100字范文 > 促生 Growth-promoting英语短句 例句大全

促生 Growth-promoting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-01 06:13:17


促生 Growth-promoting英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of the Fermentation of Endophytic Bacteria Strain yc8 from Rapes on theGrowth-promoting Effect and Nutrition Metabolism;油菜内生细菌yc8发酵液对植物促生作用及其营养代谢的影响

2.Aiming at controlling several general and serious diseases occurring during production of processing tomato,we carried out studies on isolation and screening of strains with growth-promoting and disease suppression effect.针对新疆加工番茄病害发生普遍且为害严重的问题,进行了促生拮抗菌的分离筛选及其促生和抑菌效果的研究。

3.A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the growth-promoting effects of inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings, including six phosphate solubilizing bacterial strains (i.通过盆栽试验研究了植物促生菌(PGPB)对红树植物木榄幼苗的接种效应,供试菌为6种解磷菌(即B。


1.Chairman Mao has said that it is necessary to make revolution, promote production and other work and ensure preparedness in the event of war.毛主席讲,要抓革命,促生产,促工作,促战备。

2.The Promoted Effect of PGPR on the Cucumber Seedling"s Growth under The Stress of NaClNaCl胁迫下促生菌对黄瓜幼苗生长的促生效应

3.Disease Prevention and Growth Promoting Effect of Growth-promoting Rhizosphere in Cucumber黄瓜根际促生菌的促生效应与防病作用

4.The formation or production of red blood cells.(促)红细胞生成素

5.We have short time to stay, as you, We have as short a spring;生命短促如水仙,人世春华也仓促;

6.HCS (human chorionic somatomammotrophin)人绒毛膜生长促乳素

7.Neonatal thyroid stimulating hermone新生儿促甲状腺激素

8.a condition promoting sanitary practices.促进卫生活动的状态。

9.synthetic growth hormone促进生长的人造激素

10.Fertilizers will accelerate the growth of plants.肥料能促进植物生长。

11.My biggest concern now is business promotion.我最关注是生意促销。

12.He"s very good at getting his pupils on他善于督促学生进步。

13.Chemical fertilizers advance the growth of crops.化肥促进庄稼生长。

14.Hong Kong Productivity Council香港生产力促进局。

15.productivity enhancement services programme生产力促进服务计划

16.Skills Development for Self-Reliance技能发展促进自力更生

17.Life Education: To Improve the Whole Generation of the Individual;生命教育:促进个体生命的整体生成

18.To prepare(students)hastily for an impending examination.仓促应考仓促地为(学生)准备即将到来的考试



1.The mechanism of biocontrol and plant-growth-promoting were studied.本实验研究了该产品的防病促生机理,其主要内容有以下几个方面: 1。

3)Growth Promotion促生

1.Two bacterial mixtures CL-7 and CL-8 with high effects in growth promotion and disease suppression of tomato were selected.将加工番茄根际土壤中筛选到的单一拮抗细菌进行复配,筛选获得两个具有促生拮抗作用的细菌组合CL-7和CL-8。


1.Thebio-energize technology and its application status in the sewage were described.介绍了生物促生技术及其在污水处理中的应用及现状,采用强化生化反应优势菌剂和微生物活性诱导剂在炼油厂进行了污水处理实验,对现场污水组分和污水处理工艺条件、流程进行了研究,确定了实验方案并对实验现象和实验数据进行了分析,实验结果表明采用生物促生技术进行炼油厂污水处理取得了较好的效果,经济效益和社会效益显著。


1.Thegrowth-promoting effect of magnesium glycinate was studied by culturing 2 species of Antarctic ice algae L1 and H1 in magnesium glycinate solutions at different concentrations (0, 25×10 -6, 50×10 -6, 100×10 -6, 200×10 -6, 400×10 -6).研究了甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻的促生长作用。

2.This article included 4 experiments which were used to investigated the effect of Kuian-chun (one of quinoxaline- 1,4-dioxide derivative) ongrowth-promoting, feed consumption, reproductive endocrine, haematology and histology in rats.本实验旨在研究喹胺醇对大鼠的促生长作用,及其对生殖内分泌、血液学变化和组织病理学变化的影响。

3.The effects of Macrobrachium nipponense growth rate through adding different concentration Sodium Humate in food and the contrast of different feed additives and Sodium Humate on thegrowth-promoting effects of Macrobrachium nipponense were studied.研究了在青虾饲料中添加不同含量的腐植酸钠对青虾生长速度的影响,不同饲料添加剂与腐植酸钠对青虾的促生长效果对比。

6)growth promotion促生作用

1.The optimum concentration of triacontanol forgrowth promotion is 1.其中赤霉素的促生作用最明显,其最佳质量浓度为0。

2.【Objective】 Five actinomycetes strains having certain inhibiting capability were screened as material to study the control effect of the actinomycetes and five combinations on watermelon Fusarium wilt and Eggplant Verticillium wilt,and to filter the combining biocontrol strains which have better biocontrol efficacy andgrowth promotion.【目的】探讨优良放线菌及其组合对西瓜枯萎病和茄子黄萎病的生物防效,筛选出具有良好防效和促生作用的复合菌株。


