100字范文 > 胃超声造影 gastric ultrasound contrast英语短句 例句大全

胃超声造影 gastric ultrasound contrast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-24 15:10:13


胃超声造影 gastric ultrasound contrast英语短句 例句大全

胃超声造影,gastric ultrasound contrast

1)gastric ultrasound contrast胃超声造影

2)Ultrasonic graph examination胃超声造影检查

3)Oral ultrasonic contrast agent胃窗超声造影

1.Oral ultrasonic contrast agent applied in quantitative diagnosis of gastric carcinoma胃窗超声造影在胃癌定量诊断中的应用价值


1.Oral ultrasonic contrast agent applied in quantitative diagnosis of gastric carcinoma胃窗超声造影在胃癌定量诊断中的应用价值

2.Study of Oral Contrast Ultrasonography and Color Doppler Flow Imaging in Diagnosing Gastric Lesions经口服超声造影联合彩色多普勒超声对胃疾病的诊断研究

3.Value of color doppler sonography and oral contrast ultrasonographyic in the diagnosis of gastric Stromal tumor经口服超声造影彩色多普勒超声对胃间质瘤的诊断分析

4.Investigation of Ultrasound Contrast Sonogram on Acute Gastric Mucosa Injury in Dogs by Using the New Type Ultrasound Contrast Agent;新型造影剂在犬急性胃黏膜病变超声造影的实验研究

5.Gastroduodenal sonographic technigue and clinical significance with echogenic contrast agent胃十二指肠回声型造影剂超声检查方法及临床意义

6.Oral contrast-enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis and monitoring of stomach anastomotic fistula:a case report口服超声造影剂检查诊断与监测胃吻合口瘘1例报告

7.The clinical application of tissue hanrmonic-imaging technique in gastric carcinoma diagnosis谐波成像技术与胃窗造影在胃癌定量诊断中的应用

8.Application of Self-made Ultrasonographic Contrast Medium in Treating Rabbits" VX_2 Tumor with Acetate自制超声声学造影剂在超声造影指导乙酸治疗兔VX_2肿瘤中的应用

9.Ultrasonic and contrast-enhanced ultrasonic performance of severe acute enteritis: Case report急性重症肠炎超声及超声造影表现1例

10.Findings and diagnostic value of ultrasonography in complete duplex kidney二维超声与超声造影诊断完全性重复肾的比较

11.Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas:imaging features in ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound胰腺实性假乳头状瘤的超声及超声造影表现

12.Effects of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography on placental hemodynamics and structures超声造影对大鼠胎盘组织结构的影响

13.Effect of the aerosol produced by ultrasonic scalpel on tumor cell dissemination and seeding in the dissection of gastric cancer超声刀气雾对胃癌肿瘤细胞播散种植的影响

14.Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography of brest ductal carcinoma in situ :case report超声造影诊断乳腺导管内原位癌1例

15.Digital Simulation of Ultrasound Contrast Agents Bubble;超声造影剂微泡模型的数值仿真研究

16.Application of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Tumor;超声造影在肝肿瘤诊断中的应用研究

17.Contrast-enhanced Harmonic Sonography: Study in Renal Masses;肾脏肿瘤的灰阶(谐波)超声造影研究

18.Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound for Evaluation of Acute Renal Trauma: An Experimental Study;超声造影评价急性肾损伤的实验研究


Ultrasonic graph examination胃超声造影检查

3)Oral ultrasonic contrast agent胃窗超声造影

1.Oral ultrasonic contrast agent applied in quantitative diagnosis of gastric carcinoma胃窗超声造影在胃癌定量诊断中的应用价值

4)Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography超声造影

1.Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography improves diagnosis of renal VX2 tumor in rabbits;兔肾VX2肿瘤的超声造影实验研究

2.Effect of blunt hepatic trauma with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation by contrast-enhanced ultrasonography;超声造影评估经皮射频凝固治疗闭合性肝外伤的实验研究

3.Development in application of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in gynecology and obstetrics;超声造影在妇产科的研究及应用进展

5)contrast enhanced ultrasound超声造影

parison betweencontrast enhanced ultrasound and colour Doppler ultrasound differentiation diagnosis of hepatic tumors;超声造影与彩色多普勒超声在肝肿瘤诊断中的应用

2.Contrast enhanced ultrasound for diagnosis,therapy screening and treatment of abdominal parenchymal organ trauma;超声造影在腹部实脏器外伤诊断及治疗中的价值

3.Objective To evaluate the value ofcontrast enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis of small focal liver lesions in an early stage.目的探讨实时超声造影对肝内小占位性病变的早期诊断价值。

6)contrast-enhanced ultrasound超声造影

1.Quantitative evaluation of liver cirrhosis usingcontrast-enhanced ultrasound:an experimental study;超声造影对肝硬化定量诊断的实验研究

2.Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis of liver occupying lesion;超声造影对肝占位性病变的诊断价值

3.Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for assessment and follow-up of percutaneous quantified ethanol injection in hepatocellular carcinoma;超声造影对乙醇消融量化治疗肝癌疗效评判与随访价值


乐得胃 ,乐得 ,乐胃,胃速乐药物名称:乐得胃英文名:Roter别名: 乐得胃 ,乐得 ,乐胃,胃速乐外文名:Roter适应症: 用于治疗胃及十二指肠溃疡、胃炎、胃酸过多、神经性消化不良、胃灼热及痉挛等。国产的"乐胃"和胃速乐(weisrle)的组成、作用及用途与乐得胃相似。 用量用法: 口服:每次2片,每日3次,饭后嚼碎服,2~3个月为1疗程。疗程结束后,减低剂量,服维持量,每次1片,每日3次,连服2~3个月,其中可每日服1~3片。 注意事项: 服后无不良反应,服药期间大便呈黑色为正常现象。使用时忌食油腻食品和用餐过饱。胃酸缺乏者忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片含碱式硝酸铋0.3g,碳酸氢钠0.2g,碳酸镁0.4g,弗朗鼠李皮0.025g.类别:制酸药和抗消化性溃疡药
