100字范文 > 天然气净化厂 natural gas purification plant英语短句 例句大全

天然气净化厂 natural gas purification plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-25 06:55:11


天然气净化厂 natural gas purification plant英语短句 例句大全

天然气净化厂,natural gas purification plant

1)natural gas purification plant天然气净化厂

1.The effect on the rice growth in heading and flowering period by SO2 emitted fromnatural gas purification plant and fell to the ground has been tested through fumigation experiment.通过对处于抽穗扬花期的水稻进行人工熏气试验,考察天然气净化厂事故徘放时外排的二氧化硫落地后对水稻生长的影响。

2.Due to the great fluctuation in water quality and quantity and the high content of refractory organics in wastewater fromnatural gas purification plant,the effluent can hardly meet the discharge standard.天然气净化厂废水水质、水量波动大且含有大量难降解物质,难以稳定达标。


1.Discussion on the Width of Main Access Roads in Natural Gas Purification Plant天然气净化厂厂区主通道宽度的探讨

2.Code for design of natural gas conditioning plant in gas field气田天然气净化厂设计规范

3.Natural gas purifcation plant feed gas pre-treetment technology research天然气净化厂原料气前处理技术研究

4.Research on Maintenance Management Optimization for Chongqing Natural Gas Purification重庆天然气净化厂检修管理优化研究

5.Design and Operation of Wastewater Treatment Process in Natural Gas Purification Plant天然气净化厂的废水处理设计与运行

6.Cleaner Production in Natural Gas Purification Plant天然气净化厂清洁生产及其效果评价

7.Situation and Assumption of Analysis-Monitoring Work in Natural Gas Purification Factory天然气净化厂分析监测工作的现状与设想

8.The Experimental Research on Treatment of Overhaul Waste Water in Natural Gas Purification Plant by UASB Reactor;中温UASB处理天然气净化厂检修废水试验研究

9.Application of HSE Management System in Natural Gas Purification FactoryHSE管理体系在天然气净化厂的建立与应用


11.This paper analyzes the problem of recovery methanol from sewage containing methanol of first natural gas treatment plant of Changqing gas field.分析了长庆气田第一天然气净化厂甲醇回收装置运行中存在的问题。

12.Discussed Shallowly about Sewage Treatment Present Situation in Yinjin Branch Factory重庆天然气净化总厂引进分厂污水处理现状

13.The Study of the Human Resources Management in Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Enterprise重庆天然气净化总厂人力资源管理研究

14.Evaluation Method of Energy Consumption in the Natural Gas Conditioning Plant天然气处理(净化)厂生产能耗的评价方法研究

15.Investigation of the TWC Purification Characteristics in CNG Vehicles;天然气汽车三元催化器净化特性研究

16.glycol-amine gas treating plant天然气净化和脱水用的乙二醇-胺装置

17.Research of Three-way Catalyst for Emission Control in Natural Gas Powered Engines;天然气汽车尾气净化催化剂的制备和性能初探

18.Preparation of catalysts for purifying exhaust gas from compressed natural gas-engines vehicle压缩天然气轿车尾气净化催化剂的研制


natural gas purification天然气净化

1.The Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology has worked hard for 50 years in the field ofnatural gas purification technology,achieved a total of more than 130 scientific research projects,5 state-level awards,14 provincial and ministerial level awards,48 regional awards,created 13 patents and proprietary technology.天然气研究院在天然气净化技术领域辛勤耕耘五十年,共完成科研项目130余项,获国家级奖励5项、省部级奖励14项、地区级奖励48项,形成了13项专利和专有技术。

2.The main task ofnatural gas purification is getting rid of the suffered hydrogen, Organic sulfur, carbon dioxide and other harmful subjects in the raw natural gas, and provides clean and good quality natural gas, and produces sulfur by using the sulfur compound from the purification process .天然气净化企业的主要生产任务是脱除原料天然气中的硫化氢、有机硫、二氧化碳等有害物质,为用户输送洁净、优质的净化天然气,并利用脱除的含硫化合物生产硫磺。

3.Due to the great fluctuation in water quality and quantity and the high content of refractory organics of wastewater ofnatural gas purification plant,the effluent can hardly realize stable and standard discharge Treating thenatural gas purification wastewater by h.天然气净化废水水质水量波动大,且含有大量难降解物质,一直难以稳定达标。

3)gas purification天然气净化

1.The process design,start-up,commissioning and other circumstances were mainly introduced for Zhongxian Natural Gas Purification Plant in this paper,The features and the related problems of the plant were evaluated,and a few suggestions were proposed for design and commissioning of thegas purification plant.主要对忠县天然气净化厂的开工试运、工艺设计等情况进行了介绍,对装置特点及存在问题进行了工艺评价,并对天然气净化厂在设计、试运中应注意的问题提出了一些看法。

2.This Paper reviews the current status of application of membrane separation technology to natural gas processing at home and abroad, and introluces the working principle of gas membrane separation and its application in the fields ofgas purification, helium extraction and membrane reaction.本文综述了国内外利用膜分离技术处理天然气的应用现状,简要阐明了气体分离膜的工作原理,就其在天然气净化、提氦、膜反应等领域的应用进行了描述,指出膜分离方法将成为天然气处理方法中最有前途的一种。

4)natural gas purifying天然气净化

5)natural gas purification wastewater天然气净化废水

1.This paper analyzes the common characteristics ofnatural gas purification wastewater and researches anaerobic biodegradation of the wastewater through cultivating it.对天然气净化废水的一般特性进行了分析,同时采用培养法对天然气净化废水厌氧生物降解性进行了研究,结果表明:该废水的碱度不在厌氧处理的范围内,在进行厌氧处理时须调节其碳酸盐碱度,使其在3000~8000mg/L的范围内,才能满足厌氧反应器的正常运行,废水的营养物质及磷元素缺乏,废水处理时应按照COD∶N∶P=(300~500)∶5∶1的比例添加营养物质及磷盐;废水可进行厌氧生物处理,其厌氧可生物降解性BD最高可达64%,但在厌氧处理时必须进行稀释预处理或采取适当的脱毒措施。

2.Because the natural gas industry develops, thenatural gas purification wastewater is becoming one of wastewater pollution sources, if this kind of wastewater is not been disposed, will be certain to impact the serious consequence on the natural environment.伴随着天然气工业的发展,天然气净化废水成为水体污染的污染源之一,若不对此类废水加以治理,必将对环境产生较严重的后果。

6)gas purification plant天然气净化装置

1.Triethylene glycol regard as heat medium ingas purification plant"s application;三甘醇作为热媒的供热方式在天然气净化装置中的应用


石油天然气国际贸易(见石油市场与天然气市场)石油天然气国际贸易(见石油市场与天然气市场)石油天然气国际贸易(internotional tradeof011 and只as)见石油市场与天然气市场。
