课程教学改革实践与分析

4.Exploration of Teaching Method on Principle & Construction of Engine Course;《发动机原理及构造》课程教学方法的探讨

5.Exploration and Practice of Teaching Reform in the Course《Principle and Counstruction of Internal-Combustion Engine》;《内燃机原理与构造》课程教学改革的探索与实践

6.The Principle Design and Kinematics Analysis of the Differential Walking Vehicle;差动足步行机构的原理设计与运动分析

7.Application and Structure Characteristics of the Engine Cylinder Body Flexible Production Line浅谈发动机缸体柔性生产线构造与运用

8.Structure and Principles of Forbiddance System on Engine of TOYOTA丰田汽车发动机锁止系统的结构及工作原理

9.The engine works on the same principle as a jet engine.该引擎的运作原理与喷射机发动机一样。

10.Research and development of automobile engine principle network course汽车发动机原理网络课程的研制与开发

11.The structure and locomotion mechanism of the robot are described, and driving mechanics models of the robot system are set up and analyzed.介绍了机器人机体的构造和运动原理,建立了机器人系统驱动力学模型并做了相应分析。

12.A preliminary analysis of the development of students? creative motivation in the physics teaching in the middle schools;浅谈物理教学中学生创造动机的激发与培养

13.Mechanism & Mode on Joint Deveopment of Manufacturing and Logistics Industries制造业与物流业联动发展的机理和模式研究

14.Developing process of ratchet mechanism is expounded in theory of machines and mechanisms.为了提高棘轮机构的传动性能,从机械原理和机械设计结构说明棘轮机构的演化发展过程。

15.Course Teaching Practice of Vehicle Structural Principle and Maintenance Application for Auto Major;《汽车构造原理与维修应用》教学的实践

16.The Origin of the Constitutional Force of Supervision and Evaluation on its Construct;我国宪法监督的权力渊源与构造原理

17.Rationales and Principles on Building The Reasonable Criminal Procedure Structure in China;建构我国刑事诉讼合理构造的理念与原则

18.Of or relating to pathogenesis.病原的发病机理的,与发病机理有关的


construction and principle of autocar engine汽车发动机构造与原理

1.Based on the characteristics that the course "construction and principle of autocar engine" had high practical, the form of the practice of removement and installation, the trinity of scene teaching and multimedia teaching were taken.根据汽车发动机构造与原理是汽车系一门实践性很强的课程特点,采取拆装实习、现场教学与多媒体教学“三位一体”的教学形式,将发动机结构、原理、拆装、运用、调整的教学内容进行有机的“五合一”,注重学生平时的能力和技能的培养,实行“理论+实践+创新”相结合的考试方式,有效地调动了学生学习的积极性,取得了较好的教学效果。

3)principle & construction of engine发动机原理及构造

1.The applications of three teching methods,a traditional method and a modern method and an inter-exchange method,onprinciple & construction of engine course are introduced and analysed.分析并比较了传统教学方法、现代教学方法、互动式教学方法在《发动机原理及构造》课程的教学中应用时的优缺点,提出了一种全新的互动式现场教学方法。

4)principle and construction of internal-combustion engine内燃机原理与构造

5)automobile structure and maintaining汽车发动机构造与维修

6)engine construction发动机构造


