100字范文 > 拖拉机车身 tractor body panel英语短句 例句大全

拖拉机车身 tractor body panel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-08 22:06:04


拖拉机车身 tractor body panel英语短句 例句大全

拖拉机车身,tractor body panel

1)tractor body panel拖拉机车身

1.The system of stiffness test analysis is created by analyzing the shapes and forming processes oftractor body panels,of which based on cylindrical shallow shells and spherical shells.通过分析拖拉机车身及其冲压成形的特点,结合柱面扁壳及球面扁壳件,建立一套扁壳类零件刚度的试验分析系统。


1.Research of Tractor Body Curve Surface Design with CATIACATIA在拖拉机车身曲面设计中的应用研究

2.Influence of Deform Level on the Stiffness of Tractor Body Panels变形程度对拖拉机车身刚度的影响规律研究

3.The tractor take up the slack and pull the trailer out of the mud.拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来。

4.The tractor took up the color=# cc0066>slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud.拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来.

5.chassis, fitted with engines, for road tractors for semi-trailers半拖车铺路拖拉机底盘,装有发动机

6.The tractor hauled the load away.拖拉机把载有货物的车辆拖走了。

7.a large transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractor.用卡车或拖拉机拖动的大的运输工具。

8.Drive a car( a bus, a tractor, a truck)开小汽车(公共汽车、拖拉机、卡车)

9.a truck consisting of a tractor and a trailer together.包括一个拖拉机和一个拖车两部分的卡车。

10.A large transport vehicle designed to be hauled by a truck or tractor.拖车被设计来用卡车或拖拉机拖运的一种大型运输车辆

11.The act of drawing or pulling, especially the drawing of a vehicle or load over a surface by motor power.拖拉拖或拉的行为,尤指用机动力将车辆或货物拖过一平面

12.dashboard for road motor vehicles or tractors道路机动车辆或拖拉机仪表盘

13.cowling ,radiator, for road motor vehicles or tractors散热器护罩,道路机动车辆或拖拉机用

14.bracket stub-axle for road motor vehicles or tractors道路机动车辆或拖拉机用短轴托架

15.bumper for road motor vehicles or tractors道路机动车辆或拖拉机用保险杠

16.floorboard for road motor vehicles or tractors道路机动车辆或拖拉机底板

17.Study on the Brake System for Walking Tractor Trailers手扶拖拉机挂车机组制动系统的研究

18.A caterpillar tractor is tugging along the truck that has bogged down.履带式拖拉机在拖那辆陷入泥沼的卡车。


tractor trailer拖拉机拖车

3)tractor with trailer带拖车拖拉机

4)tractor automobile拖拉机汽车


1.To explore the optimum designs of braking system fortractor-trailers and farm transporters, research and practice in a long period proves the optimum designs are power pneumatic braking system for trailers with small power wheel tractor, power pneumatic and power hydraulic braking system for tr.论述了我国拖拉机挂车机组和农用运输车所配备的制动系统的现状,拖拉机挂车机组和农用运输车的制动系统直接影响其行车安全,经过长期研究和实践证明,得到最佳方案是:小功率轮式拖拉机挂车机组配备动力气压制动系统;大中功率的轮式拖拉机挂车机组配备动力气压或动力液压制动系统;手扶拖拉机挂车机组配备人力液压制动系统;农用运输车配备人力液压制动系统。

6)automobile and tractor汽车拖拉机

1.Optimization design of steering trapezoid inautomobile and tractor;汽车拖拉机转向梯形优化设计


拖拉1.办事迟缓,不抓紧完成。 2.谓拖延。
