100字范文 > 县中模式 Model of the Rural Senior High School英语短句 例句大全

县中模式 Model of the Rural Senior High School英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-12 15:39:13


县中模式 Model of the Rural Senior High School英语短句 例句大全

县中模式,Model of the Rural Senior High School

1)Model of the Rural Senior High School县中模式

1.The paper is entitled "A Research on the Formulation Mechanism of Teachers\" TeachingEffectiveness--Thinking on AnotherModel of the Rural Senior High School", The main purposeof this paper is to research the formulation mechanism of teachers\" teaching effectiveness using the narrative method.本研究中的“县中”指的是,处于农村地区的、在生源质量、办学资源和师资水平等方面都处于不利地位的县一级行政区域内的中学,所谓“县中模式”是指江苏省部分区县的高中采用应试教学的模式取得高考丰收的做法。


1.The Research on the Solutions of the "Prisoners Dilemma" of the High Schools of "County Model";“县中模式”的囚徒困境及对策研究

2.Decision-making Pattern Innovation Discuss about Chinese Country Government in the Present Age;当代中国县级政府决策模式创新探讨

3.Discussion on Economic Development Model of the Island Counties in China--Take Nan ao County of Guangdong for Example;中国海岛县经济开发模式的探讨——以广东南澳县为例

4.Study on the Economic Development Pattern at County Level;典型城郊型县域经济发展模式探讨——以甘肃省榆中县为例

5.The Posibitity Reasearch of Club Pattern in Country Town High Middle School Extracurricular Sport Activitie;县城高中课外体育活动俱乐部模式可行性研究

6.On Government-guiding County Economy Management Mode in Developing Area;论政府主导型的发展中地区县域经济管理模式

7.Study on Patterns for the Vocational Education Center at County Level Facing the New Situation;新形势下县级职教中心办学模式的研究

8.The Innovation of County Government Administrative Model under the Condition of WTO Accession in China;加入WTO背景下的中国县级政府管理模式创新

9.The Shandong Model in County-level Economy Development: Characters,Contrasts and Strategies;县域经济发展中的山东模式:特征、比较与对策

10.Game Analysis of the Benefits in the Township and Village Governance Pattern of "County Government,Township Guidance,Village Autonomy";“县政·乡派·村治”乡村治理模式中的利益博弈

11.On the roles of the county governments in construction of the social harmony;和谐社会构建中县级政府职能转变的模式选择

12.Application of Symbol Mode to the Production Management of Power Supply Enterprise at County Level;“标示模式”在县级供电企业生产管理中的应用

13.Study on the Model of Land Use Planning in County Region of China;中国县域土地利用总体规划的模式研究

14.County Governing Commune-The Administration Pattern for China s Countryside in Future;县政乡社:中国农村治理模式的未来走向

15.In the Middle School Chemistry Teaching in Generating Action Research in Education巫山县中学化学预设生成教学模式研究

16.Analysis on the Experience Model of Present County Economics Development in China当前中国县域经济发展的经验模式探析

17.Developing Social Morality Education,Relying on the New Peasants And Constructing the Rural Hygiene Well:Citing the case of the experience of rural construction movement in Dingxian and Zouping;民国时期乡村卫生建设中的公德教育——定县、邹平县乡建模式的异中之同

18.Health Care Pursuits in Country Construction--Mode Established in Dingxian County s Experiment;乡村建设中的卫生保健工作——定县实验中建立的模式


county governing mode县级模式

3)Ding County Model定县模式

4)Qingxian country"s model青县模式

5)Planning patterns of a city and a county市县域规划模式

6)municipal (county) management pattern市(县)直管模式


