100字范文 > 入境旅游产业结构 Structure of inbound tourism industry英语短句 例句大全

入境旅游产业结构 Structure of inbound tourism industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 12:02:51


入境旅游产业结构 Structure of inbound tourism industry英语短句 例句大全

入境旅游产业结构,Structure of inbound tourism industry

1)Structure of inbound tourism industry入境旅游产业结构


1.Structure and Optimization Measures of Inbound Tourism Industry of Shaanxi Province陕西省入境旅游产业结构分析与优化研究

2.Grey Correlational Analysis on Structure of Inbound Tourism Industry of China我国入境旅游产业结构的灰色关联度分析

3.Grey Correlational Analysis on the Structure of Inbound Tourism Industry: A Case Study on Anhui Province;入境旅游产业结构的灰色关联度分析——以安徽省为例

4.The Analysis On Consumption Structure and potential of Tourist --A study of foreign tourist arrivals tourism consumption;旅游者旅游消费结构及潜力分析——以入境旅游者旅游消费为例

paring analysis of expending overseas tourists and optimizing tourism product:A case study of Beijing and Xi′an;入境游客消费结构及旅游产品优化比较研究——以西安、北京为例

6.Scale Economy,Product Differentiation and the Evolution for Spatial Structure of China s Inbound Tourism;规模经济、产品差异化与中国入境旅游空间结构的变动

7.The Research on the Impact of Self-Driving Tour to Tourism Industrial Structure in Sichuan;四川自驾车旅游对旅游产业结构的影响研究

8.Analysis on the Structure and Optimization Measures of Tourism Industry in Xinjiang;新疆旅游产业结构分析及其优化对策

9.Analysis on Structural Efficiency of Tourism Industry in Huangshan City;黄山市旅游产业结构评价与优化分析

10.On the Structure and Optimization Measures of International Tourism Industry in Anhui Province;安徽省国际旅游产业结构分析与优化

11.The Analysis of the Benefits and Optimization of Tourism Industrial Structure in Zhangjiajie City张家界旅游产业结构效益分析与优化

12.A Comparative Study on Tourism Consumption Structure of Six Hot Inbound Tourism Cities in China;中国6大热点城市入境旅游消费结构比较研究

13.Research on the Structure of Inbound Tourism Market in Jiangsu Province based on SSM Analysis;基于SSM分析的江苏省入境旅游市场结构研究

14.The Analysis of Market Structure and Competitive State of Entry Tourism in Shandong;山东省入境旅游市场结构与竞争态势研究

15.An Analysis on the Consumption Structure and Interrelated Behavior Factors of Guilin Arrival Tourists;桂林入境旅游者消费结构及相关行为因素分析

16.A Case Study on the Evolvement of Spatial Structure of Guilin s Inbound Tourist Markets;桂林入境旅游客源市场结构演变规律研究

17.An Analysis of Tourist Structure in Shandong"s Inbound Tourism Market Based on SSM Method基于SSM方法的山东入境旅游市场结构分析

18.Analysis on the Conditions and Innate Quality of Tourism Industrialization in Beijing;北京旅游产业化的条件与素质分析──兼论旅游产业结构评价指标


inbound tourism industry入境旅游产业

1.Based on the grey correlational analysis in grey systems theory,this article analyzes the relation on the sectors ofinbound tourism industry and international tourism receipts in Anhui Province.运用灰色系统理论中的关联度分析方法,对安徽省入境旅游产业系统的各部门因素与旅游外汇收入之间的关联性进行分析,指出今后安徽入境旅游产业结构调整的基本方向和发展的重心。

3)the structure of tourism industry旅游产业结构

1.A case study onthe structure of tourism industry and counter-measures for its optimization;旅游产业结构分析与优化实证研究

4)structure of tourism industry旅游产业结构

5)Tourism Industrial Structure旅游产业结构

1.The current situation and the characteristics of tourism industrial structure in Zhangjiajie are analyzed,along with the facet of the benefit of tourism industrial structure,by using the quantification method such as shift-share method and grey relation system.从张家界旅游产业结构效益这一角度入手,利用偏离-份额、灰色系统关联等量化分析方法,分别分析张家界国内国际旅游产业结构现状和特征,并提出张家界旅游业结构优化的对策,为张家界旅游产业的可持续发展提供相关依据和参考建议。

6)tourism industry structure旅游产业结构

1.Based on the tourism statistical data integrative quantitative and optimized demonstration analysis of the internationaltourism industry structure of Guangdong province has been conducted from the view of the profession degree,integration degree and structure benefit with location entropy,structure multiformity indicator and shift-share method(SSM).以旅游统计数据为基础,通过区位熵、结构多样化指数和偏离-份额分析(SSM)等方法,从专业化程度、综合化程度和结构效益等方面对广东省国际旅游产业结构进行综合定量及优化实证分析。


