100字范文 > 节点渗灌 node permeation irrigation英语短句 例句大全

节点渗灌 node permeation irrigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-23 09:58:47


节点渗灌 node permeation irrigation英语短句 例句大全

节点渗灌,node permeation irrigation

1)node permeation irrigation节点渗灌

1.The relation between water supply pressure and outlet pressure ofnode permeation irrigation pipe is studied through the soil bin simulation test.用土槽模拟试验的方法,对渗灌灌水时供水压力与节点渗灌管出水孔的水压关系进行了试验研究,结果表明:水源供水压力越大,水头损失越大,水头对渗灌管出水均匀效果产生影响,节点式渗灌灌水时供水压力以100cm水柱左右为宜。


1.Study on Influence of Water Supply Pressure on Outlet Pressure of Node Permeation Irrigation Pipe供水压力对节点渗灌管出水孔工作压力影响的研究

2.Improvement of A Subsurface Drip Irrigation Automatic Control System for Greenhouse一种温室节点式渗灌控制系统的改进试验

3.Design and implementation of automatic control system for sectional type subsurface drip irrigation in greenhouse温室节点式渗灌自动控制系统设计与实现

4.Infiltration Irrigation--A Advanced Water-Saving Irrigation Technique in Greenhouse Culture;渗灌——设施园艺先进的节水灌溉技术

5.Experiment of Water-saving Irrigation Technology for Paddy Field by Pressing on Arenaceous Soils;沙壤土稻田碾压防渗节水灌溉技术试验研究

6.Application and Comparison of the Channel Anti-seepage Methods in the Watersaving Transformation of Irrigation Areas灌区节水改造工程中几种渠道防渗方式的应用

7.Water-saving Effects of Different Soil Moisture on Pepper under Subsurface Irrigation渗灌条件下水分胁迫对青椒的节水效应研究

8.On the application of the anti-leakage an anti-freezing measures in the water-saving reform of some irrigation areas防渗抗冻措施在某灌区节水改造中的应用

9.Application of Subsurface Irrigation in Vegetable Greenhouse渗灌节水技术在保护地蔬菜栽培中的应用研究

10.Numerical Simulation of Point Source Infiltration under Gravity Subsurface Drip Irrigation;重力式地下滴灌点源入渗特征的数值模拟

11.Study on Percolation Irrigation Technology of Soil Water Control and Its Yield-Increasing and Water-Saving Mechanisms in Vegetable Protected Field;保护地渗灌土壤水分调控技术及作物增产节水机理的研究

12.Characteristic and Mechanism of Osmotic Adjustment in Limonium Bicolor;泌盐植物二色补血草渗透调节的特点及机制

13.Effects of Water Salinty on Soil Salt and Water Movement under a Point Source Drip Irrigation入渗水矿化度对点源滴灌土壤水盐运移特征的影响

14.Finite Element Method for Hydraulic Design of Drip Irrigation Lateral Lines with Virtual Emitter System虚拟节点有限元法解析滴灌毛管水力特性

15.Finite Element Method for Hydraulic Design of Drip Irrigation Submain Units with Virtual Emitter System虚拟节点有限元法解析滴灌支管水力学计算

16.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数

17.opportunity time地面水的可能渗灌时间

18.Cause of channel seepage and anti-seepage method in Fengle irrigation area丰乐灌区渠道渗漏的原因与防渗措施


drip filtration irrigation节点式渗灌

1.A field plot experiment of tomato is conducted in the greenhouse to study the effect of four irrigation methods,namelydrip filtration irrigation,furrow irrigation,drip irrigation and filtration irrigation,on soil temperature.采用日光温室栽培番茄的试验方法,就节点式渗灌、沟灌、滴灌、普通渗灌等4种不同的灌溉方法对土壤温度的影响进行了研究。

3)Water efficient infiltrating irrigation节水渗灌

4)variable zero osmosis joint可变零渗透节点

5)infiltration irrigation渗灌

1.Effect of pipe space on maizeinfiltration irrigation;不同管距时玉米渗灌效果的试验研究

2.Numerical simulation of soil water movement underinfiltration irrigation;地下渗灌土壤水分运动数值模拟

3.Under specific rainfall,irrigation quantity and initial soil conditions,the variation characteristics of soil moisture and growth characteristic of maize under three different irrigation techniques,as sprinkler irrigation,drip irrigation andinfiltration irrigation,were studied through experiment.在降雨、灌溉水量和前期土壤特性一定的情况下,对玉米在喷灌、滴灌、渗灌3种灌溉方式下的土壤水分变化特性和玉米生育特性进行了试验研究,分析了各种灌溉方式下玉米的生长特性和玉米地土壤水分的变化规律。

6)subsurface irrigation渗灌

1.Effect ofsubsurface irrigation quota on salt accumulation of soil in plastic greenhouse cultivated with tomato;塑料大棚番茄栽培不同渗灌量对耕层土壤性质的影响

2.Effect of control lower limit ofsubsurface irrigation on phosphorus distribution in soil profiles of protected land渗灌灌水控制下限对保护地土壤剖面磷素分布的影响

3.In order to acquire more accuracy of numerical simulation of soil water movement undersubsurface irrigation with porous pipe,a two dimension soil-water movement model with boundary of third type was built in this paper.为提高微孔渗灌条件下土壤水分运动数值模拟精度,建立了含有第3类边界条件的二维微孔渗灌土壤水分运动数学模型,着重论述了微孔管3类边界条件处理的流速分解法,并采用ADI交替方向隐式差分法求解数学模型。


节点分子式:CAS号:性质: 又称结点。是有向图中的符号。将工艺流程图抽象为信息流程图时,常用有向图来表示。有向图由节点和有向支线构成,用来表达流程信息结构。节点通常与单元设备对应(但不必严格地一一对应),有向支线则与流股相对应。这种表达是矩阵表示的基础。
