100字范文 > 粘结应力 bond stress英语短句 例句大全

粘结应力 bond stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-31 04:14:43


粘结应力 bond stress英语短句 例句大全

粘结应力,bond stress

1)bond stress粘结应力

1.Curve fitting method ofbond stress distribution in steel bar pullout test;钢筋拉拔试验中粘结应力分布的曲线拟合

2.Study on calculating model ofbond stress betweenreinforcing bar and concrete;钢筋与混凝土粘结应力计算模式的研究

3.Stress variation model ofbond stress-slip relationship between steel bar and concrete;钢筋与混凝土间粘结应力-滑移关系的应力变分模型


1.Analysis of bond extremities" interfacial stress of prestressed CFRP laminate after releasing预应力碳纤维片材张放后端部粘结应力分析

2.no bond stretching无粘结纲筋的后预应力

3.External prestressing is a kind of no felt prestress.体外预应力是无粘结预应力的一种。

4.Technical specification for concrete structures prestressed with unbounded tendons无粘结预应力混凝土结构技术规程

5.FEM Analysis of Unbonded Prestressed Floorslab Structures;无粘结预应力楼盖结构的有限元分析

6.On the Stress-Strain-Strength Characteristics of Quasi-Overconsolidated Clay拟似超固结粘土的应力-应变-强度特性

7.Application and Research of Bonded Externally Prestressed Reinforcing System;有粘结体外预应力加固体系应用研究

8.Integrated Application of Bonded and Unbonded Prestressed Technology in Flat-slab Structure Engineering有粘结与无粘结预应力技术在梁板结构工程中的综合应用

9.Research on the Tendon s Stress of Unbonded Full Prestressed Simply Supported Beam;无粘结全预应力简支梁预应力筋受力状态研究

10.How to protect unbonded tendon and anchorage is the key to prevent corrosion in unbonded prestressed concrete.无粘结筋与锚具是无粘结预应力结构防腐蚀的关键。

parative Research on Seismic Response between Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Flat-beam Frame and Bonded Prestressed Concrete Flat-beam Frame;无粘结与有粘结预应力混凝土扁梁框架地震响应对比研究

12.Mechanical Analysis of the Unbonded Prestressed Frame Construction对无粘结预应力框架结构的施工力学分析

13.Apply Research of the Theory of Wholly Grouted Anchor Load Transfer Model;全长粘结式锚杆传力模型及应用研究

14.Nonlinear Analysis of Beams Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons;无粘结预应力混凝土梁的非线性分析

15.On construction technology of the unbonded prestressing hollow floor浅谈无粘结预应力空心楼盖施工技术

16.Construction Technique of On-in-situ Unbonded Prestressed Hollow Floor现浇无粘结预应力空心楼盖施工技术

17.Laws of stress increment in unbonded tendons in concrete beams and slabs at serviceability stage混凝土梁板中无粘结筋应力增长规律

18.Application of Frictional Prestressing Technology in Silo Structures for Coal Storage无粘结预应力技术在储煤筒仓结构中的应用


bonding stress粘结应力

1.Reformation forbonding stress of section of FRP strengthening RC girder;FRP加固RC梁界面粘结应力值的修正

2.On the basis of ignoring the self characteristic of gum and the deformation of concrete,it builds the basic equation of setting up bar bonding anchorage,analyses and researches the problems of bonding anchorage of the distribute of setting up barbonding stress,the calculation of limited bearing and the decide of basic length of anchor,and it has big reference meaning.在忽略胶自身特点和混凝土变形的基础上,建立了植筋粘结锚固的基本方程,并对植筋粘结应力的分布,极限承载力的计算,基本锚长的确定等粘结锚固问题进行了分析探索,具有较大的参考意义。

3)bond shear stress粘结剪应力

1.Study onbond shear stress of FRP reinforced glued laminated timber beams;FRP增强胶合木梁的粘结剪应力分析

4)shear stress粘结剪应力

1.An experimental method of bondshear stress is proposed to analyze distribution ofshear stress according to experimental results.根据试验结果 ,建立了纤维布端部粘结剪应力的试验分析方法 ,并对粘结剪应力的分布进行了分析。

5)dynamical bond stress动粘结应力

6)prestress without bond无粘结力预应力


轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)residual stresses in rollzhagun eanyu yingli轧辊残余应力(residual stresses in roll)见礼辐应力。
