100字范文 > 概念理解 conceptual understanding英语短句 例句大全

概念理解 conceptual understanding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-27 16:43:20


概念理解 conceptual understanding英语短句 例句大全

概念理解,conceptual understanding

1)conceptual understanding概念理解

1.Using three self-designed tasks,this paper investigated the sixth gradersconceptual understanding about computational estimation in Chinese primary school.采用三种自行设计的任务考察了小学六年级儿童对估算的概念理解。


1.Time required to solve correctly five concept attainment problem.概念理解能力:要求准确理解5个概念的时间。

2.Research on the Students Understanding of Some Physics Concepts in Middle School and University;大中学生对一些物理概念理解的研究

3.A Preliminary Study on College Students Comprehension of the Conceptual of Electrostatics;大学生对静电学概念理解的初步研究

4.Theory and Practice of Teacher Professional Development Based on Collaboration;初中学生对函数概念理解的调查研究

5.A Case Study on the Middle School Pupil Comprehensive Strategy of the Electricity Concept;中学生电学概念理解策略的个案研究

6.The Investigation and Analysis of Middle-school Student to Electric Current Concept Understanding;中学生对电流概念理解的调查与分析

7.The Understanding of "Nature" of Natural and Ecologic Plant Landscape;自然生态式植物景观的“自然”概念理解

8.concepts beyond the reach of one"s intelligence本人不能理解的概念

9.One of the most fundamental concepts for understanding heat radiation is that of a black body.理解热辐射的最基本概念之一是黑体概念。

10.A slight understanding or vague idea or notion.略知,模糊概念浅显的理解、模糊的印象或概念

11.A Scientific Understanding and Theoretical Discriminating on the Concept of "Development";对“发展”概念的科学理解和理论辨析

12.On Senior Middle School Student Understanding of the Concept of Function from APOS Theory;从APOS理论看高中生对函数概念的理解

13.Understanding the Concept of Action in Giddens Structural Theory理解吉登斯结构化理论中的“行动”概念

14.It is a concept we in Western Europe understand.这个概念我们西欧是理解的。

15.Silbey." Maigret"s Law." Weber"s Concept of Understanding. Excerpt.〈马格丽特法则〉韦伯理解的概念》节录。

16.Understand the concept of" Depreciation" and the assumptions used to calculate depreciation.理解“折旧”概念和用于计算折旧的假设。

17.It is difficult to understand the concept of endless space.要理解浩瀚宇宙的概念是很难的。

18.In addition to making difficult concepts easy to understand,除了能使艰涩的概念变得容易理解,


concept understanding概念理解

1.Through the cognitive analysis of theconcept understanding blocks which occur during the student learning of m.数学概念学习中,概念理解是首要的;认知心理学研究表明,学生数学概念的获得是一个对概念心理表征的构建过程;相关的数学概念表征的调查研究也证明了数学概念表征与概念理解是相互促进、相互制约的;根据学生在数学概念学习中,对因概念表征缺失引起的概念理解障碍进行认知分析。

3)understanding concept理解概念

4)conceptual understanding概念性理解

5)science conceptual understanding科学概念理解

6)mathematical concepts understanding数学概念理解


