100字范文 > 罗马军队 Roman army英语短句 例句大全

罗马军队 Roman army英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 22:55:05


罗马军队 Roman army英语短句 例句大全

罗马军队,Roman army

1)Roman army罗马军队

1.This thesis is a study of theRoman army in the Late Republic and the early Roman empire.本文旨在探讨共和晚期到帝国早期这段历史时期内罗马军队在罗马文化与地中海各地区文化交流融合过程中的作用,全文分成三章。


1.Roman Army in Provinces as seen mainly from Roman Britain;行省中的罗马军队:以罗马不列颠为中心

2.In exchange, these warriors were incorporated into the Roman military.作为回报,这些勇士加入了罗马军队

3.B.C.95 The Roman army under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.公元前95年,朱蒂斯。凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国。

4.The Impact of Roman Army on the Political Affairs in the Period of the Third-Century Crisis;3世纪危机时罗马军队对国家政治的影响

5.The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple.在罗马军队中,最小的战术编队是由120人组成的独立战团。

6.A unit of the Roman army originally consisting of100 men.百人队一种罗马军队的编制单位,最初由百人组成

7.a battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius.公元前2在汉尼拔伏击Flaminius领导的一支罗马军队的一次战斗。

8.A soldier of a major division of the Roman army formed in the time of Constantine I.罗马军队主要部门的一个士兵,形成于康斯坦丁一世时期

9.An army commander in the Roman Republic.大将罗马共和国的军队统帅

10.The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns.古罗马的军队由几位大将轮流指挥。

11.The commander of a century in the Roman army.百夫长古罗马军团的百人队指挥官

12.Before the Romans could collect an army he was on the march.罗马人还来不及组成一支军队,他就进军了。

13.(plural) hosts or armies; used in the book of Romans in the New Testament of the Bible: `Lord of Sabaoth".(复)军队或军团;圣经新约中的罗马书中使用;万军之主。

14.Everywhere on the streets there were Romans who applauded the passing troops.大街上到处都有罗马人向经过的军队鼓掌欢迎。

15.a band of warriors (originally a unit of a Roman Legion).一队士兵或武士(原来是古罗马军团的一个单位)。

16.One of the10 divisions of a Roman legion, consisting of300 to600 men.步兵队罗马军团的10个师之一,有300到600人

17.On the Reasons of the Phenomenon of the Army s Intervening the Political life During the First Three Dynasties of Roman Empire;罗马帝国前三朝军队干政现象原因探析

18.The Barbarization of Roman Army in the Roman Empire During the Crisis of the 3~(rd) Century;罗马帝国3世纪危机时期军队蛮族化问题



3)Roman legion罗马军团


5)Rei militaris instituta《罗马军制》

6)the praetorian guards罗马禁卫军


军队农场(见军队农副业生产)军队农场(见军队农副业生产)military farmsiundui nongchang军队农场(military farms)见军队农副业生产。
