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几何法 geometric method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-23 23:09:42


几何法 geometric method英语短句 例句大全

几何法,geometric method

1)geometric method几何法

1.The limit state equation is fitted by using neural network; the structural reliability is calculated by adoptinggeometric method; and the calculation formula of thegeometric method is deduced based on neural netword.利用神经网络拟合极限状态方程、几何法计算结构可靠度,并推导了基于神经网络的几何法计算公式。

2.Ageometric method for the reliability analysis for the drum in the three-georges ship eleva- tor is developed, which overcomes the shortcoming of reliability analysis based on traditional SFEM.用几何法分析了三峡升船机卷筒强度的可靠性,克服了传统随机有限元法分析的不足,计算中采用自编部分程序与有限元的通用程序SAP5相结合的方法,减小了自编程序的工作量。

3.Thegeometric method formula on the energy transfer for the explosive forming of the metal pipe is developed.导出了金属管爆炸成形估算炸药传递到工件表面能量的几何法公式,该法以炸药的比能为基础进行计算,避免了用能量法对大多数炸药都缺少能量常数C、G试验数据的困难,因而可扩大各种炸药在金属管爆炸成形中的实际应用,为炸药用量的估算提供了一简单、有效的手段。


1.geometric method of satellite geodesy卫星大地测量几何法

2.The Elements of Euclid and the Classical Axiom Method of Geometry欧几里得的《几何原本》及几何学古典公理法

3." Descriptive Geometry, Shadow and Perspective"画法几何与阴影透视

4.Descriptive Geometry & Mechanical Graphing画法几何及机械制图

5.Of or relating to geometry and its methods and principles.几何学的几何学及其方法、原理的,或与之有关的

6.An Example of Solving Analytic Geometry Problem With Higher Geometry Methods;用《高等几何》方法解决《解析几何》问题一例

7.Methods Adopting mathematical analysis and geometrical demonstration.方法使用数学分析与几何论证的方法。

8.Measurement of geometric quantities.测量法几何数量之测定方法

9.Methods of Improve the Robustness of Computational Geometry;提高计算几何算法健壮性方法的研究

10.What is constitution on earth;宪法究竟谓何——对宪法理解的几点反思

11.Illustration the Enlightenment of Analysis Method onSynthetic Method in Solution Elementary Geometry;例谈解析法诱导综合法解初等几何题

12.A Way of Distinguishing the Visibility on Escriptive Geometry;画法几何中“可见性”判别的一种方法

13.Study on Problem-solving Methods for Descriptive Geometry Based on Auto CAD基于Auto CAD的画法几何解题方法研究

14.How to Permeate Mathematical Thinking in Geometrical Theorem Teachfaig;谈在几何定理教学中如何渗透数学思想方法

15.The ways to theoretically determine the geomtric scheme of simple multiatom molecules;简单多原子分子几何构型理论判定的几种方法

16.The proof of some propositions on points collinearin elementary geometry with vector mothod;用向量法推证几个有关点共线的初等几何命题

17.Several Means go Solve the Converse Problem about Movement of Engineering Geometry;有关工程几何中求运动反问题的几种解法

18.Application of Vector to Solve Three-dimensional Geometric应用向量法解立体几何问题的几点探讨


geometrical method几何法

1.Special measuring steps were designed according to the principles of determining the fiber volume fraction, using thegeometrical method and threshold method.按照测定纤维体积含量的原理,设计了几何法和阀值法的测试步骤。

3)geometry method几何法

1.For a kind of acceleration problem of rigid body plane motion,through an acceleration vector polygon on the plane figure,the paper solves its angle acceleration and linear acceleration of a point with thegeometry method.对于一类刚体平面运动的加速度问题,通过所构建的平面图形上一点加速度矢量多边形图,用几何法求解图形角加速度及该点的线加速度,用实例与通常采用的投影法进行计算和比较,说明更加直观简便,亦可以直接由这种方法推导出的公式计算得到,而不必做出加速度矢量多边形图,此方法可作为投影法的深化和补充。

2.The battle damage probability model was established by usinggeometry method,and Monte-Carlo method was used for simulated calculation.用几何法建立了装备的战斗损伤概率模型,提出了利用蒙特卡罗法计算装备战斗损伤概率的方法,并通过计算机编程对模型进行了验证,获得了满意的结果,对装备战损研究具有一定的实际意义。


1.But it is intuitive and simple bygeometry instead of combinatory to compute probabilities of kinds of voting outcomes.用排列组合来计算对投票结果的预测,过程较复杂,而采用几何法代替组合学方法,计算各种投票结果出现的概率,方法简单直观。

2.The optimal points between the robot and the target position are determined bygeometry calculation.提出的路径规划方法通过几何法寻找机器人与目标点之间的优化点,连接这些点生成机器人到达目标点的一条无碰撞优化路径。

5)descriptive geometry画法几何

1.A teaching system ofdescriptive geometry based on AutoCAD;基于AutoCAD的可扩展的画法几何教学系统的开发

2.Research on teaching reform ofdescriptive geometry and architectural drawing;画法几何及建筑制图课程教学改革研究

3.A electronic teaching-system todescriptive geometry based on AutoCAD;基于AutoCAD平台的《画法几何》电子教学系统

6)geometric method几何方法

1.Ageometric method of qualitative analysis and stability analysis of plane dynamic system;动力系统定性性质和稳定性分析的一种几何方法

2.Study ofgeometric method for angle-of-arrival distribution according to phase fluctuation;由相位起伏分布推导到达角的几何方法研究

3.Ageometric method was discussed for detendning the orbit of satellites in double satellites position ing system.通过一个模拟的双星系统和一组模拟的观测值进行试算的结果表明,如果无测量误差时,对该系统用几何方法定轨的精度可以好于2m,但是当该系统的几何图形较差时,几何定轨方法对测量误差较为敏感,若测量的随机误差为10m,则定轨坐标分量的误差最大可达到400m。


